What is Entrepreneurship? (Fueglistaller et al., 2016)
is a “...process initiated and carried out by individuals, which serves to identify, evaluate, and exploit entrepreneurial opportunities”
the term can be traced back to the French word “entre-
prendre,” meaning, “to do something” or “to take things into
one's own hands”
Differences of terms “entrepreneur” and “business owner”
identify business opportunities and make new technologies and concepts commercially viable.
They are often, but not always, business owners.
a person who organizes and manages a business undertaking, assuming the risk for the sake of profit
Business owners:
securing and increasing efficiency, especially in later phases of a company
what is a founder of a business according to German civil law
a “natural person who takes up a commercial or self-employed professional activity” (Achleitner, 2019)
What is the GEM ( Definition) and what do they do?
Global Entrepreneurship Monitor
collect annually the number of founders worldwide
Who are early-stage entrepreneurs according to the GEM
those adults who are in the process of starting their own business or have been running their own business for no more than 42 months. In the GEM, all types of self-employment are considered to be business start-
What indicates the TEA
early stage Total Entrepreneurial Activity Index (TEA), indicates the proportion of the target group of early stage founders in the population.
In many industrialized countries, start-up rates are traditionally low, as labor markets offer attractive alternatives. With a low level of economic development, significantly more people become self-employed due to the lack of job offers.
What are nascent entrepreneurs
The “nascent entrepreneurs” (future founders) are busy with their foundation but have not yet completely established the business.
Critics on GEM monitor
“hobby start-ups” with low added value for the overall economy are also included in the statistics, entrepreneurship should be limited to innovative ventures in which new products, ideas, and processes are created and achieve growth...
why ar 42 months the cut-off date for measuring early stage entrepreneurial activity
SMEs meaning, differentiation from large companies
Small- and Medium-Sized Enterprises
The line is typically drawn at 500 employees in the United States and 250 employees in Europe.
EU classification as picture
What is Mittelstand typical for and characterized for?
These SMEs are typical for the German economy and are characterized by the unity of ownership and management.
What are “Serial entrepreneurs” and “Portfolio entrepreneurs”
“Serial entrepreneurs” found various companies sequentially, sometimes in different industries, and often exit one as they move to the next.
“Portfolio entrepreneurs” manage an entire portfolio of firms, i.e., several companies in parallel
Description of an entrepreneur
bearers of risk who make decisions on the procurement and use of resources and thus deal with uncertainty
arbitrageurs, who expose and exploit price differences and market opportunities
innovators, who introduce new technologies or products, discover new markets, or create new types of institutions
coordinators of scarce resources who collect various resources (such as money, real estate, and technology) to set up new companies
Relevance of SMEs (Chart)
Start-Up Patterns in Germany over the years chart and % of real innovations
The German Ministry for Economic Affairs and Energy estimated that only 9% of start-ups brought real innovations to market
Reasons to end Start up within first 5 yeasr
unsatisfactory levels of income
stress together with health and family reasons
disagreements between the founders, which resulted in the cessation of business activities in 34% of the cases.
Most closures of new companies occur between the second and fifth year of their existence
Chart, comparision the number of start-ups with the number of liquidations in Germany
Start-up intensity
The ratio indicating the number of startups per person
capable of working
comparison of Start-UP Intesities in the UK, USA, France, and Germany Chart
There is no universal definition of entrepreneurship, though the innovative character of the projects is often emphasized. It is a process in which entrepreneurial opportunities are identified, evaluated, and used. Descriptions of entrepreneurship have existed since the 18th century, though different points of view exist. Entrepreneurs are sometimes seen, for example, as arbitrageurs, sometimes as bearers of risk, and sometimes as initiators of creative destruction. Today, their character is often described as a combination of these roles, i.e., as carriers of risk, arbitrageurs, innovators, and coordinators of resources.
The GEM records the worldwide level of early-stage entrepreneurial activity. Startups are important for national economies because they initiate the use of new technologies and compensate, at least partially, for the loss of jobs due to the closure of now redundant companies.
Start-up projects are mostly SMEs. But what exactly is meant by SME is different around the world. In the EU, SMEs are typically defined as companies with fewer than 250 employees. Turnover and total assets may also be taken into account. Either way, and regardless of the precise definition used, SMEs play an important role in the economy, as they constitute by far the largest number of enterprises and contribute a significant share of value added and employmen
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