What is flight performance calculation for ?
Which different parameters are included in the term of flight performance ?
On what does the individual performance data of an aircraft depend on ?
Which flight phases does the flight performance calculation distinguish ?
In which phases simplification can be made ?
Name the thre Euler angles for the aircraft position in space !
How many degrees of freedom are possible ?
What is in general sufficient for flight performance analysis ?
How many degrees of freedom has longitudinal movement ?
What are coordinate systems ?
What is applying in general for all coordinate systems ?
Name 4 indexes !
Picture the axis for a Geodetic (earth-fixed) coordinate system !
Picture the axis for a Aircraft fixed (body frame) coordinate system !
Picture the axis for a Aerodynamic coordinate system !
What are the general nonlinear equations of motion ?
How can the simplified nonlinear differential equations of longitudinal motion be described mathmatically ?
How can the symmetrical gliding flight without propulsion mathematically be decribed ?
Name the formulas for the glide angle and the glide number !
Name typical lift-to-drag ratios and glide numbers each for a commercial aircraft and for a glider !
Give the mathematically formula for the rate of descent !
What is the formula for drag at the lowest rate of descent ?
What is the formula for minimum drag speed at minimum glide number (epsilon min) ?
What is the formula for maximum speed (dive) ?
Where are the characteristic points of a polar according to max. flight time and max. range ?
What is a hodograph and how can it be pictured ?
What is the mathematically equilibrium of forces in cruise flight ?
Name the equation for lift !
How can the range of a cruise flight according to Breguet be calculated ?
Due to which factors the flight range increases ?
How can the maximum range (Rmax) at constant speed be calculated ?
Which assumption has to be done ?
How can the maximum range at constant altitude be calculated ?
Which assumption has to be made ?
How can the required thrust be calculated ?
What is a drag curve ?
Explain the 3 points in the diagram in terms of thrust, drag and speed stability !
What is the definition of the specific range (Rspec)
What is the dependency of the specific range and the optimum flight speed ?
What is the dependence of the specific range on mass and speed ?
How can the optimum cruise flight be described ?
How can the real cruise flight be described ?
How can the angle gamma be calculated for stationary, symmetrical climb ?
How can small climb and glide angles be calculated ?
How is the rate of climb (ROC) defined ?
Name 6 points of criteria for choosing the climb method in flight operations of a commercial aircraft !
Climb criteria
What else must be observed in flight operations ?
How can the specific exit power (SEP) be determined ?
How can the fastest climb be reached ?
What are the differences between the steepest and the fastest climb ?
What is the influence of the mass on the specific excess power ?
What is the influence of the flight altitude on the SEP ?
What is service ceiling ?
When is the absolute ceiling reached ?
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