What is explainable AI?
An audience has to understand the reasoning or intentions of AI
One needs to understand the causes of an agents decision making
Explainable AI brings together various fields of research
Social science
Human-Computer interaction
What is an explanation?
To explain an event is to provide some information about its causal history. In an act of explaining, someone who is in possession of some information about the causal history of some event tries to convey it someone else
An explanation is a cognitive and social process
It answers the why-question
What is the difference between correlation and causation?
Correlation is a relationship between variables, where it is not completely clear which variable caused the other or if there is a third unknown variable which is the cause of them both
Causation exist when there is no other explanation for a circumstance than the potential reason behind it. It is a causal chain, a path of causes between a set of events. Correlation is necessary but not suficient
What are the fundamentals of human comprehension and how do they work?
There are three levels of awareness
perception of elements in current situation
comprehension of the current situation
projection of the future status
These lead to a decision
And then there is the performance of actions
What are possible posthoc explanations?
Feature-based explanations –> AI tries to explain to which feature a certain unit belongs
Attribution-based explanations –> AI explains which regions of an image were important for the decision
Example-based explanations –> other prototypes or closest matches are shown
What are the effects of XAI methods on human decision making?
It is shown that XAI influences human decision making and that it improves the human decision making
People tend to trust XAI more than AI which does not explain there decisions
Why is XAI important?
Increase trustworthines and informativeness
Ensure fairness and interactivity
Examine causality and transferablity
For whom is XAI useful?
Domain experts and users of the model –> gain scientific knowledge and trust the model
Users affected by the models decision –> understand the reason and verify the dair decisions
Data scientists, developers and prodict owners –> improve product efficiency and gain insight in new functionalities or research
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