Who researched in the field of uncanny high human like entities and what were their main idea?
Ernst Jensch
intellectual uncertainty
not being at home in the concerned situation
are living beings really alive and vice versa are lifeless objects really not alive
–> tree appearing like a giant snake when it is moving
Sigmund Freud
unfamiliar but even though familiar at the same time
remembering back to the bad experiences in our childhood
the phenomenon of the Doppelgänger
–> modern Doppelgänger, very similiar looking robots
Masahiro Mori
There is an area between highly human likeness and no simliraty to humans, where robots are exceptionally uncanny, creepy
This is also shown partly in research later on
What is the uncanny valley hypothesis?
The uncanny valley hypthesis pictures a graph in which the familiarity to robots increases as their similarity to humans increases until a certain point from which on slight differences and imperfections suddenly are perceived as creepy and eerie
But complete human likeness is of course perceived as familiar and not dangorous
What is an example of the low to mid level humanlike machines and how are they perceived?
They are not perceived as uncanny
Range from abstract/mechanoid machines to slightly humanlike
Well distinguishable from real persons
Sometimes cute/Kindchenschema designs, especially in social „companion“ robots
An example would be the personal robot “RoboHon”
What are examples for perfect humanlike machines or applications, how are they perceived and what ethical question is rised by that?
Not perceived as uncanny, because not distinguishable from real humans anymore
Ethical question: Do we want to live in a world where humans and machines are impossible to distinguish?
–> EU AI Ethics Guidelines say: Machines must be identifiable as such
lifelike synthetic voice
What are examples for the machines or robots which are in the uncanny valley and how are they perceived?
Perceived as eerie, spooky or even threatening
Animationmovies like Polarexpress, since particularely the eyes are not portrayed realisticaly
Humanoid robots like Telenoid or Ameca
What are proposed reasons for the uncanny valley effect?
Evolutionary explanations
Non-perfect android figures remind us of disease or they remind us of our own mortality
Cognition-based explanations
Categorical Uncertainty
Not clear to which category the figure belongs (Human or machine? Alive or inanimate?), ambiguity about the presence of threat (Uncanny feeling enables us to stay alerted until clear)
Prediction error
If people evaluate the robot’s behavior according to a human schema, it might not measure up to these expectations due to ist imperfections
What is the uncanny valley of mind?
It is the phenomenon that machines can also occur uncanny even if there is no visual image of a robot
Machines described as having the ability to make their own decisions and actions (“agents”) are perceived as more uncanny then machines described as being controlled by humans (“tools”)
Machines described as being able to feel some form of emotions, having sentience and personality (“experiencers”) are perceived as even more uncanny
How is AI with pictures typically portrayed by the media?
It is shown that AI is mostly portrayed as either some humanoid robot or as an abstract graphic
Thereby humanlike pictures of AI strongly correlate with the images which are perceived as most thratining or creepy
But most of the images or graphics which show up, mostly do not really have to do something with usecases of AI and are therfore not considered as an realistic portrayal of the topic
Are people informed in the field of AI what are the consequences of not being well informed?
People report to be unfamiliar with “AI” or “machine learning”
Numerous studies show that little knowledge and the feeling of lacking competence are major drivers behind tech anxiety
People who are afraid of something or feel that AI is not for them will not deal with it constructively, but avoid confrontation
Current media narratives and media images either raise unrealistic expectations (AI as a magic solution to almost all problems) or they fuel fears (conscious machines that will soon outperform humans in everything)
What is the AI literacy and why is it important to improve AI literacy?
AI Literacy begins with a basic understanding of what AI is, the language surrounding the technological and social aspects of AI, how AI works and how it is currently playing a role in our daily lives, in addition to the potentiality of future implementations in all professions and industries
Because people need to be empowered to participate in the discourse about our technological future
Because people should be able to understand when they may be affected by algorithmic decisions
Because people should get a sense of how they can use AI in their own field of action and what benefits could be derived from it
Because people shall have a more realistic view of opportunities and risks related to AI
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