Definition of the drag force
Drag components (4 fundamentals + 4 further)
Drag-components —> Differentiation by type of inflow
Typical drag differentiation for an commercial aircraft (by type and components)
Drag polar curve
Approximation of drag polar curve using drag coefficient
Definition boundary layer
Influencing variables of the boundary layer
Shear stress equation and reynolds number
Laminar and turbulent flow
Whats the critical reynolds number (height) and what other factors influence the characteristics of flow
Estimates for the friction coefficient
approximations of the friction coefficient of a flat plate
Further influencing parameters on flow
Determination of the friction coefficient
Estimation of the friction drag
Karman-Schoenherr equation
graphical solution
Definition of form drag
Name the reasons for a strong drop in form-drag for blunt bodies
The Raymer approximation for the form factor for form-drag of slim bodies
Describe the Vortex system of a wing with finite span
Explain lift-induced drag
Lift-induced drag
Applicable formulas
Prandtl ́s lifting-line theory
What can be determined/Calculated?
Assumptions and Limitations
Lift-induced drag with elliptical lift distribution
How is Wave-Drag generated?
What is the critical Mach number?
When does Wave-drag occur?
Name the two types of shock
What is the difference between those?
Pressure coefficient on airfoil
Standard formula
Isentropic flow
Prandtl-Gaulert transformation for the pressure coefficient
Which factor can be determined by iterative solution
The minimum pressure coefficient depends on which 3 Factors?
What increases the transonic drag?
What is the drag divergence Mach number?
Name the two components wave drag can be divided into
What increases these?
What is high-speed buffeting?
Name a possibility to reduce wave drag
What can be achieved by this method?
The area rule applies to?
The application of the area rule leads to?
Higher Mach numbers?
What is interference drag?
What causes pressure and friction drag due to interference?
Name two measures to reduce interference drag
What is the rule of thumb in this case?
Which areas are particularly vulnerable to increased interference drag?
What are suitable counter-measures?
Explain parasitic drag
Explain Trim-drag
Approximation equation for the trim drag
Explain Cooling drag
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