What is public international law?
the body of norms and rules that regulates the conduct (regelt das Verhalten) between states
no world government so it is more or less comity (Höflichkeit)
Countries agree that they treat each other with dignity and respect
Who are the 2 subjects to public international Law?
states that have
a defined territory
permanent territory
a government exercising effective power
Intergovernemental organisations
permanent organisations that are
set up by at least two states
Examples are UN, EU, WTO, World bank
—> NGO are no subject to public internatioal law
Are individuals subject of public international law?
Generally individuals are not covered by the public international law
BUT indivuals are habe human right under the
Human Rights by the UN of 1948
European Convention on Human Rights of 1950
What are the three sources of public international Law?
International treaties and conventions
Customary Law (ius cogens)
General principles of law recognised by civiliesed nations
What are international treaties and conventions?
Treaties are legally binding agreements between two or more states, conventions are treaties sponsored by an international organisation, e.g. the UN
We can devide treaties and conventions in the context of public international law in two parts
Bilateral Treaties and conventions:
Double tax treaties, bilateral investment treaties, Conventions CETA (Cananda-EU), EPA (EU-Japan)
Multilateral Treaties and conventions
WTO agreements in particular GATT, GATS, TRIPS
Mercosur, Nafta
CISG - Convention of contract for the international sale of goods
What is meant by costumary law?
if a pracitice is consistently and reguarly observed by a large number of of major states for a longer period of time that it will be constant and uniform conduct. It is important that those states who recognised those rules are oblied to follow them
For Example:
Prohibition on intervention, i.e. the free decision by any state to decide on its political, economical, social and cultural system
State immunity, i.e. a state is not subject to another state’s legal proceedings and enforcement.
Minimum standards regarding the treatment of foreign citizens
Rules on extraterritorial jurisdiction of each state
What general principles of law recognised by civilies nations?
Common law
Ownerships grants very similar rights in all jurisdictions
contract are binding
a person who unlawfully harms a other person is liable to compensation (Tort)
a person who obtained something that at an other person expense without legal reasons has to return it. ((unjust enrichment)
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