
Chapter 3

von Reinhold R.

In what kind of innovations can the content dimension be classified?

  • Process innovations . A good is produced more cheaply, qualitatively better, more environmentally friendly, safer, or faster. The innovations start with the work, they are task-oriented, and eliminate existing process weaknesses. Process innovations are internally (sometimes also inter-company) oriented and aim at increasing efficiency.

  • Product innovations. fulfill completely different purposes, or at least to serve existing purposes differently. Product innovations typically take some time to become established on the market. Effectiveness is the goal.

  • Service innovations are often also referred to as product-service systems, because they are where product and process innovations coincide. This is due to their immateriality (because services are intangible); heterogeneity (because of direct customer involvement in their creation); inseparability (from the process of providing the service); and transience (because they cannot be stored or transported).

  • Market innovations relate to new sales or procurement markets. The aim is to open up new customer or supplier potential, which can increase turnover, lower purchase prices, or improve the quality of services

  • Structural innovations are renewals in the corporate structure. This may involve work structures such as new work schedules, workplace models, or new personnel development procedures. Objectives are the increase of employee qualification and/or motivation, or the rationalization of operational processes. Sales, marketing, organizational, or logistical structures—such as franchise systems—are also conceivable

  • Cultural innovations mean improvements in the social sphere, including among individuals themselves. Within companies, for example, this can mean a change in cooperation between employers and trade union representatives


Innovation is about something new. In the entrepreneurial context, it is mainly product/service and process innovations, but there is also talk of market, structural, and cultural innovations.

Due to these dimensions, the concept of innovation involves:

  • Intensity dimension (new in fact and new in degree)

  • Actor dimension (new by whom?)

  • Process dimension (where does it begin and end?)

  • Normative dimension (new means successful)

In innovation management, the focus is on the design of innovation processes. Here, a distinction is made between idea generation, acceptance, and realization, whereby different models describe different sub-phases.

The stage-gate model provides for a change of work and decision phases. In the agile-stage-gate hybrid model, the requirements of digitization were taken into account by incorporating feedback loops and the interaction of the project team with users and customers. The division into cloud and building block phases takes into account the different circumstances of the two phases.

If the opportunity arises, a protection strategy should be developed. A distinction can be made between a legal and a factual protection strategy, but the two protection strategies should complement each other.

Since customer needs are increasingly becoming the focus of companies, ethnographic research and empathic design have proven to be beneficial instruments. Ethnographic research assumes that “everything is context.” Empathic design means a user-centered development of the design of a new product. BMW has used this successfully on several occasions.


Reinhold R.


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