Who can one aggregate multiple individual preferences to collective decisions?
having agents interact through an institution (called center or principal) -> implement social choice function
What is a potential problem when using principals for preference collection?
types and preferences of differetn agents may be information private to each agent…
=> Principal reuqires truthful information about agents preferences to come to best decisions
=> agents may lie…
What is a bayesian game setting?
Tuple (𝐼, 𝐴, 𝑂, Θ, 𝐹, 𝑢) where
𝐼 is a set of agents;
𝐴 = 𝐴1 ×···×𝐴𝑛, where 𝐴𝑖 is the set of actions or outcomes;
𝑂 is the set of outcomes;
Θ = Θ1 × . . .× Θ𝑛 , where Θ𝑖 is the type space of player 𝑖 ;
𝐹 ∶ Θ ↦ [0,1] is a common prior over types; and
𝑢 = (𝑢1, . . . , 𝑢𝑛), where 𝑢𝑖 ∶ O × Θ ↦ R is the utility function for player 𝑖
What is a mechanism in a bayesian game setting?
Pair (A,M)
-> A are actoin sets of players
M: A -> Δ^𝑂 -> maps each action profile to a distribution over outcomes
=> probability of outcome occuring based on certain probabiliity for each action profile…
When does a mechanism implement a social choice function?
if there is an equilibrium strategy profile of the game induced by M
such that M results in the outcome of some social choice function
=> basically, if the probabilities of M are in such a way, that each player choses to play so that it reuslts in the social choice funciton C…
When is a mechanism an implementation in a dominant strategy of a social choice function?
for any vector in types (whatever the type probabilities…)
the game has an equilibrium in dominant strategies
and in any such equilibrium a*
we have M(a*) = C(u(⋅, 𝜃))
=> the result of the mechanism on the dominant strategy equilibrium
=> is the same as the social choice funciton on the known utilities of the types…
=> one on actions (votes) and one on types…
when is a mechanism an implementaiton in a bayesian nash equilibrium of a social choice function?
=> outcome of mechanism on action profile is the same as social choice function on types given an bayes nash equilibrium induced by it…
What are direct revelation mechanisms?
mechanism so that every bidder reports his type…
=> direct revelation mechanism is incentive compatible if truth telling by all agents is an equilibrium
=> no agent would deviate and not tell the truth…!
What is incentive compatibility?
there is never an incentive to lie…
When is a mechanism dominant strategy incentive compatible (aka strategy proof)?
of for any i , for any type vector, any vector of type reports ß_-i and for any alternative type we have
=> utility of truthful report is at least as high as otherwise…
What does the revelation principle say?
For any equilibrium of any arbitrary mechanism
=> basically for whatever equilibrium in whatever mechanism
there is an incentive compatible direct mechanism that is equivalent
there is a mechanism where the agents have no incentive to lie and report their types that has the same outcome
What is a way to consider the problem of gibbard satterthwaite (no strategyproof and non-dictatorial mechanism for more than three alternatives and generla preferences)
Use quasilinear functions
What is a quasilinear function?
We redefine outcomes o element O as functoin of x,p
where x is a non-monetary outcome (assignments, allocations… (i.e. what hose everyone gets according to i.e. matching))
and p is a payment vector
agent calculate valuation for outcome via valuatoin function (v_i(x,theta (type))
utility function ui(o,type) = Ui(vi(x,type)-pi)
-> utility function is function of risk attitude and valuation-price (i.e. valuation - actual price ; charafcterizing attitude and value of money)
function is quasi linear if it is linear in payment
with risk neutral participants: u_i(o,type) = v(x,type)-p_i
if U_i monotonic transformaiton -> stil be quasi linear…
What are some asumptinos for quasilinear utility functions?
utiility not influenced by amount of money agent has (no money constraint)
agents dont care how much others are made to pay (no externalities for payment)
in auction theory, agents can transfer utility via money (transferable utility)
What models for valuations exist?
indepentent private values (IPV) paradigm
common values
interdependent values
What are independent private values ?
v_i(x,type) = v_i(x, type_i)
=> bidder only knows value of object to himself but not of others at time of bidding…
=> knowledg of other bidders value for the object wont affect how much the object is worth to the bidder
=> most plausible when values derived for consumption or use alone..
What are common values?
value same for all bidders
=> appropriate when value of object derived from market prie that is unknown at time of bidding
=> e.g. tract of land wiht unknown quantity of oil underground
What are interdependent values?
values depend on own and other bidders values
e.g. object is asstet that can be resold after auction
What does a utilitarian social welfare functoin compute?
sums utility of each individual to obtain societys overall welfare
What does a rawlesian social welfare finction comptue?
measures social welfare based on
utility of worst-off member of society
=> min i elemen I (v_i(x, type))
What is incentive cmpatibility?
never an incentive to lie about one’s type (theta, reference Bayes games)
When is a mechanism strategy proof?
valuation of object (x(thetas), theta_i) - price of this type vector
reminder: x is outcome based on types…
is equal or greater than any other value that can be reached with other type of player i…
=> strategy proof if
What is ex-post individually rational?
if for any type, the valution - price is >= 0
What is vickrey-clarke-groves?
direct quasilinear mechanism
-> we have reported types (which indicate the valuation…)
-> we have max price v’_i (outcome (reaiöized price), valuation) -> which is basically the valuation
outcome is chosen by maximum v’_i -> maximum utility…
What is the outcome in auctions?
o = (x, p) -> x : allocation; p : price
What is quasilinear utility?
utility = valuation - payment
What is the english aucton format?
auctioneer calls out low price and raises it in small increments provided there are two or more active biders
-> auction ends when ther is only one remainng bider
What is the dutch auction formatß
auctioneer begins calling price suficiently high so no bidder is willing to pay
price gradually lowered until some bidder indicate it wants to purchase
first bidder wins auction
What are first price vickrey auctions?
bidder submit bid in sealed envelope
at pre-determined time, auctioneer opens all enveloopes and ranks bids
-> highest bidder obtains object and pays price
What are second price vickrey auctions?
bidder submit bids in selaed envelops
at pre-determiend time, autioneer opens envelops and rank bids
highest bidder obtains object and pays second highest bid amount
Under what two different aspects can one evaluate an auction format?
revenue/expected selling price -> optimal auciton design
allocative efficiency -> efficient auctoin design
How should one bid in vickrey auctions?
bid ß(v) = v
=> if smaller bid, and someone bids in between my bid and my valuation, i am in disadvantage, as if i bid higher (still lower than v), i would have higher utiility
if someone bids lower than me, nothing happens
if someone bids over me, i loose no utility (as bidding higher would result in negative utility)
=> if higher bid
-> if s.o. bids higher, nothing changes
-> if s.o. bids
=> weakyly dominant if bidding v (truth)
How should one bin in english auctions?
weak domainance
-> dropout when bid = v
When is a bid weakly dominnat
if regardeless of what other players do -> strategy earns payoff et least as high as any other strategy
and strictly higher payoff fore some profile of the otehr palyers strategies
When are auction format outcomes equivalent?
same price and same outcome in both autcion formats
When does outcome equivalence break down?
if informatino is revealed about when bidders rop out
=> may affect individuals estimate of value…
To what is ducth auction strategically equivalent?
first price auctoin
Wo what is english auction outcome equivalent?
second price auction
What is strategic equivalence?
for every strategy in one auctoni format
-> there exists equivalent strategy in other auctoin formatn and vice versa
Relation strategic equivalence and outcome equivalence
strategic equivalence => outcome equivalence
What are second order statistics?
expected value in the lower of n draws
=> E[v_k(n)]
=> k as order, and n is number of draws…
=> THus E[v_2(2)]
How are k order expected values calculated=
100 * (n-k+1) / (n+1)
How are second order expected values influenced by n (number of draws -> number of bidders)
n grows -> sellers revenue increases
n to unbound -> seller earns all the surplus..
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