What tries matching to achieve?
have two sets and want to create pairs based on certian preferences on both sides…
along with other properties
Where is matching e.g. used?
kidney exchange
med school residencies program
What is the marriage model?
set of men M
set of women W
one to one matching -> each man can be matched to one woman and vice-versa
each man has strict preferences over women and vice versa
preference ranking of m1 -< w1 >m1 w2 >m1 w3 ….
woman is acceptable to m if m prefers w to being unmatched
What is a matching ? And when is a matching stable? (in marriage model)
matching: set of pairs (m,w) such that each individual has one partner
matching is stable if:
every individual matched with acceptable partner
there is no man-woman pair that would rather match with each other than with their assigned partner (would not switch)
=> if would exist -> so called blocking pair that would make match unstable…
What is the deferred acceptance algorithm?
Men and Women rank all potential partners (all acceptable ones…)
each man proposes to highest woman on his list
woman make tentative match based on preferred offer and rejects other offers
each rejected man removes rejecting woman from list and makes new offer (to next in line…)
continue until no more rejection offers happen at which point implement tentative matches
tentative:= not fixed / provisional…
Is DA algo stable?
algo must end in finite number of rounds
suppose m,w matched but m prefers w’
at some point m proposed to w’ but was rejected
at that point, w’ preffered her tentative match m’ to m
as algo goes forward, w’ can only do better (as reject current only if better match comes along…)
wo w’ prefers final match to m
=> no blocing pairs…
Implications roommate problem?
group of students to be matched, two in each room
A: B>C>D
B: C>A>S
whoever pairs with D wants to change and can find willing partner (circular change…)
stability in matching markets not a given even if each match involves just two people
but if eixist, can be found in polytime… (NP complete if we were to match three people…)
What kind of problem could arise if we were to use decentralized markets (i.e. no centralized matching system)
maybe w holds m’s offer for a longer time and then rejects it but only after market has cleared
maybe m makes exploding offer to w and she has to decide before knowing her other optinos…
=> in general, no guarantee that market will be orderly…
What is an alternative to deferred acceptance?
priority matching
How does priority matching work?
men and women submit preferences
each man-woman pair gets priority based on mutual rankings
algo matches all priority 1 couples and takes them out of marked
new priorities assigned and process iterates….
What is man-optimal and woman-pessimal?
in the man proposing version -> man has best posslble matching in stable matching (man optimal)
and woman gets worst outcome in any stable matching
Is DA strategy proof?
-> e..g everyone truthful but woman reports that m in unacceptable -> will get better matching…
What theorem holds for all matching mechanisms?
there is no matching mechanism that is strategy-proof and always generates a stable outcome given reported preferences
=> both, DA and priority lead to stable matches thus not strategy proof….
Is DA strategy proof for men?
yes -> can only improve by switch to truthful…
Is stability a suffient criteria for all matching scenarios?
no -> e.g. other side has no preference (e.g. student housing…)
=> requires other criteria
What is the house allocation problem?
N individuals and N houses
each individual has strict preference over houses
Goal: assign each individual to a house
What is random serial dictatorship?
each student gets priority (perhaps randomly assigned)
pick houses in order of their priority
=> can be very unfair ex-post
What properties does (random) serial dictatorship have?
strategy proof
-> individual with first pick gets preferred house so no incentive to lie
indivdual with second pick gets preferred house among remaining houses so again no reason to lie…
individual with priority one does not want to trade
given that she is out, inividual with prio two also does not want to trade…
What can one do if the allocation is not efficient?
implement some form of trading scheme
-> e.g. top trading cycles by shapley and scarf
How does gales TTC algo work?
each person points to most preferred house
each hose points to its owner
=> creates directed graph with at least one cycle
remove all cycles, assigning people to the house they are pointing at
repeat using preference list where assigned houses have been deleted
What does the core describe in cooperative games?
stable outcomes in situations where only one side of the markes has preferences
core consists of all feasible unblocked assignments
=> blocked:= coalition of agents blocks if, from their initial endowments, there is an assignment among themselves that they all prefer to the candidate assignment.
What is the core in the housing market?
TTC mechanism leads to unique core assignment in the housing market
Proof of TTC resulting in the core
blocking coalition cannot involve those matchied at round one (all agents get first choice)
cannot involve only those matched in first two rounds (cant improve round 1 sutdents, and to improve round two, need to displace round one sutent, making him worse off)
… (and so on by induction)
Proof TTC is unique
assignments at round one necesarry or else these agents would block and inductively for rounds 2,3,…
Is TTC strategy proof?
for any agent j assigned at round n:
no change in his report can give him a house that was assigned in earlier rounds
no house assigned in a later round will make him better off…
How does paired exchange work and where is it used?
Donor Patient Pairs -> incompatible with each other…
-> Donor of imcompatile pair donates to patient at top of waiting list
patient of incompatilbe pair goes to top of wait list
(-> list exchange)
=> can make use of TTC…
Why do we need an extensino of DA?
=> e.g. hospital / courses want to match to more than a single partner…
How could one extend DA?
quota on the receiving side
-> make tentative matchind and accept up to quota and then begin to reject or exchange if get better proposal…
-> rejected propose to next preference
-> when no rejections happen anymore -> implement tentative matches…
quota on offering side
each propose to all of its most preffered partners (up to quota)
receiving side makes tentative match based on preferred offer and rejects other offers or all if not acceptable
each proposant receiving rejections removes them from list and makes new offers from lower down…
-> continue untli no more rejections or offres at which point implement tentative matches…
What are the properties in many-to-one DA?
at least one stable matching exists
rural hospital theorem: all hospitals fill same number of positions across stable matchings and the same doctors are assigned a position
but no stable matching is strategy proff for the hospitals, even in the hospital proposing DA algo….
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