Who had the first idea of an humanoid robot and what was the name of the robot?
According to mythology Hephaistos (a god) first had the idea of an giant bronze robot “Talos” who has superhuman forces
He apparently also had ideas for other automatic machines and robots
What role plays Aristotle in AI?
Aristotle laid the foundations for formal logic –> syllogismisms
He also had ideas of automated machines which could do the work of the slaves
What tells the legend of the Brazen Head?
The Brazen Head was an oracle which was built like a human head (including the inside) and was owned by some midieval alchemists
Apparently it should be able to answer any question but unfortunately the builder fell asleep before he could hear the answer
What did mechanical thing did Leonardo Da Vinci create?
A mechanical knight
It could raise it legs and arms automatically
What was the Golem?
The Golem was a giant of clay who should protect the Jewish community
16th century
What role plays Frankenstein in AI?
First story of a scientist who tried to create life
What is the Chess Playing Turk?
It was said to be a automated chess playing machine which could beat basically anyone
But there was a human sitting in the machine –> still impressive machinery
18th century
What is Euphonia?
It is a talking machine, which can speak any European language by pumping air with the belows
What was the digesting duck by Vaucanson?
Automated machine which had more or less the abilities of a duck
Automated machines became more and more popular in the 18th and 19th cetury
What was Decartes argument that animals could be machines?
They have lungs, muscles, heart, etc. anything can be explained by physics
They soul differs the human kind fom every other animal
17th century
What role did Leibniz play in AI?
Leibniz created calculating machines, e.g. to add numbers –>” time spent with simple calculating is not humanworthy”
Liebniz also tried to create a formal mathematical/logic language: “Lingua Characteristica”
17th and 18th century
Who was Ada Lovelace?
She is conserded to be the first programmer
She wrote about the Analytical Engine that it has no will on its own but it performs the tasks human would tell it to do
What role plays George Boole in AI?
He designed the Boolean Algebra, the first logic in the form of analytical equations –> logical and, logical or, etc.
Mathematical Analysis of Logic
What was the expectation of Hilbert in the beginning of the 20th century?
That the consistency of an axiomatic formalization of arithmetic is proven
How did Kurt Gödel and Turing counterargument the expectation of Hilbert?
Gödel proved that any complex formalization is either incomplete or inconsistent
Turing proved that some problems are not solvable in finite time
What is the origin of the word robot?
It apperantly has its origin in Czech, meaning work, phisical labour or slave
What are Asimovs thre/four laws of Robotics?
A robot must not injure or endager a human being
A robot must obey the commands of a human being except if it violates the first law
A robot must protect its own existence as long as it doesn’t violate law 1 or 2
He added the 0-th law: A robot must not harm humanity
What is the Squee?
It is a robot which can drive and collect a nut with its shovle
Jack Koff
What are the turtoises of Grey Walter?
They were simple household robots, similiar to the cleaning robots today
What is Z3?
Z3 built by Conrad Zuse is the first digital computer
What is ENIAC?
It is the first turing-complete digital computer
What is EDVAC?
first stored program computer
In which new subfield of AI did significant improvement happen in between the 1940s and 1950s?
Neural Networks/Deep Learning
1943: McCulloch and Pitts model artificial neural networks
1951: Marvin Minskyand Denn Edmonds build the first neural network computer
1957: Rosenblatt defines the perceptron –> weighing the inputs
Input from biology to build artificial neural networks, many small interconnected units (neurons)
What is the magical number and what does it mean?
7 +/- 2
It is one of the most reknown articles in psychology
Average human being can only hold seven different objects in short-term memory
It was also important for the field of cognitive science
What were the two different approaches in developing chess programs?
Shannon Type A: brute-force
Shannon Type B: concentrating on interesting lines
What was the signicance of Turing’s chess algorithm
first recorded man-machine (chess) game
computation with paper and pencil
What happened 1956?
Dartmouth Conference –> Birth of AI
John McCarthy invited 10 scientists with various backgrounds to a 2-week workshop at Dartmouth College due ti recent developments in these fields
John McCarthy, Herbert Simon, Allan Newell, Marvin Minsky, Arthur Samuel, etc.
Term “Artificial Intelligence” is coined
What were great expectations of AI in the years of 1952-1969?
General Problem Solver by Newell and Simon, Logic oriented advice taker by McCarthy, etc.
Simon and Newells predictions, within the next ten years AI will:
beat the World Champoin at Chess
solve a mathematical theorem
write music on its own
psychlogy will have most of its theories because of Computer Science
What dampaned these expatations (1966-1973)?
Predictions Simon and Newell became more or less true but instead of 10 it took 40 years
knowledge representation is quite hard
lack of scalability –> underestimation of combinatorial possibilities in search, theorems in micro-world work but not in the real world, funding stop of AI-research projects
fundamental limitations of techniques and representation –> Minsky stated that perceptrons only have linear seperators
What happened in the AI-industry (1980-2000)?
Computers and programms could be sold for a lot of money
Knowledge-based systems and their use becomes more and more popular
Funding raises –> technical possibilities increase
Revival of neural networks McClelland 1986
Multi-billion market 1988
What are knowledge-based systems (1969-1979)?
Expert Systems –> knowledge is aquired from experts –> rules can apply
DENDRAL project
What is the defference between symbolic and subsymbolic AI?
Symbolic AI –> approach to model everything with logic and knowledge
Subsymbolic AI –> approach that the model is designed like a neural network and therefore learns
What defines the Deep Learning age?
Since 2010
We know have the
bigger models
more data for training deep networks
computational power for doing so
Readily available programming libraries make it much easier
new breakthroughs in Computer Vision, Game playing, language understanding, etc. –> without complete new ideas
What is now possible with Deep Learning?
Image classification
handwriting recognition
human face recognition
creating images in the style of a Grandmaster
Game Playing
Alpha Go
Aplha Zero learns Chess tremendously quick
Alpha Fold can predict the strucure of proteins within the width of an atom
Text and Imagegeneration
Deep Fakes
GPT-3 –> artificial textgenerator, co-writes skrpt for movies
Dell-E –> text to iamge generator
Which of the following statements is right
Who is the ”so called” father of Artifical Intelligence?
Which of the following fields have contributed to AI in the form of ideas, viewpoints, and ideas?
Map the following names of contributors to the history of Artificial Intelligence to their associated work.
Ada Lovelace
Algorithm for playing Chess (1950)
Konrad Zuse
1st digital computer
programming for Analytical Engine
Claude Shannon
crafting Talos and other atrificial de- vices
Map the inventors to their invents.
The Golem of clay
The Chess-Playing Turk
Leonardo da Vinci
Talos, a giant intelligent bronze robot
Rabbi Loew
humanoid mechanical knight
Which machine/automat was NOT built in the 19th century?
Ada Lovelace was the first computer programmer in 1840s
Hephaisto built artificial…
Who laid the foundations for formal logic? (All B’s are A; All C’s are B; Therefore, All C’s are A)
Rene Descartes (1596-1650) proposed that animals are machines, because their bodies (heart, lungs, muscles, etc.) can be explained by physics. He also thought that the soul made the difference between humans and animals.
Who showed how to write logic in the form of analytical equations?
Kurt Gödel’s paper, ”On Formally Undecidable Propositions”from 1931, in which he proved that it is in priniciple not possible that a sufficiently complex axiomatization is both complete and consistent, is a setback for logic reasoning.
For Artificial Neural Networks found Frank Rosenblatt (1928-1971) some Inspiration from the brain
Simon and Newell’s all predictions about AI (1958) came more or less true within 10 years.
Progress of AI in the beginning was slower than (unrealistic) expectations. What was NOT the reason?
The 10-year plan in Japan (1981) with strong focus on Logic Programming which did not quite live up to its ambitious goals, was named ”Fifth generation project”.
Deep Learning brought unexpected and unprecedented breakthroughs in diverse areas such as computer vision, language understanding, game playing, etc. Why did this start only a few years ago?
Which of the following statements are from Rene Descartes
Konrad Zuse’s Z3 was the first digital computer
Map the following statements to their topic
Subsymbolic AI
...is a sub-field of artificial intelligence that focuses on low explainability but high accuracy.
Symbolic AI
Model intelligence at a level similar to the neuron.
Model such things as knowledge and planning in data structures that make sense to the programmers that build them.
...is a sub-field of artificial intelligence that focuses on high explainability but low accuracy performance.
Match the sentences to their headlines!
First successful knowledge-intensive system recognized importance of domain-specific knowledge. (DEN- DRAL pro ject (Buchanan et al. 1969))
AI industry
Model intelligence at a level similar to the neuron; Let such things as know- ledge and planning emerge.
Knowledge-Based System
Growth from a few million dollars in 1980 to billions of dollars in 1988.
It’s about the history of the first chess programs. Assign correctly!
1950; Claude Shannon
chess algorithm computed with pa- per and pencil; first recorded man- machine (chess) game
1951; Alan Turing
defined the first chess program
1997; Garry Kasparov
algorithm for playing chess foresees strategies that are still used today. (Type-A Strategy; Type-B Strategy)
1942-45; Konrad Zuse
the first lost from a Chess world cham- pien versus a chess programm (Deep Blue)
Complete the sentences on the subject of robots.
Grey Walter.
Talos, a giant intellligent bronce robot was built from
The origin of the word ”Robot” are from
science fiction writer (e.g. I Robot) Isaac Asimov.
The Three (later four) Laws of Robo- tics are from
author Karel Capek who produced the play R.U.R. (Rossum’s Universal Ro- bots).
The autonomous robots, that look like turtles, was constructed by
Grey Walter
science fiction writer (e.g. I Robot) Isaac Asimov
author Karel Capek who produced the play R.U.R. (Rossum’s Universal Ro- bots)
In which two categories does AI have a long history in?
scientific investigation
What scientific disciplines does AI build on?
When is the official birthdate of AI?
1956 at the Dartmouth Conference
Who are the founding fathers?
John McCarthy, Marvin Minsky, Allen Newell, Herbert A. Simon, Arthur Samuel
What were the early successes?
McCulloch and Pitts modeled artificial neurons and showed that logical operations can be modeled with such cells
First Turing-complete digital computer called ENIAC
Marvin Minsky and Dann Edmonds constructed the first neural network computer
Newell and Simon: the General Problem Solver (successfully solved simple puzzles)
Arthur Samuel:
investigated game playing (checkers) with great success at IBM
pioneered ideas in game playing & machine learning
John McCarthy:
Lisp (second-oldest high-level language)
Logic-oriented advice taker
Marvin Minsky: various students working on micro-worlds
Why did the initial expectations not work out?
Progress was slower than (unrealistic) expectations. Simon and Newell’s predictions came more or less true after 40 (instead of 10) years and in very different ways than they had imagined.
Difficulty of knowledge representation
Lack of scalability
Underestimation of the combinatorial explosion in search
Things that work well in micro-worlds often do not work in real world
Fundamental limitations on techniques and representations
Many of the successes in AI depend on deep and intensive computation instead of modeling the human mind.
What are many AI successes based on, if not modeling the human mind?
Deep and intensive computations
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