
International Law Cases

von Henrik H.

Solution Case 1:

1. Jurisdiction

Question 1: Where can N sue G? Are Brazilian or German courts competent to decide the case? What happens if N brings the law suit in front of courts in Brazil or in Germany, respectively?

a. Germany If N brings the law suit in front of a court in Germany the German judge will look at the German International Procedural Law to determine whether German courts have jurisdiction over this case. The EU has unified this area with the Regulation (EC) 1215/2012, commonly referred to as the “Brussels Ia Regulation”. Pursuant to Art. 25 I of this Regulation, an agreement by the parties that a certain member state of the EU shall have jurisdiction over their contractual relationship is in principle recognised and valid. Besides, had the parties not agreed on the competent courts, the Brussels Ia Regulation would state that the courts at the statutory seat or central registration of the defendant (=G) are competent (Art. 4 I, 63 Brussels Ia Regulation). Therefore, German courts have jurisdiction. N can sue G in Germany.

b. Brazil If N brings the law suit in front of a court in Brazil the Brazilian judge will look at the Brazilian International Procedural Law to determine whether courts in Brazil have jurisdiction over this case. Of course, the Brazilian courts are not bound by European law. Pursuant to Art. 88 II of the Código Processo Civil (the Brazilian Civil Procedure Code), Brazilian courts have jurisdiction if the place of performance under the contract is in Brazil. N and G have agreed that the power plant shall be built in São Paulo. Therefore, the Brazilian courts are competent to decide this case. In principle, Art. 111 Brazilian Civil Procedure Code acknowledges an agreement by the parties on a foreign court. However, the prevailing view of Brazilian courts is that such a prorogation is not exclusive so that Brazilian courts are also competent to decide the case. As a result, N is able to file a law suit also in Brazil.

2. Applicable Law

Question 2: Which law applies to the contractual relationship between N and G? You will note that this a question to be strictly separated from question 1. German courts will not automatically apply the Bürgerliches Gesetzbuch, and the courts in Brazil will not automatically apply the Código Civil. Courts may also apply the law of another country.

a. Germany If N brings the law suit in front of a court in Germany, (unless there is a unified international law such as the CISG) the German judge will look at German Private International Law (=conflict of laws) to determine the law applicable to N’s and G’s contract. Again, the EU has unified Private International Law for certain contracts with the Regulation (EC) 493/2008, commonly referred to as the “Rome I Regulation”. Art. 3 I of this Regulation allows the parties in principle to freely choose the applicable law. Therefore, N’s and G’s agreement on German law is valid. Besides, had the parties not made a choice of law, Art. 4 I (b) of the Rome I Regulation would classify this as a service contract. Service contracts are governed by the laws of the country where the service provider has its statutory seat or principal place of business. In this case, this is G. G has his business in Germany. Therefore, German law applies to this case.

b. Brazil If N brings the law suit in front of a court in Brazil the Brazilian judge will look at the Brazilian International Private Law to determine the applicable law. Brazilian International Private Law is contained in the Brazilian Introductory Act to the Brazilian Civil Code. Art. 9 I of this Act states that an international contract shall be governed by the laws of the state where the contract was entered into. G and N signed their construction contract in São Paulo. Therefore, the contract is governed by Brazilian law. In contrast to the Rome I Regulation, Brazilian International Private Law does not acknowledge a choice of law. Despite the agreement by N and G on German law, Brazilian law governs the contract. This means that there is a defective choice of law because it is accepted by Germany but not by Brazil

3. Application of the law

Question 3: What does the applicable law (=substantive law) say? Once we have determined which law applies, e.g. German law, we have to apply it to the case, i.e. to determine whether N has a claim for default of € 1.5 million against N, e.g. pursuant to s. 280 of the German Civil Code.

4. Enforcement

Question 4: Assuming N has successfully sued G in front of a court in São Paulo and obtained a title (a judgment), how and where can this be enforced? Of course, a judgment by a Brazilian court can be enforced in Brazil using Brazilian authorities but this is only relevant for G if he has assets in Brazil which may be subject to enforcement. In Germany, a judgment by a non-EU-state may be enforced under the conditions of s. 723, 328 I of the German Civil Procedure Code (Zivilprozessordnung - ZPO). Since from a German perspective (“mirror principle”), the Brazilian courts did not have jurisdiction, the Brazilian judgment will most probably not be enforceable in Germany.

Case 2: Shōchū (焼酎)

The Japanese Liquor Tax Law established a system of internal taxes applicable to all liquors at different tax rates depending on which category they fell within. The tax law at issue taxed shōchū at a lower rate than certain other products such as vodka, whisky, brandy, gin or rum. In 1994, the (then) European Communities considered this a violation of GATT rules and requested consultations with Japan under the GATT concerning these internal taxes which were later joined by the USA and Canada. When the parties weren‘t able to reach a mutually accepted solution, the European Communities, Canada and the USA requested the WTO‘s Dispute Settlement Body to establish a panel.

1. How do you think did the Dispute Settlement Panel (and subsequently the Appellate Body) decide?

2. The Swedish citizen Freja (F) who lives in Kyoto is very unhappy that she has to pay so much more for her favorite vodka as compared to shōchū. Can she take action against this?

National treatment, Art. III GATT:

„1. The contracting parties recognize that internal taxes and other internal charges, and laws, regulations and requirements affecting the internal sale, offering for sale, purchase, transportation, distribution or use of products, and internal quantitative regulations requiring the mixture, processing or use of products in specified amounts or proportions, should not be applied to imported or domestic products so as to afford protection to domestic production.

2. The products of the territory of any contracting party imported into the territory of any other contracting party shall not be subject, directly or indirectly, to internal taxes or other internal charges of any kind in excess of those applied, directly or indirectly, to like domestic products. Moreover, no contracting party shall otherwise apply internal taxes or other internal charges to imported or domestic products in a manner contrary to the principles set forth in paragraph 1.” Interpretation Note to Art. III:2 GATT : „A tax conforming to the requirements of the first sentence of paragraph 2 would be considered to be inconsistent with the provisions of the second sentence only in cases where competition was involved between, on the one hand, the taxed product and, on the other hand, a directly competitive or substitutable product which was not similarly taxed.“


Henrik H.


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