Name the category.
Antihypertensive therapy.
Name the main drug.
What kind of drug is Losartan?
Angiotensin-receptor blocker (ARBs, sartans)
Name other drug names.
valsartan, candesartan, losartan, irbesartan
List indications.
same as ACE inhibitors, mostly used as second-line treatment if ACE inhibitors are not tolerated
Angioedema: can be tried under close surveillance if no adequate alternative is available
Non-life-threatening side effects (e.g., dry cough ): commonly used
Describe the mechanism of action of ARBs.
inhibition of angiotensin II receptor type 1 (AT1 receptor)
List the main effects of ARBs.
↓ Vasoconstriction → ↓ blood pressure
↓ Secretion of aldosterone → ↓ reabsorption of Na+ and water → ↓ blood pressure
↑ Renin secretion (compensatory) → ↑ angiotensin I → ↑ angiotensin II
List other effects of ARBs.
↓ Proteinuria and ↓ progression of proteinuric kidney disease
↓ Cardiac remodeling after acute myocardial infarction or chronic hypertensive disease
No bradykinin elevation (opposed to ACE inhibitors)
List adverse effects of ARBs.
↓ GFR (with ↑ creatinine)
List Contraindications of ARBs.
Absolute contraindications
C1 esterase inhibitor deficiency (due to predisposition to angioedema)
Pregnancy: risk of harm to the fetus (e.g., renal impairment, renal malformations, oligohydramnios, placental insufficiency)
Relative contraindications
Aortic stenosis
Renal dysfunction, consider altering dose if GFR < 60 mL/min
Bilateral renal artery stenosis or a solitary kidney: GFR is already decreased and further reduction may lead to acute kidney injury.
List interactions of ARBs.
Other antihypertensive drugs → ↑ hypotensive effect
NSAIDs → ↓ antihypertensive effect
Potassium-sparing diuretics or other drugs that increase potassium level: ↑ hyperkalemia
↑ Level of lithium due to ↓ renal elimination
Allopurinol: ↑ risk of immunological reactions or leukopenia
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