Tiger Heart is diagnosed when
yellowish lines in the papillary muscles are seen
Is plasmarrhagia an important factor for the development of hyalinosis?
Which term is used for describing the change of tissues from high differentiated to low differentiated?
A patient suffering from a purine metabolic disturbance is turning to a nephrologist for consultation regarding a feeling of heaviness in the right lumbal area. X-ray and ultrasound test are showing elargement of the rigth kidney withh presence of x-ray negative xalculus in the calyx. What is the right diagnosis?
What is edema related to in renal disease?
loss of proteins
Which of the following tumors is a malignant one:
does secondary amyloidosis develop after an immune dyscrasia?
Which of the following haemorrhages is found in the gastrointestinal tract?
Is bilirubin a haemoglobinogenic iron containing pigment?
What is the function of epithelioid cells?
Haemorrhages “per diabrosin” can be seen in
gastric ulcer
Reticular fibers proliferate in which of the following granulomas
Can hyalinosis develop in the walls of renal tubules?
A patient dies from a pneumonia after years of suffering from chronic myeloid leukemia further complicated by anemia. Which of the following morphological changes would be found in his heart?
indirect inflammatory mediators are
complement system components
Vicarious hypertrophy is seen in
lungs ( dopplte Organe)
Do immune reactions take part in the development of fibrinoid swelling?
Deep fibrinous inflammation is typical for
mucosa layered with multilayered squamous epithelium
is the Pearl`s reaction used for proving hemosiderin?
A surgical treatment is performed on a 69-year old male with a 10 year old history of varicose veins on his legs. On the 15th day after the operation during rehabilitation the patient suddely complained feeling nausea and dyspnea, lost consciousness and passed away. Which is the most likely cause of death?
pulmonary thormboembolism
Is PAS reaction used for proving glycogen?
Is formalin a suitable fixative when proving neutral fats with sudan lll staining?
is the type of necrosis in the brain coagulative?
What could develpo in right sided heart failure?
Pulmonary edema
Air embolism could occur in
intravenous infusion of fat embolism
Right after ABO incompatible blood transfusion a patient develops fever, tachypnea, haematuria and back pain. What is the type of reaction?
complement mediated cytotoxicity reaction
What does TNM mean?
Tumor size
lymph nodes affected or not by the tumor
distant metastasis
Can hydropic degeneration lead to necrosis?
Lobar pneumonia is characterized with which type of inflammation
chronic left sided heart failure cannout occur in
pulmonary embolism
Could squamous cell carcinoma develop in bronchi?
Could there be apoptosis in large parenchymal stroma?
Could haemolytic jaundice be seen in newborns?
Is there any necrosis in Leutic granuloma?
What is phebothrombosis?
Venous thrombosis without inflammation of the wall
What is anthracosis?
Pigment degeneration
Is glomus tumour related to vascular tumours
Does brown induration of the lungs develop in for cor pulmonae?
Is proliferative inflammation a subtype of acute inflammation?
Sarcomas favour one of the following ways of metastasising? Which one?
What is a keloid?
Hypertrophic process
Which of the following haemorrhages is related to the gastrointestinal tract?
Neoplasms classified as GI is most likely?
Well differentiated and organised
Glazed deposits are?
Areas of hyalinosis
Squamous cell carcinoma is not likely to be seen in?
Which of the following components is part of Ascoff’s granuloma?
Anitschow cells
Which of the following is nutmeg liver seen in?
Chronic right sided heart failure
Acute right sided heart failure
In which could decubitus develop?
Tissues under pressure
In acute inflammation, exudate released as a result of.. induced increased permeability of the vascular walls is
due to which type of cells?
Pulmonary thromboembolism originates mostly from?
Deep veins of the lower extremities
Decreasing in the size of the parenchymal cells is described as?
Simple atrophy
In which of the following granuloma, answering is not seen?
In atrophia fusca hepatis, inside the hepatocytes is deposited?
The autopsy of a 60 year old male who died of a stroke is showing his kidneys symmetrically decreased in size
with a fine granular surface. The necropsy is showing arterioles with thickened homegenously pink walls and
narrowed lumens. These alterations could be seen due to:
A 70 year old patient is admitted in the ICU of the neurology department to.. and motor disturbances. No red
blood cells are found in the spinal fluid. Later that day, the patient passes away. His medical history reveals
prolonged cardiac arrhythmia. A hypodense zone 3cm in diameter... and in the right hemisphere in which
microscopically are seen lots of lipphages. What is this?
Anemic brain infarction
Historical samples of a 68 year old male suffering from heart failure and respiratory insufficiency for many years
are showing intra alveolar cells containing dark brown pigment. They are most likely?
heart failure cells
could anemia lead to tiger heart
could urate stones form in the gallbladder
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