What does it metabolize? (3)
How does it contribute to the digestion? Which cell is responsible?
How does it contribute to detoxification? Which cell is responsible?
Which micros and macros does the liver store?
Which hormones/enzymes does the liver produce? (3)
Which cells in the liver have a function for the immune system?
Liver disease can lead to which 3 problems? (and therefore can influence the dental treatment)
Hep A
Is it more acute or chronic? Which severity?
How can you get contaminated with it?
Does it have a vaccine?
Hep B
Is it more subclinical or fulminating?
What’s the % of chronic liver disease?
Name 3 possible ways of transmission.
How long can the virus survive in dried blood surfaces?
Is a vaccine available?
Hep C
What’s the main transmission of Hep C?
To which % is it a chronic liver disease?
Name 4 prodrome clinical features of ACUTE viral hepatitis.
And then 6 more advanced ones.
Name 6 causes for a fatty liver.
How’s first and second stage cirrhosis called?
Which 2 signs/symptoms presents 2nd stage cirrhosis?
Name 6 clinical (oral) features of people with liver diseases.
What’s the recommended drug for impaired hepatic metabolism?
How high (in %) is the risk of transmission by needlestick injury in:
How do you manage the wound? (3)
In which Hep can you perform a PEP (post-exposure prophylaxis)?
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