Why do we market theory?
we do not have complete information
-> cannot run simple optimization problem…
=> decision making process is decentralized as we have multiple entities participating…
What is the idea of the invisible hand? Does it hold true?
market regulates itself…
does not always hold completely true -> needs markted design etc.
What does the invisible hand disregard?
strategic behavior
-> requires game theory…
What is a static game?
also called simultaneous move game
-> each player chooses action
-> without knowing what the other players chose
What is a game with complete information?
every player knows the payoff resulting in the choices of the different players (we know each possible outcome that can happen…)
Explain the TCP User’s game
two people using TCP
Congestion control
correct implementatoin: do congestion control
defective implementation: dont backoff with congestion control but keep / increase sending rate…
=> 2 possible strategies:
C (use correct implementation)
D (use defective -> better result if other uses correct…)
Describe the outcome of the TCP user’s game. What is the representation type called?
bimatrix representation
-> row actions user 1
-> columns actions user 2
C x C -> average delay 1ms
D x D -> delay 3 ms for both
C x D / D x C -> C no delay, D 4 ms delay
Again explanation bimatrix
row : your actions (row player)
columns: other player (column player)
(R x C) -> (Payoff Row player x Payoff Column Player)
bimatrix in general:
matrix of payoff tuples
How are payoffs calculated?
xT R y for player 1
xT C y for player 2
-> where x is player 1s strategy and y player 2s strategy ([0,0,1,0,0,..,0]…)
What are normal gauss form games?
Show every players utility for every state
-> states depending on players combined actions…
What options to analyze static games exist?
normal form games
pure and mixed strategy
nash equilibrium
computation of nash equilibria
How can one analyze dynamic games?
extensive-form games
subgame-perfect equilibrium
How can one model and design games with incomplete information about players?
bayesian games
bayesian nash equilibrium
ex-post nash equilibrium
Formal definition normal form game
A (finite, n-person) normal form game is tuple (I, A, u)
I := finite set of n players, indexed by i
A = A1 x A2 x … x An := Ai is finite set of actions available to player i
vector a = (a1,…, an) element A called action profile
-> means, certain combinations of actions each player takes…
u = (u1, u2, …, un) where ui : A -> R => real-valued utility (or payoff) funtion for player i…
-> describes the utility for each rows in a for a cetain player (outcome based on combinations of all players actions..)
What are common-payoff games?
for every action profile
all players have same payoff
=> uj(a) = ui(a) for all a element A
Why are common payoff games also called pure coordination / team games?
each player has same utility for specific action profile
-> players want to play as team to get maximum payoff for all players…
=> coordinate on action maximally beneficial for all…
What is an example of a common payoff game?
two car drivers in country with no driving rules
-> can choose to drive right or left…
=> if drive on same side -> no payoff for both
-> if drive on different sides -> payoff of 1 for both
=> want to coordinate as this is maximal beneficial for both…
What are zero-sum / constant sum games?
primarily meaningful for 2 players
-> there exists a constant for each action profile A1 x A2 so that u1(a) = u2(a) = c
=> combined payoff is always the same…
e.g. one winner or one looser with win = loss…
What are possible strategies in normal-form games?
pure strategy
mixed strategy
What is a pure strategy?
select single action and play it
What is a mixed strategy?
let (I, A, u) be normal-form game
for any set of actions A, let Prod(A) be the set of all probability distributions over A
=> thus not pick definite action but have certain distribution to pick different actions…
=> mixed strategies of player i : Si = PROD(ai) => the prob distribution of the different actions…
=> results in set of mixed strategies (mixed strategy profiles) S1 x S2 x … x Sn
What is best response strategy?
suppose one knows opponents mixed / pure strategy
=> calculate probable payoff for each of your actions
=> pick the one with highest payoff…
How to reason about games?
single-agent decision theory
maximize agents expected payoff in given environment (optmal strategy)
multiple agents:
When is a game pareto dominated?
if a players payoff can be increased without reducing some others player payoff
Formal definition pareto domination
strategy profile s dominates strategy profile s’ if
for all i element I, ui(s) >= ui(s’) (utility stays at least the same)
and there is some j element I for which
uj(s) > uj(s’) -> at least one player has higher utility for strategy profile
What does pareto domination give in terms of ordeing? Is there a best stragegy profile in general?
partial ordering over strategy profiles
=> in general, not best strategy profile only set of incomparable optima…
Formal definition pareto optimality
strategy s if pareto optimal / strictly pareto efficient
if there is no strategy profile s’ element S that pareto dominates s
Is there always a pareto optimum?
yes -> at least one for every game
What happens in the pareto omtimality in terms of players strategies?
always play pure strategies
Where are all strategy profiles strictly pareto efficient?
zero-sum games
What point of view has pareto?
view from outside,
=> view on all players…
PoV pareto vs nash
pareto -> look from outside at whole game
nash -> look at games from players point of view
Basis when nash is required?
we do not know strategy profile of other players
=> else -> would we would simply maximize payoff and play pure strategy…
Formal definition best response
let s_-i be the strategy profile without i’s strategy
player i’s best response to s_-i is mixed strategy s*_i
so that ui(s*_i, s_-i) >= u(s_i, s_-i)
=> mixed strategy better than all pure strategies…
What is a problem with best response?
player does not generally know what strategies others will adopt…
=> best response not solution concept…
What is the definition of nash equilibium?
strategy profile s = (s1, s2,…, sn)
is a nash equilibrium if
for all agents i, s_i is best response to s_-i
=> meaning, that each player plays best response (maximize utility) for given other strategies…
Interpretation nash equilibrium?
even if players would know what action other players choose
-> would not change own action
Reversely, when is a strategy profile not in nash equilibrium?
when at least one individual would have incentive to deviate from the outcome (in case it knows other acitons…)
=> thus, given the other players strategies, there is no strategy than increases the players utility…. (for all players)
Difference to calculate pure-strategy nash equilibria vs mixed-strategy equilibria?
pure -> choose single action
mixed -> choose mixed strategy (probabilities…)
Is nash equilibrium a stable strategy profile?
-> yes (see intuition of nash equilibrium)
-> even if players would have knowledge -> would choose same strategy…
How to calculate mixed strategy given different utilities for nash?
assume other player plays 1 with p and 2 with (1-p)
=> calculate indifference
choose mixes strategy in such a way that the probabilities for other player are the same regardless of your choice…
What is the equilibrium seleciton problem?
more than one equilibrium
=> no equilibrium outcome will happen if players aim at different equilibria…
What are anti-coordination games?
mutually beneficial for players if they choose different strategies…
How can strategy profiles be understood in a graphical way / analytical way?
strategy profile (x,y)
point in a (n+m-2) dimensional space
=> for each strategy profile, one can compute gradients for row and column player…
What are nash equilibria in the space ? (analytical)
fix points in vector field of gradient (no change…)
Nash theorem
every game with
finite number of players
finite number of action profiles
has at least one (mixed) nash equilibrium
Can the utility of mixes NE be different from pure NE?
What is the definition of kakutani’s fixed point theorem?
let S be set of tuples of mixed strategies chosen by each player
let f(s) associate each such tuple with a new tuple where each players strategy is its best response to other players strategies in s
then f has a fixed point in S with s element f(s)
=> basically, even knowing others strategies, all will stay at their own strategy
=> mathematical basis of nash theorem…
What is equilibrium selection?
can be multiple equilibria
-> which one should you chose?
-> how to do that
=> difficult problem!!!
When does a strategy strictly dominates another strategy of player i?
player i’s strategy s_i strictly dominates s’_i if for any
s_-i :
ui(s_i, s_-i) > ui(s’_i, s_-i)
=> basically:
the strategy s leads to a real higher utility (> not >=) compared to all other possible strategies given the rest of the action profile remains the same (other players…)
When does a strategy weakly dominates another strategy of player i?
strategy results in at least same utility compared to all others (given same aciton profile of other players)
and is real greater than some
What is iterted dominance?
remove (strictly / weakly) dominated strategy, repeat
=> equilibrium in strictly dominant strategies necessarily unique nash equilibrium…
Is iterated elimination path independent?
iterated weak dominant
-> path dependent…
=> sequence of eliinations may determine which solutions we get (if any)
iterated strict dominance
path independent!!!
Is every equilibrium by eliminating dominated strategies a nash equilibrium=
may not be only one
Are nash equilibria pareto optimal?
not necessarily…
What is iterated best response?
sequential (pure) best response strategy…
=> start at one player and choose best response
-> do the same for the other….
Does iterated best response have to find a nash equilibrium (assuming it exists)?
no, it might cycle…
What is a fictitious play?
begin by playing sth random
next time, play based under assumption that other player follows its empirical frequencies
Do fictitious plays converge? What is there?
if converge -> nash equilibrium
but can fail to converge…
What is the difference between complete informatino, perfect information and incomplete information?
complete information
players know about all other players, their actions and payoffs
perfect informaiton
used in extensive form games -> players know all pervious moves
imperfect games
players only have beliefs about previous moves (thus have to use bayesian games)
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