What is automatic thinking, and how are schemas an example of that kind of thought? What are the advantages and disadvantages of schemas?
on Automatic pilot: low-Effort thinking
people as Everyday theorists: Automatic thinking with
Which schemas Do We use? Accessibility and priming
making our schemas Come true: self-Fulfilling prophecies
What are other types of automatic thinking and how do they operate?
types of Automatic thinking There are several other forms of automatic thinking that help us inter- pret the social world and make decisions, without necessarily intending to do so.
Automatic Goal pursuit
Automatic Decision making
Automatic thinking and metaphors About the body and the
mental strategies and shortcuts: Judgmental Heuristics
How Does Culture influence social thinking?
The human mind is like a toolbox filled with specific tools to help people think about and act in the social world. All humans have access to the same tools, but the culture in which they grow up can influence the ones they use the most.
Cultural Determinants of schemas
Holistic versus Analytic thinking
What are some of the drawbacks of controlled thinking, and how can we improve its effectiveness?
Controlled social thinking Not all social cognition is automatic; we also engage in controlled thinking, which is conscious, intentional, voluntary, and effortful.
Controlled thinking and Free Will
mentally undoing the past: Counterfactual reasoning
improving Human thinking
Watson revisited
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