The printing press made it possible or produce a lot of copies of books
Newspapers and social media are means of mass communication
ausstrahlen, senden
The show is broadcast every Monday
einen Eindruck vermitteln
The fresh snow on the ground gave the impression of a winter wonderland
to mention
Did I mention that I have a cool new phone?
advantage - disadvantage
What’s the main disadvantage of this new technology?
betrachten, erwägen definition
to consider
= to think about sth
Nutzen, Vorteil
There are many benefits to living in the city
für, zugunsten synoym
in favour of
in favour of= supporting
Kehrseite, Nachteil gegenteil
to deny
to deny - denial
unterstützen, helfen definition
to support = to agree with or help a person or a group of people
etw. ausdrücken
to express
to express-expression
eine Schlussfolgering ziehen definition
to draw a conclusion = to come to a result by looking at facts
zurückgehen, sinken gegenteil
to decrease- to increase
integriert, eingebaut
integrated = internal
eine Bedrohung darstellen
to pose a threat- threatening
privacy- private
improvement- to improve
Aufwertung synonym
auswählen, aussuchen definition
to select
a more formal word for “to choose”
noch einmal durchsehen, korrigieren
to revise
revision- to revise
to capture=to catch
überzeugend definition
convincing = making sb certain about sth by giving them good arguments
Segen oder Fluch
blessing or curse
Is social media a good force in the world or a bad one? Is it a blessing or a curse?
Mangel (an)
Lack (of)
Your lack of motivation surprises me
attention span
his attention span was very short when it came to numbers and figures
psychisches Wohlbefinden definition
mental health = the medical condition of your mind
dünn, schlank synoymn
slim= thin
Körperbild, Korperwahrnehmung definition
Angst, unruhe synoymn
anxiety=fear, worry
Essstörung definition
eating disorder
Bulimia and anorexia are eating disorders
Sucht, anhängigkeit
addiction - to be addicted to sth
Selbsmord definiton
suicide = the act of killing yourself
Mehrheit, Mehrzahl gegenteil
Gleichaltrige/-r, gleichaltrig definition
pear =a person who is the same age as you
bewusst definiton
consciously= very aware of what you are doing
auhören, aufgeben definition
to quit =stop doing sth. leave sth. here= to give up sth.
rechtfertigen definition
to justify = to give a convincing reason for sth
sich wiedersetzen, wiederstehen
to resist
We couldn’t resist looking at the food
erwidern, antworten
to respond
The police responded immediately to my emergency call
The article gave a detailed description of the stolen painting
quotation - to quote
wichtig sein, von Bedeutung sein synoymn
to be relevant for sth
to be relevant for sth.= to be important for sth
etw enthalten
to contain - container
challenge- to challenge
An oral exam is a test in which you have to show how good your speaking skills are
Bild definiton
an element, such as a picture or map that an art audience can look at while reading a text or listening to a speech
description - to describe
Bewertung, Einschätzung
evaluatuion- to evaluate
evaluation - to evaluate
blass definition
pale = light in colour, almost white
to appear- to disappear- appearance
to depict = to represent
etw hervorrufen
to evoke sth
Looking at the photographs evoked many happy memories
Werbung, reklame formen
advertising- to advertise- advertisement- advertiser
Verkauseinnahmen, Ertrag
Company revenues rose by 2% last year because of higher sales
festkosten =
fixed costs= business costs, like rent and insurance, that are always the same, whatever the amount of goods produced or sold
personal, Belegschaft =
staff= the total number of employees
starten, ins Leben rufen =
to launch= to introduce
variieren, verschieden sein
to vary- variety
Druckfarbe, Tinte =
ink= a colored liquid used for writing and printing
Einzelhändler/-in =
a business that sells goods to customers
gewillt sein, tendieren =
to be inclines to = to be willing to
bevorzugt formen
preferable- to prefer- preference
überfällig sein
The inspection for their car was long overdue and so she made an appointment with the mechanic
freilegen, entblößen =
to expose = to show sth in the open
versäumen, etw zu tun, es nicht schaffen, etw zu tun
to fail- failure
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