the rejection of satire
end of the play (msd)
three couples getting married
Theseus rejecting satire
not a satiric but a romantic comedy
plot lines midsummer nights dream
Shakespeare: Fan of multiple plots
variation of the same theme, thematic Connection between plots
3 level of fiction, actually plot of the play performed by bottom an his tradesmen
_ parental opposition, wall between them
_ both killed (manner of romeo and juliet)
thinks thisbe was killed by a Lion, kills himself, she kills herself when she found out
tragedy inside/ transformed to a comedy
4 marriage crisis (rare in Shakespeare, more romantic)
fight about a boy they both want as attendant but seems too insignificant
underlined tension in relationship, jealousy, not really about the boy
boy = pretense for the quarrel
portrayal of love
love is not idealized although it’s a romantic comedy
potential of conflict is pointed out
‘O brawling love, o loving hate’ (R&J)
opening scene:
he fought a war and won, took her home
political motivation but shows love brings conflict
Lateron in first scene:
there is true love but also obstacles (external factors)
social barriers
differences in rank
friends and family
love remains and becomes even more conflictual without those factors
portrayal of love 2
background: tradition in european love poetry in the Renaissance
love = conflictual emotion
male speaker in isolation, Woman almost always absent, love from afar (unrequited)
pleasure and pain
Shakespeare takes the tradition and translates it in dramatic terms
motif of death (caused by love)
end of scene:
love tragedy
Othello= african general
hired by venice
marrief white woman
Jago (officer) said Destimona was unfaithful
O kills D
cosmic disorder/ uncivilized stage of the world when love is absent
Order (harmony) and chaos
speach from titania, first interaction with oberon
they are quarreling with each other, love is gone
talks about cosmic disorder being triggered by that
seasons are messed up/ disordered
Later the pattern of this scene is reversed:
same theme of order and confusion/chaos but now order and music emerge from chaos instead of chaos taking over
Talking about previous experiences
harmony emerges
pattern of love relationships
women don’t change but the men do
4: climax of escalation
Imagination (in Theseus great speech)
Speech: theseus in the Morning after night in the forest
He is a sceptical realist
He ennumerates 3 forms of imaginative perception, of things he himself is not willing to see
1 lunatic: madman, lunar = moon
2 love: heightened perception of person you are in love with
3 poetry: imagination as ingredient of
Shakespeare uses imagination, creating mental images and filling a bare stage
they see things others don’t, maybe the lover has the true perception
maybe seeing with the mind opens your perception for truth
moon is/was associated with madness
ancient/medieval universe
moon as closest heavenly sphere
outer more perfect, inner more flawed
most inconsistency, change, lack of perfection, irregularity
magic: faries, make peoplesee things they normally can’t/don’t
Dream: motif of sleeping and dreaming in the play
theatre: poetry and the performance of it
Why we should not believe Theseus dismissive view of the imagination
this nightmare is metaphorically true
Shakespeare points out that the modes of imaginative experience may be dismissed by a realistic pov but that they should be tanken seriously
he compares the modes
lovers experience compared to a play/ audiences experience
after Theseus speech on imagination she contradicts him:
she is describing the experience of the audience
Tradesman and their play
reason the play comes along as comic: tradesman are not capable of performimg a tragedy convincingly
involuntary/ unintended parody of the genre of tragedy
confusion of genres (Shakespeare likesto mix)
play is trying to be a tragedy but collapses into comedy
Shakespeare adresses theme of imagination
rehearsal scene:
old theatre (Globe Theatre)
moon = activating audiences imagination by showing through speech and not actual
Shakespeare at the beginning of a Long history of the european theatre era, everything about creating Illusion
Brecht has all that Tradition behind him, already perfected
structually same thing but historically different point
Tradesman are not ridiculed by shakespeare, no affectation (Fielding)
role reversal, theseus now believes in the imagination
Shakespeare expresses sympathy for the tradesman
asks audience to lend their imagination or else they will look like fools
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