I have some ideas/I agree/ I'm not sure about all the eggs, etc.
(Yorkshire accent)
Ey up!
(pronounced "eye up")
'Scuse me, lads.
(AL heads turn. SHAKESPEARE - in disguise- has entered.)
(as TOBY)
Name's Toby Belch. A humble actor from York, I come seeking an audition for the
Bottom Brothers.
That's us.
Oh! What an honor. I hear tell you are creating a work that is... incendiary.
Monumental. Bigger than Shakespeare.
(to troupe)
Did ya hear that? That's right. Toby, was it?
From York.
We are working on something pretty special. It's a play full of songs-about an
(dropping accent)
That's the great idea?
Shakespeare (Toby)
I said, “that’s a great idea!”
(hands him paper)
Here’s my head-sketch and resume.
Hey. You’ve been in every one of my plays.
(feigning deference)
I’m a massive fan. and it’s so unfair that Shakespeare gets all the praise and attention and the money—
(rubbing it in)
So much money—when your plays are in a class all of their own.
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