Who does generally determine the upper bound to the size of frames/packets/datagrams/segmetns… ?
The data link layer
What are the MTU of ethernet II and IEEE 802.3 (WiFi)
Ethernet II -> 1500 B
IEEE 802.3 -> 1492 B
What is the minimum size of MTU (for data link layer)?
576 Bytes
What happens to an ip packet taht exceeds the MTU size?
requires fragmentation
of if DF flag set -> gets discarded
How is fragmentation conducted in an overview sense?
IP payload gets split into multiple splits
each payload of individual ip packet
each satisfies the MTU limit
Where is fragmentation conducted?
IPv4 -> Sender or intermediate node
IPv6 -> ONLY sender
Can packets be fragmented mutliple times?
How does fragmentation reassembly work?
reassembled directly at receiver (not inbetween)
buffers fragments
-> if no new fragments arrive (and not all fragments arrived yet) in a certain timeout period (usually 60-120s)
-> discard all fragments of the original datagram received so far
What fields in the IP header are involved in fragmentation (ipv4)?
total length
MF flags
fragment offset
What is the identification field in the IP header used for?
when packet gets fragmented
-> assign same ID to all fragments…
What is the fragment offset used for?
when packets get fragmented
-> are identified with identification
-> and ordered with the offset (describes position of fragment in original packet)
What is the MF flag used for?
indicates wether more fragments for this identification will arive
>-> if 0- -> knows this is the last fragment one needs before reassembly… (of coure if all previous packets already arrived…)
How is the size of fragments chosen?
must fit to the offset which is in multiple of 8B
-> can only be split in multiples of 8B…
How do TCP and UDP try to deal wiht fragmentation?
try to avoid
->TCP: set max size to smallest MTU on path
-> UDP: limit size to 512 bytes .> ensure that IP datagram smaller than minimum 576 byte…
Advantages disadvantages IP fragmentation?
offers flexibility to deal with heterogeneity on data link layer
involves significant processing overhead
if single fragment is lost, entire IP datagram needs to be rentransmitted
How does TCP determine the max size of a TCP segment?
used to be exchanged during 3-way handshake and set in the header -> indicating buffer size of host
need generally not be smaller than MTU - 40, as it can be fragmented on IP layer
in certain scenarios, computed comparing MTU of local ethernet interface - 40 bytes and the MSS from the 3-way handshake and use the min of the two values
PMTUD (path mtu discovery) can be used and thus determine the MSS as the minimum of initial MSS and PMTUD - 40 bytes
What ICMP message gets returned when fragmentatino is required but DF is set?
destination unreachable with code indicating fragmentation needed
type 3 code 4
What happens when a router has to fragment an IP packet but the df flag is set?
drop packet and send ICMP packet beginning with 0x0304 (type3 code 4)
What is the DNS?
domain name system
decentralized naming scheme for resources connected to the inernet or a private network
What is DNS based on?
hierarchical tree-like structure called domain namespace
What important terms are there in the context of DNS?
domain name
What is a domain?
administrative entities
-> within the internet:
set of network addresses and the corresponding hardware
administered by single authority (beside the rt domain)
can be identified by an identification string named domain name (e.g. “de”-domain)
What are subdomains?
the further dividion of domains
-> e.g. domain de
sub-domains: tum.de; moodle.de;…
=> autonomous domains that may be administered by different authorities from the domain above
What are the usual layers in the tree-like DNS name space structure?
root domain (level 0)
top level domains (level 1; e.g. de, com, org, net,…)
second level domains (subdomains of the top-level domains)
-> everything below has no specific name…
What types of TLD exist?
What are labels?
the individual parts of a fully qualified domain name
e.g. www.tum.de. -> labels www, tum, de
Is there a single authority controlling all root servers? How many root servers are there=
not a single authority controlling root servers
13 root serveres (with more physical instances…)
What are two essential parts of DNS? (in terms of hardware)
name servers
What is responsibility of nameservers?
server programs which hold infrmatoinp about the domain tree’s structure and set information
a particula nameserver has complete information about a subset of the domain space
said to be the authority for these parts of the namespace
=> NS is authorative for zones
has also domain name and IP address
What is the functionality of a NS?
must be able to serve queries addressing the name space it is respobsible for
=> helos with address resolution process within the subtree it is authorative of
What are zones in the context of DNS?
complete database for a “pruned” and contiguous subtree of the domain space
=> partitioned at points where a particular organization wants to take over control of a subtree… (-> resulting in a zone…)
What can the organization controlling a zone do?
change data in zone
grow new tree sections connected to the zone
delete existing nodes
delegate new subszones under its zone
Where is the zone completely described in=
zone file on the nameserver
consists of set of resource records
How many zones can a single nameserver host?
What does a RR in a zone file describe?
identifies specific resource (e.g. FQDN)
holds different entries
resource record name (FQDN)
record TTL
resource record type
resource record class (for us, only internet IN is relevant…)
resource data
What are common RR type fields?
What is the first entry in every zone file?
must be SOA record
-> start of authority
contains global parameters for the zone
name of the zone
name server that holds the zonefile
several update timers
Can a zone file have multiple SOA entries?
no !
-> must have exactly one…
What is zone delegation?
zone starts at certain domain and extends donward in the tree to the leaf nodes or TLD of sub domains where other tones start (-> thus may only contain pruned subtree of DNS name space)
=> each zone requires NS which responds authorative for queries addressed to domain names within zone
=> delegating the authority of sub-zones to other NS
=> this delegation has to be registered in the superior zone by adding RR of the type NS to the zone file of the superior zone
-> containts fields for the domain name of the NS and the corresponding IP address
-> e.g. zone tum.de
sub-zone delegation (in zone file of tum.de)
ns.in.tum.de NS IP_of_ns_in_tum_de_nameserver
Can domains be part of more than one zone?
Is domain and zone the same?
-> e.g. domain is tum
and zone is e.g. in.tum; net.in.tum; …
Can a zone managed by a name server contain multiple domains?
Can a name server be authorative for multiple zones?
Example of domain being part of more than one zone
-> part of zone net; in; tum; de; root
=> one domain 5 zones…
Where is a DNS zone defined?
in the zone file of its authorative nameserver
What are the main units of DNS?
domain name space
do authorative name servers (ASN) cache?
yes, they can
Is each zone assigned to exaclty one ANS?
no -> each zone is assigned to at least one ANS
What are ANSs authorative for?
for the zones defined in the zone files in the ANSs DNS database
What are resolvers?
programs that interface users programs to domain name servers
What is the basic task of a resolver?
formulate a query which will answer the clients request
and direct that query to name servers wichi can provide the information
What are performacne goals of resolvers?
maximize probability that the request ins answered
minimize the time that the request takes
avoid excessive transmissions
What are the resolvers steps to a client request?
examine its cache for relevant entry
first look for e.g. info.tum.de
then if no entry is there, look for tum.de
then .de
then .
if no cache entry matches, start with list of name servers to query
all NS RRs which correspond to the nearest ancestor zone that the resolver knows about i.e. .de if cached…)
to avoid startup problems -> resolver should have set of default servers which it will ask in case it has no current NS RRs which are appropriate…
Send out query to that NS
What is the recursive part of domain name resolution and what the iterative part?
recursive: between client and resolver
iterative: between the reolver and the NSs
How is the resolving (on the iterative side) proceeded?
if a A record is answered, reply it to client
if delegated to other NS, cache the result and query next NS
What is the difference between iterative and recursive DNS queries?
in iterative queries, the DNS client/resolver iteratively asks name servers
in recursive queries, this is done by the name server
=> iterative: NS replies either with IP od IP of NS that might know the IP
=> Recursive: NS returns IP or an error if it does not know the IP it asks other NS that may know it
What can DNS also be used for?
load balancing
-> e.g round robin resolve the FQDN to different IP addresses to servers that are copies of each other…
How is the structure of NS in the whole DNS?
hughe number of servers
highly distributed
organized in hierarchical topology
What is a reverse query?
get the friendly name for the IP address
What is web caching?
web caches closer to client temporarily store data that was recently requested and many users are still requesting (e.g. static HTML pages and file transfer)
-> these web caches than handle the requests for this frequently accessed data in a more time and resource efficient manner…
Benefits of web caching?
reduced network load
reduced server load
reduced latency
web cahces can be deployed anywhere, e.g. at the local ISP
What are the main ways to deloy web caches?
forward proxy
reverse proxy
How do forward proxys work?
proxy acts on behalf of the client
-> helps the client to get the desired content (also called avatar or delegate)
-> forward proxy should be close to the client
How do reverse proxys work?
proxy acts on behalf of server
helps the server to deliver data (also called surrogate)
-> can be deployed either in front of the server or at the network edge
What has a web cache to implement?
caching policy
-> decides what documents to delete in case the cache is full and new data has to be stored
What cache policies are typical?
last recently used (LRU)
last frequently used (LFU)
What is cache consistency?
has to check if data stored is up to date
-> can be done using HTML conditional GET request (standard get request with “if-modified-since:<date>”)
-> sometimes web servers provide information when a document expires
-> today this ifnromatino is usually only given when the document must not be cached and expires immediately…
What are possible disadvantages of web caching?
security issues (web caches that respond to DNS queries usually not authorative for requested domain; caches can be poisoned)
web cache (may) provide outdated data (no cache consistency)
How does DNS load balancing work?
NS have several entries for same domain
-> e.g. resolve them round robin (first respond with IP 1, then IP2,…
-> requesting same domain results in different IP of NS that cache the same thing…
or distribute content and servers locally globally
-> NS in different countriese may answer with different IPs located closer to client resulting in more responsive replies
=> e.g. resolving netflix in asia results in IP to netflix server in asia and not in europe…
Why use DNS?
IP addresses are hard to remember for humans
-> map symbolic names to addresses
How are names locally mapped to IP addresses?
/etc/hosts file
How to get a FQDN?
label concatenation on path from a leaf to rood node
What functions can NS fulfill=?
authorative name server
How to have multiple NS for a zone?
usually primary and secondary NS
-> syncronize with zone transfer (transfer zone file…)
Why use primary and secondary NS?
avoid disappearance of zone in case of outage
What are glue records?
-> you e.g. have a NS entry (RDATA is FQDN of NS)
-> to resolve it, you need glue record that provides the IP address of this nameserver (A or AAAA entry…)
What would happen if there are no glue records=
start to resolve the ns -> resolve loop…
What is the layout of a DNS packet?
DNS Header (ID, flags, number of RRs)
== records ==
What is part of a DNS header?
OR (query or response)
authorative answer?
Recursion desired
Recursion available
4 bit response code -> no error, name error, sever failure, refused
What are the different parts of the records in a DNS packet?
query: only one record with owner, type, class
answer: answers RR
authorative section: name server delegation
additional section: glue refcords…
packet size limited to 512 octets
How do recursive queries work=
Client -> NS1
NS1 -> NS2
NS2 -> NS3
NS3 -> NS4
NS4 finds A record
NS4 -> NS3
NS3 -> NS2
NS2 -> NS1
NS1 -> Client
How do iterative queries work?
NS1 -> Client go to NS2
Cient -> NS2
NS2 -> Client go to NS3
Client -> NS3
NS3 -> Client go to NS4
Client -> NS4
NS4 -> Client, A record to query is…
How does cache poisoning in DNS work?
send many packets with fake responses to resolver
spoofed source iP -> address of an authorative nameserver
try to answer query before the legitimate server does
=> Counter: randomize as much as possible (source port, query id,…)
How does DDoS in DNS work?
send queries with spoofed source addres to open resolvers
spoofed source address is attack target
queries with high amplification factor
=> counter: no open resolvers, ingress filtering
What is DNSSEC?
security extension to DNS
Wha functionalities does DNSSEC add?
data origin authentication
data integrity
no confidentiality
inside the protocol, no additional layer…
no flag day
Basic idea DNSSEC?
signatures with pub key crypto
zone owners sings RRsets offline using private key
fulll resolvers verify signatures using pub key
=> how do we know that signing key really belongs to zone owner?
What new RR types are introduced by DNSSEC?
RRSIG -> signature over RRset
DS (delegation signer) : hash of pub key
DNSKEY: pub key
NSEC, NSEC3: for nonexisting domains
What header bits are introduced by DNSSEC?
CD checking disabled -> request delivery of DNSSEC records
AD andwer authenticated: DNSSEC succesfully verified
What are the EDNS
Vorlesung anschauen!!!
How does PMTU discovery work?
option -M want in ping
begin by sending packet with DF bit
-> get answer with fragmentation needed and max MTU size of that node
-> send packet with that size and DF bit
-> and so on until again MTU has to be adjusted or echo reply…
=> used MTU size stored in PLPTMU (packetization layer path mtu) value
IPv6 fragmentation header fields?
same as IPv4 plus next header
-> id, offset, M flag(last fragment = 1; more follow = 0)
Difference fragmentation UDP/TCP?
=> fragmentaiton happens at layer 3 thus invisible for TCP / UDP
Does a pc has to know IPs of root nodes? where are they?
yes, if it acts as resolver… (else can ask resoler specified in resolv.conf)
-> in roots.hints file…
What is the meaning of each entry in a SOA record?
TTL: time in seconds a client/resolver/NS may hold SOA file in cache after querying it; when hits 0, should be queried again
. -> what zone is the SOA file associated with?
IN -> class internet
Type: SOA
MNAME: domain name of authorative name server
RNAME: mail of administrator responsible for the zone
serial number -> in case slave is used -> if file is updated, serial number increases allows to see wether cached is up to date or wether to intialize zone transfer
refresh timer -> for slave, when hits 0 should be queried again
retry timer -> how much time should pass before try to query master after previously failed query where master did not respond
expire timer: after when SOA is invalid/expired in case refresh not possible (master does not respond) -> should not answer queries anymore when hits 0
negative caching -> allowed time for caching negative entries (meaning query failed -> cache that it failed -> only assum the failed response until timer hits 0) e.g. nodata
What may be a disadvantage of the hierarchical system in DNS?
can get quite large
-> e.g. not every domain level requires own authorative name server to solve this… -> decreases number of requiured iterative resolves
What entries are preffered if you have IPv4 AND IPv6 (A and AAAA) records for the same resource?
prefer IPv6
What ICMP when fragments get discarded?
type 11 code 0 -> fragmentation assembly time exceed
Difference DHCPv6 vs SLAAC?
slaac configure itself based on prefix from router
DHCPv6 get dns information and full global unique adress…
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