4.1 Define the activity of requirement elaboration in one sentence.
Describing the purpose of a system based on a problem statement
4.2 Why aren’t problem statements enough for developers to start coding (two bullets)?
Not detailed enough, Not complete
4.3 What is the contents (headlines) of a requirements specification?
4.4 Define the word requirement in one sentence.
Requirements describe the desired functionality in textual form
4.5 Who is responsible for setting up the initial set of requirements?
Product Owner, Stakeholder, SA, Business Analysts, Project Management
4.6 What are the two major categories of requirements and what do they stand for?
Functional requirements : a single function of a system, sub-system or component
Non-functional requirements: is not directly related to a function. These requirements define the general characteristics, behavior of the system, and features that affect the experience of the user.
4.7 What are the main activities in requirement elaboration?
Scenario identification, Use case identification, Actor identification, Use case refinement, Dependency identification, NFR alignment
4.8 Define constraints in one sentence.
special requirements that are used for compatibility reasons
4.9 What type of constraints could you encounter?
Integration constraints, Implementation constraints, Operation constraints, Legal constraints
4.10 What are the main (name at least three) differences between scenarios and use cases?
Scenarios are more detailed (formalisierung, NFR included)
4.11 Why is usability important (name two factors)?
Bad usability is a state quickly reached, It can have serious consequences, User Acceptance
4.12 Name three dimensions of usability and describe them shortly.
Learnability: Affordance of a user interface
Resilience: Graceful handling of errors by the system and appropriate communication in error situations
Satisfaction: Enjoyability of using a system
4.13 Describe the purpose of analysis in one sentence.
Create a model encompassing the whole system
4.14 Name three aspects that describe why analysis is difficult.
Different views, words, goals (user, developer, customer), understanding
4.15 What can you do to help with challenges during analysis (name two actions)?
Define clear roles & responsibilities, identify and chart the critical paths
4.16 Name and describe three analysis techniques.
Kick-Off -> Goal alignment
Workshop -> Topic specific meeting, can take multiple days
Brainstorming -> Issue based meeting, come up with as many proposals as possible
4.17 We have learned some advanced analysis techniques. What is the issue with using those?
They typically circumvent and destroy otherwise running processes
4.18 What UML diagram types could you use for requirements analysis (name three)?
Use case diagram, class diagram, sequence diagram
4.19 What are the main three elements of an object model?
entities, boundary, control
4.20 Describe the terms generalization and specialization in two sentences.
Identifies more abstract constructs from low-level ones (generalization), Identifies specialized constructs from high-level ones (specialization)
4.21 Describe Abbot’s method in one sentence. (Wird wichtig sein!!!!!)
method to identify entities, Objects, boundaries
4.22 Given the following functional requirement, apply Abbot’s method to identify classes, operations and associations. FR218 - Edit account: A user logged in as administrator can edit account details. Clicking on the user name of a customer will open the account details screen. On that screen the user name and address of the customer are displayed as labels that are clickable. Clicking the la- bel will make it editable so that the user can change the contents. The changed content will automatically be saved. 4.22.1 Depict this requirement as use case diagram. 4.22.2 Draw your result as class diagram (business domain). 4.23 Why don’t we just use the analysis object model for programming (name three reasons)?
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