What is the difference of static vs dynamic games?
players take actions simultaneously
complete known payoffs
sense of equilibrium or stable outcomes
take actions in turns…
How are dynamic games typically modeled?
extensive (or tree) form
-> makes temporal structure explicit…
-> different actions and what is done based on these actions…
Are there normal forms for dynamic games? Drawbacks?
much larger
equilibria in normal form might be counterintuitive
How are perfect information games (in extensive form) represented?
nodes represent choice of one of the players
edge represents possible action
leaves represent final outcomes over which each player has a utility function
What is a pure strategy in perfect-information dynamic games?
complete specifictaion
of which deterministic action to take
at every node belonging to that player
How is. a perfect-information game (in extensive form) formally described?
tuple (N, H, A, u)
N =: set of players
H := (Union _i elenent N(H_i)) Union T
partitioned set of histories
elements are the sequence of actions taken by players
Hi are the sequences after which player i takes an action while the set T of terminal leaf nodes are the set of outcomes
A := A1 x A2 x … x An
set of pure action profiles
each ai element Ai
is a function ai : hi element Hi -> ai (hi) -> specifying action taken by player i for every history they move
u := (ui:T->R) -> payoffs to the players for each outcome of the game
Briefly explain the elements of perfect information games again
we have set of players N
the union of histories of each player
where the individual histories i denote the sequences after which a player takes the next turn…
unioned with possible outcomes
=> sub-trees…
action profiles that map histories to next actions
and utility function over al possible outcomes for each player
How do we convert perfect information games to normal form?
specify the different actions the players can take (e.g. first player C, W; second player CC, CW, WC, WW)
-> build matrix from it (even if it theoretically does not make sense to combine C and WC…)
=> assign the outcomes based on action of player 1 and second action of player 2 (right of the actoins is player 1s action (e.g. WC -> player 1 wait, player 2 cross)
What might be counterintuitive with normal form of converted extensive form game?
does not really take temporal relation into consideration
-> we can have equilibria depending on non-credible threats (meaning player 1 chooses sth to avoid a bad outcome, like crossing the street, as it knows that crossing is the best action for player 2… (unless player 1 starts to cross) => which should be captured as we have temporal hierarchy in dynamic game…
What is a sub-game?
given perfect information extensive form game G
-> sub game of G rooted at h
-> is restriction of game G to the descendants of h
=> set of subgames consist of all subgames of G rooted at some node in G (-> basically a sub-tree…)
How can one define nash equilibria to remove the dependence on non-credible threats?
only consider sub-game perfect equilibria
What are sub-game perfect equilibria?
all strategy profiles of game G
such that for any sumgame G’ of G
the restriction of s to G’
is nash equilibrium of G’
=> basically prune sub-trees from non-nash equilibria…
=> so for SGE strategy s holds, that s is nash equilibrium in sub-tree (of course considering the removed actions corresponding to the part not in the sub-tree)
What has every perfect-information game?
at least 1 subgame perfect equilibrium
Is every SPE a nash equilibrium?
yes -> as G is a subtree of itself !!
What is backward induction?
method to find SPE (subgame perfect equilibria) from bottom up…
How to conduct backward induction?
identify equilibria in botto-most subgame trees
assume they’ll be played
back up in larger tree
label upper node where i plays with utility vector of its children (basically choose highest utility for current player and use this utility for the previous node and than repeat for higher layers while marking the edge that was taken each time…
What is a limitation of backward induction?
what to do with ties?
multiple equilibria possible -> can again face equilibrium selection problem…
What are bayesian games with incomplete information?
players are uncertain about game being played
represent this uncertainty as probability distribution over set of possible games (or payoffs of players)
Under what assumption do we model uncertainty about games?
all gmes have same number of agents and same strategy space
only payoff (types) can be different
common prior assumption
probability distribution over games is common knowledge…
How is a bayesian game (types) formally defined?
tuple (I, A, Sigma, F, u)
I := set of agents
A = A1 x A2 x … x An -> ai set of actions available to player i
Sigma = Sigma 1 x … x Sigma n
sigma i is type space of player i (each player has probability distribution of what type it is…)
F: Sigma -> [0,1]
common prior over types (known probability distribution over types…)
u = (u1, …, un) where ui : A x Sigma -> R => utility function for player i based on the action and player type
How are bayesian games and copmared to normal form games?
straigth forward extension by sigma and F
=> bayes nash equilibrium (BNE) also straightforward extension of NE
How is BNE extended from NE?
players maximize expected ex-ante (before the event) utility given types and strategies of other players
Does every finite bayesian game has a BNE?
What expresses the BNE?
probability distribution for actions of each player
=> condition action on realization of their type
=> no player should have incentive to deviate even after knowing their type
How to note down bayesian games?
bi-matrix for every sigma combination…
How to convert bayesian games to normal form?
matrix with each type and action combinations for all types for a player
e.g. type (1,2) aciton (U,D)
-> rows :
=> columns same for player 2
=> calculate expected utility for each combination…
(do this by calculating sum of each utility times probability…)
Problem convertign bayesian game to normal form?
blows up…
What is the ex-post equilibrium?
players wont deviate, even after knowing the other players types… (-> probability distribution of types doesnt matter…. could be one for a specific type…)
Difference BNE and ex post equilibrium?
BNE -> wont deviate even if they know their own type…
ex-post -> wont deviate even when knowig other players types…
Do ex post equilibria always exist?
What is the private information in bayesian games?
type -> knowledge of utility function about outcomes
common known prior distribution over types (compared: probability being type 1 is common knowledge, actual utliity being type1 is private informatino…)
How can players condidtion their strategy in bayesian games?
on their type
2 actions, based on what type they will get… => pure strategies..
What invariant holds in BNE?
each players strategy (for every type) is best response to other players strategies
-> in expectation with respect to the prior…
What does cooperative game theory deal with?
stable coalition formation
coaliions are useful as
can achieve things they cannot alone
can be more efficient than single ones
but must be strategically stable
no sub-coalition could do better by breaking off…
How are coalitional games informally defined?
N set of agents
Each subset (or coalition) S of agents -> can work together leading to various utliities for the agents
=> cooperative theory studies which outcome will/should materialize
key criteria:
stabiility: no coalition of agents should want to deviate from solution and go their own way
fairness: agents should be rewarded for what they contribute to the group
What are characteristic funtion games?
they have a specification of what each coalition of agents can achieve
-> transferable and non-transferable utilitiy
What is the difference between transferable and nontransferable utility?
each coalition has a single value for utility
=> can freely distribute the utility among the members of the coalition
e.g. {A,B} coalition has value of 4 -> can divide among themselves
each coalitoin has set of utility possibility vectors
e.g. {A,B} has vectors (1,2) and (3,1) -> fixed distribution of utility among members…
Formal definition coaliitonal game with transferable utility
pair (N,v)
N is finite set of players, indexed by i
v : 2^N -> R associates each coalition S (subset of N) a real-valued payff v(S) that coalitional members can distribute among themselves
v is called characteristic funtion with v(empty set) = 0
What is another expression for a coalitions payoff?
its worth
What answers does coalitional game theory tires to answer?
which coalition will form?
how should that coalition divide its payoff among its members?
What is the grand coalition?
coalitional game has a single coalition of all members….
What is a voting game?
different parties (each with different number of representatives)
vote e.g. on spending bill and how control of it is split among the parties
majority vote required to pass legislation
if bill doesnt pass (each outcome has less thatn 50 votes) -> every party gets 0
set of agents N
set of coalitions w subset 2^N that are winning coalitions
-> coalitions sufficient for passage of the bill if all its members choose to do so…
each coalition S element W we assign v(S) = a
all others v(S) = 0
What classes of coalitional games exist?
superadditive and additive
What are superadditive coalitional games?
payoff of union of disjunct coalitions is greater than sum of individual payoff
=> coalitions can always work together without negative interference and possibly positive interference
=> grand coalition has highest payoff among all coalitional structures
What are additive games?
no inference among disjoitn coalitions
=> sum of payoff of union of disjoint coalitions is equal the sum of the individual payoffs
=> no benefit by working together…
Basic difference additive and superadditive coalitional games?
additive: working together does not incrase total payoff
superadditive: working together can potentially increase overall payoff
What is a central question in coalitional game theory?
how to divide the payoff to the grand coalition among the agents?
Why focus on grand coalition?
many of most studiet games are superadditive
-> grand coalition achieves highest payoff from superadditive games
expet it to form…
agents may be forced to join - e.g. public projects often must include al participants…
How is the payof dividsion vector denotet?
dreizack(N,v) -> vecror giving shares of agents in grand coalition payoff
=> as agents are indiced with i
-> x is payoff distribution vector and xi (i-th element in x) is the share of agent i elemen N
How are payoffs denoted if utility is transferable?
each coalition simply has a value…
What answers does coalitional game theory provide?
which coalition will form
how should that coalition divide its payoff among its members…
What are and how are voting games modeled?
set of coalitions W (subset) 2 ^N -> that are winning coalitions (only those coalitions that actually ahve enough votes…)
each coalition S element W gets assigned v(S) = 1 and the others v(S) = 0
What is the differnce between superadditive and additive coalitional gamesß
superadditive -> there are positive effects when non-overlapping coalitions work together (their combined payoff is at least as much as the sum of their individual one…)
=> grand coalition has highest payoff
no (positive or negative) interference among disjoint coalitions…
=> given S, T (subset) N and S (schnitt) T = Empty set
superadditive: v(S U T) >= v(S) + v(T)
addditive: v(S U T) = v(S) + v(T)
What is the feasible payoff set?
contains all payoff vectors which don’t distribute more than the worth of the grand coaliiton…
=> {x | SUM x_i < v(N)}
=> as grand coalition has highest payoff… individuals cannot gain more when working individually than the whole grand coalition would get…
What is the pre-imputation set?
set of feasible payoffs that are efficient…
-> efficient := distribute the entire worht of the grand coalition…
=> {x | SUM x_i = v(N)}
What is the imputation set C?
conatins all payoffs in P (per-imputation set) where each agent gets at least what he would get when working alone (singleton coalition…)
C = {x € P | Forall i €N, x_I >= v({i})}
What is denoted by the core?
=> imputation set
=> when payment profiles are drawn from the core, agents have an incentive to form the grand coalition…
When is a payoff vector in the core?
Forall S (subset) N, Sum (i in S) x_i >= v(S)
=> thus, agents in each coalitoin get together at least as much as they would get alone….
How can one compute the core?
linear programming
=> promblem: number of constraints is exponential in number of players…
=> there is a set of theorems we can use…
What does the core provide in coalitinoal games?
a concept of stability…
How many payoff vectors does the core contain?
can be empty or contani more than one payoff vector
Give an example when we would have an empty core…
Parties A (45), B(25), C(15), D(15)
Sum of payoffs to B,C and D is <100M, this set of agents has incentive to deviate and form coalition with A
but if B,C and D get entire 100M, (A gets 0) -> A has incentive to form coalition with whichever of B,C and D got the least…
=> Core is empty, as grand coalition would not be stable, but parties would deviate from it…
Can a core be non-unique? Provide an example
=> No, core may not define unique payoff vector…
80% majority required
A(45), B(25), C(15), D(15)
-> Winning coalitions are {A,B,C}, {A,B,D}
-> all winning coalitions must have support of A and B
-> Any complete distributino of the 100M among A and B belongs to core -> as they HAVE to be in winning coalition…
( might be counerintuitive but formal definition holds… (alhgouth C and D would get nothing, but still at least as much as they would get alone (also 0)))
Give the theorems for fullness of core…
every non additive constant sum game has an empty core
every convex game has a nonempty core
in a simple game, the core is empty iff there is no veto player
What is a veto player?
V(N\{I}) = 0
=> coalitons can only win when including the veto player…
What are constant sum games in coalitional games?
Sum of worths of 2 coalitions that partition N equals worth of grand coalitino
=> partitioning grand coalition also partitions the wirht of the grand coalitino…
=> Forall S (subset) N
v(S) + v(N\S) = v(N)
Is every constant sum game additive?
but every additive game is constant sum…
What are convex coalitinoal games?
superadditive game with added condition
if subsets S,T of N do overlap
worth of their combination still at least as great as sum of their worths alone
even when we subtract awaay the worth of their overlap…
v(S U T) > v(S) + v(T) - v(𝑺 ∩ 𝑻)
When is a coalitional game simple?
coalitions payoff is either 0 or 1…
=> used to model voting simulations (e.g. pass or dont pass… (binary outcome))
Difference Game Theory, Social Choice Theory and Mechanism Design?
Game Theory
how do self-interested agend behave strategically in a game to maximize their utility?
Social Choice Theory
How can we aggregate preferences to reach a collective decision?
Mechanism Design
reverse game theory
how to design game which
knowing that all participants are self-interested agents
implements certain objectives in equilibrium (maximizes social welfare)
restricts the domain of preferences (e.g. payoff maximizatino)
How can one aggregate preferences of different agents?
voting rules
n voters and m alternatives
preference profile by each voter (ordered vector ranking of aletarnatives)
winning candidate
or aggregate ranking of all candidates
What is plurality voting?
vote does not need complete ranking -> may only consist of single alternative (what to vote for)
-> outcome is single winnner which is ranked 1st by number of votes
-> used in many countries to vote… (majority voting…)
What is approval voting?
input: voters specify subset of alternatives they approve (ranking irrelevant)
winner: alternative with highest approval score
=> compared to plurality voting -> more than one choice possible…
How does the borda rule work?
input: complete ranking (e.g. eurovision)
-> for each vote, each alternative receives m-1 points for 1, m-2 for second rank etc….
-> winner: alternative with greatest borda score vote
What is the condorcet criterion?
Candidate is condorcet winner -> if wins in pairwise comparision against all other alternatives (but might not win in pluarlity vote…)
=> and does not always exist…
What is the condorcet paradox?
pairwise election winners might induce cycle in societal rankings… (no total ordering possible)
What is the majority criterion?
if candidate ranked first by majority of votes -> candidate should win
=> not satisfied by all rules (e.g. borda…)
What is consistency in terms of voting?
if alternative is chosen from set of alternatives
-> then it is also chosen from al its subsets
=> e..g apple over oranges -> also holds for each voter…
=> plurality voting is not consistent…
What other voting rules exist?
pluraility with 2 candidate runoff
-> do regular plurality votind and then again vote with only previous first and secons place as legit alternative…
egalitarian (maximize minimum voters rank)
tournament solutions (based on pairwise majority relations)
What does May’s theorem say?
“2 alternatives are easy”
-> some properties are desirable in voting rules
-> anonymous -> names of voters irrelevant
-> neutral -> name of candidates irrelevant
-> monotonicity -> if particular candidate wins -> if voter improves its vote towards this candidate, the candidate still wins
with 2 candidates, voting rule is anonymous, neutral and monotonic if and only if it is the plurality vote
What is the difference between a social choice, social choice correspondence and social welfare function?
let O denote finite set of outcomes (or alternatives…)
let L^n be the set of preference orderings of a set I of n voters
social choice functoin:
over I and O
C: L^n -> O (produces outcome from set of prefecences of set of I voters)
social choice correspondence
C: L^n -> 2^O
returns set of canidates instead of single one
social welfare function
W: L^n -> L
takes orderings from different voters and returns single total ordering on set of alternatives O
What are some principles we would like to have for a social welfare function?
pareto efficiency (or unnaimity)
if al votes rank a above b -> then rule ranks a above b
independence of irrelevant alternatives (or IIA)
if rule ranks a above b for current voters
and if we then cnahge votes but do not change relative ordering of a and b in changed votes then a should still be ranked ahead of b
there does not exist a voter such that the rule simply always copies that voters ranking
What does arrows theorem state?
assume at least 3 alternatives
every social welfare funciton that satisfies pareto efficiency and IIA is dictatorial
Give an example where plurality voting is manipulable
voter prefers A > B > C
-> with truthful voting, B and C are tied
-> Thus, if voting with B > A > C, the voter can swing the outcome so that at least its second preffered choice wins…
What does the gibbard-satterthwaite impossibility theorem state?
supporse at least 3 candidates/alternatives
there exists no rule that is simultaneously:
onto (for every candidate there are some votes that would make that candidate win)
non dictatorial
and non manipulable (i.e. dominant strategy truthful)
What are the implications of arrows theorem?
proved taht all voting schemes can work badly at some timems -> most not work badly all of the time
domain covered is unrestricted but ordinal and mechanism deterministic (preference list )
-> cardinal voting schemes not covered (e.g. score voting)
=> cardinal conveys more informaiton than rank orders and may satisfy monotonicity, ocnsistency and IAA
=> Arrows consider only social welfare funcitons
How can one get around arrows impoossiblity theorem?
relax the properties
i.e. IIA, pareto optimality or consistency
rendom serial dictatorship
limit the domain
only two candidates
then plurailty vote is best after mays theorem
single peaked votes
allow for monetrary transfers and assume qualilinear utility funcitons (comes later in other lecture…)
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