What are some of the drawbacks of controlled thinking, and how can we improve its effectiveness?
Controlled thinking and Free Will: the more people believe in free will, the more willing they are to help others in need and the less likely they are to engage in immoral actions such as cheating
mentally undoing the past: mentally change some aspect of the past as a way of imagining what might have been.
improving Human thinking: kinds of thinking, such as statistical reasoning, can be improved dramatically with training—such as by taking a course in statistics
How do people use nonverbal cues to understand others?
affect blends
affect blends occur when one part of the face registers one emotion and another part registers a different emotion
How do people determine why others do what they do?
the Nature of the attribution process: attribution external/internal
the covariation model: internal versus External attributions
the covariation model
We make such choices by using consensus, distinctiveness, and consistency information
The Consequences of Introspecting About Reasons When
reasons-generated attitude change
Self-perception theory
Self-perception theory argues that when our attitudes and feelings are uncertain or ambiguous, we infer these states by observing our own behavior and the situation in which it occurs.
In what ways do people come to know themselves by observing their behavior?
Intrinsic versus Extrinsic Motivation An over- justification effect: when people focus on the extrinsic reasons for their behavior and under- estimate their intrinsic
Mindsets and Motivation: growth and fixed mindset
Understanding Our Emotions: The Two-Factor Theory of Emotion: Emotional experience is often the result of a two-step self-perception process in which people first experience arousal and then seek an appropriate explanation for it.
Finding the Wrong Cause: Misattribution of Arousal Sometimes people make mistaken infer- ences about what is causing them to be aroused
How do people portray themselves so that other will see them as they want to be seen?
Ingratiation and Self-Handicapping
How does cognitive dissonance operate in everyday life, and what are some constructive ways of reducing it?
the justification of effort: increase their liking for something they have worked hard to attain,
we find ourselves experiencing cognitive dissonance because there is little external justification for what we did. This activates an internal justification process to justify the action to ourselves
How do internal and external factors lead to attitude change?
Changing attitudes by Changing Behavior: Cognitive dissonance theory revisited: One way that attitudes change is when people engage in counterattitudinal advocacy for low external justification. When this occurs, people find internal justification for their behavior, bringing their attitudes in line with their behavior.
persuasive Communications and attitude Change: yale attitude Change approach, the effectiveness of a persuasive communication depends on aspects of the communicator, or source of the message; aspects of the message itself (e.g., its content); and aspects of the audience.
emotion and attitude Change Emotions influence attitude change in a number of ways. fear- arousing communications can cause lasting attitude change if a moderate amount of fear is aroused and people believe they will be reassured by the content of the message
Confidence in one’s thoughts and attitude Change People’s confidence in their thoughts about an attitude object affects how much they will be influenced by a persuasive communication.
conformity is divided in?
informational and normative social influences.
How can people use their knowledge of social influence to influence others?
the role of injunctive and Descriptive norms
using norms to Change behavior: beware the “boomerang effect”
foot- in-the-door technique
What are some situational and social causes of aggression and sexual assault?
frustration and Aggression
Provocation and reciprocation
Weapons as Aggressive Cues
Putting the elements together: the Case of sexual Assault
What are the six conditions that can reduce prejudice?
inter- dependence;
a common goal;
equal status;
the opportunity for informal contact;
the chance to interact with multiple members of the out-group rather than one “token”;
and social norms of equality.
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