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What is meant by Abitrtion?
Arbitration is a form of alternative dispute resolution where two parties refer their legal dispute to an arbitrtion court (Schiedsgericht)
If two parties declare that they will stick to the decision the arbitration court declares that is called arbitration award (Schiedsurteil) which is the same as a enforceable court judgement
Their are competent court for arbitrations
The arbitration institution will usually advice on appropriate arbitrators, use its own procedure rules and often provide additional arbitration services
Name 3 important abitration courts in the world
ICC - International Chamber of Commerce
est. 1923
formular expensive
DIS - Deutsches Institut für Schiedgerichtbarkeit
most important abitration institut in germany
close to the german civil procedure
The International Centre for Settlement of Investment Disputes
based in washington
arbitration institute for the world bank+
Disadvantages of abritration
Diffucult if more than two parties are involved
no injunction available (es ist nicht erzwingbar, zwei partein müssen sich darauf einlassen)
obtaining evidence is limited by time
can be more expensive than normal courts
It is extremly diffucult to correct a decision once it is taken because there is no other level above (die parteien haben sich darauf geeinigt)
Certain areas are excluded from arbitration for example family law, immigration law and criminal law
Advantages of arbitration
parties may adapt proceedings to their need because arbitration is very flexible
each partie can choose one arbitrator with expertise in a specific field for example a lawyer with a background on technical devices
It is normally faster than regular courts because it has only one instance. If the abrtration is settled both parties have two weeks time to send in all the documents to the 3 arbitrators
can be cheaper
it is not public so alle the informations a kept confidential
arbitral awars are easier to enforce in other countries
neutral forum because arbitrtional instances have no governmental influence or state interest
Zuletzt geändertvor 2 Jahren