Founders use various criteria in order to choose the legal structure that is most favorable for them—or at least appears to be. Name some:
Legal structure that is customary in the trade
Liability, risk distribution, creditworthiness
Capital investment and asset protection
Management, decision making authority (corporate governance)
Formation costs and current expenses
Tax burden
Legal requirements, trade conditions
Business volume
Classicifation of Legal Structures picture
What does the cicil law govern
Legal relations between economic operators, whether individuals or companies. The basic provisions of civil law can be found in the Civil Code (Bürgerliches Gesetzbuch or BGB). It regulates, for example, the formation and termination of contracts. These general rules apply to all participants in economic life within the scope of the BGB
What rules does the German Commercial Code (Handelsgesetzbuch or HGB) set out
special rules for the majority of entrepreneurs. These rules are always applied if at least one of the persons involved in the business has the status of a merchant (Kaufmann)This is the central term of the German Commerical Code. Section 1 of the Code states that “A merchant within the meaning of this Code is a person who carries on a commercial business.” People as well as legal entities may carry on commercial businesses. For example, an individual is regarded as a sole proprietor (Einzelkaufmann §§ 1 and 2 HGB), but so are
corporations and limited liability companies according to the German Commercial Code
Describe a sole Proprietor
Einzelunternehmer, if the owner is simultaneously in charge of the company and personally liable with their assets for the company's liabilities
What are commercial companies and whats not
The Code clarifies, in Section 1, the following: “A commercial business is any commercial enterprise unless, by reason of its nature or size, the enterprise does not require a commercially organized business operation.”
small business owners (Kleingewerbetreibender)are easily manageable and that their activities are uncomplicated, such an individual is therefore not considered a merchant under the commercial law Code.
What requirements are imposed on the individual legal entity who is deemed, in the eyes of the law, to be a merchant or Kaufmann
double-entry bookkeeping
prepare financial reports in the form of a balance sheet
take inventory
make annual accruals
publish annual accounts
In the development and growth of a company, the time usually comes when the nature and scope of business activity has reached a certain level when the sole proprietor must be entered in the commercial register. Name some reference points
the nature of the business and its scope
the number of employees, where more than five employees are usually assumed
the business assets, this from about 100,000 euros
the loan amount, from about 50,000 euros
any existing sites or branches
the turnover, depending on the type of activity
Ho can a sole proprietor be named
personal, factual, or fantasy names. They must use the addition registered merchant (eingetragener Kaufmann) or the abbreviation e. K., e. Kfm., or Kffr. In this way, it is clear that an entry has been made in the commercial register.
Describe a Freelancer
exempt from trade tax
pursue independently exercised scientific, artistic, literary, teaching, or educational activities.
This typically applies to doctors, architects, engineers, lawyers, artists, and similar professions such as consultants
status is often combined with an academic degree
In the case of repetitive activities or standardized products, e.g., of financial or credit consultants, the freelancer status is not applicable
Define partnership
under civil law (Gesellschaft bürgerlichen Rechts, GbR, also called BGBSociety):
carrie out a commercial activity which stays below the threshold of making it a merchant
All partners are entitled to its assets, if there are any
Desvribe a GbR (Gesellschaft bürgerlichen Rechts)
at least two persons
All partners have the right to manage the company and must agree to all transactions, but rules can be set
all partners are liable, without limitation, with all their assets, even if they themselves were not causally involved in a liability case and it was caused by one of the other partners
A GbR automatically becomes an OHG as soon as the level of its commercial activity crosses the threshold which defines a merchant under the law
Describe a general partnership (Offene Handelsgesellschaft or OHG
partners jointly operate a commercial business under a joint company name
All partners have unlimited personal and direct liability for the acts or omissions of the OHG
is a form of GbR
Describe a limited partnership (Kommanditgesellschaft or KG)
is a form of OHG
liability is limited to the capital contribution of one (or more) partners with the other partners being limited in their liability
two types of partners: the personally and unrestricted liable general partners, and the limited partners who are only liable with the capital that they have contributed
A partnership agreement is required, the general partners and limited partners are named, and the contributions are also stated there.
to be able to go into business with third parties it requires an entry in the commercial register (Handelsregister)
Describe the partnership society (Partnerschaftsgesellschaft or PartG)
several members of the freelancing professions join together to exercise their profession together
does not exercise a commercial trade
All of its assets are pooled together.
written partnership contract for the internal relationship and an entry into the partnership register in the case of an external relationship is necesarry
all partners are liable without limitation, directly and jointly. However, liability for professional mistakes is limited to the partner who gave rise to the liability claim
The management of the company is similar to that of the OHG, except that individual partners cannot be excluded from the management of the entire company, but only for individual transactions
Describe corporations
GmbH, public limited company (Aktiengesellschaft or AG), UG, limited liability (Haftungsbeschränkung), Ltd., SE
independent legal entities with their own legal capacity and fixed nominal capital.
Describe a limited liability company (Gesellschaft mit beschränkter Haftung or GmbH)
separate law, the GmbHG.
can be founded for any legal purpose (GmbHG)
liability is limited to the company’s assets
commercial company with its own legal personality according to the German Commercial Code (HGB)
one or more members
The GmbH itself is a merchant in the legal sense
company’s assets belong to the GmbH as legal entity
consists of the managing director and the general assembly of its members; it may also have a supervisory board
The general assembly of members exercises ultimate control over the GmbH. The competences of the members are regulated in a separate agreement.
The managing director(s) are always natural persons who manage the business internally and externally, and they are appointed by the members.
In addition, a supervisory board can be formed if the company is subject to co-determination and Works Constitution Act
Describe a entrepreneurial company (Unternehmergesellschaft or UG)
limited liability company
does not represent a legal form of its own, but is a variety of the GmbH
lower capital requirements than GmbH
low level of liability (thats why haftungsbeschränkt is added to the companies name
Capital requirements to form this establishment is at least one euro (+registration and notaries fees (+2*150€))
25% of the annual net profit must be contributed until at least 25,000 euros are reached (Rücklagenbildung)
Conversion to GmbH possible after net profit reached 25000€ :
auditor must confirm the correctness of the last balance sheets, for which quite considerable costs for audit, notary, etc. are incurred.
danger with a UG is that it can quickly go into debt due to its low share capital
Describe a joint stock (Aktiengesellschaft or AG)
commercial company with its own legal personality
share capital amounts to at least 50,000 euros and the shares can be issued as nominal value or nopar value shares (A par value share has a fixed amount, whereas a no-par value share has a share in the share
partners participate in the share capital of the company with their capital contributions and are not personally liable
company assets belong exclusively to the corporation.
Describe the three executive bodies of the AG
management board
manages the business
consists of one or more persons
the supervisory board
controlling body
appoints, monitors, and recalls the management board
no members of the management board or senior executives may be elected to the supervisory board
reason why the German AG has what is called a “dualistic” model of corporate governance, in contrast to other jurisdictions, such as the one of the United States, where a person may be a member of both boards simultaneously.
the general meeting
annual, composed of the shareholders
supervisory board members are elected here, unless they are required to be elected under the Co-Determination Act or the Works Constitution Act
As a consequence, German AGs are famously governed only up to 50% by shareholder representatives, with the other half representing the corporation’s employees
—>By this German economy does not pursue a model of shareholder value but of stakeholder value
Describe the English limited (Ltd.)
limited liability on a share basis
no minimum nominal capital requirement
founded quickly, with little bureaucracy and expense in England and registered in the English commercial register
Based on the memorandum of association, the declaration of incorporation, the application for registration, and a declaration by the directors, approval is granted in the form of the “Certificate of Incorporation.” A notarial authentication is not required
shareholders, board of directors and a company secretary are in the limited company
company secretary is responsible for making the annual returns and other notifications to the UK Commercial Register
address of the company is the registered office; the company must be located in England, Wales, or Scotland.
For a certain time, the Ltd. was fashionable for its simplicity, but became largely obsolete again due to the possibility of the UG in Germany
Describe the Societas Europaea (SE)
EU-wide legal entity which is an alternative to the national company forms
share capital of 120,000 euros is required to establish an SE, which is then entered in the register of the relevant EU member state
As with the AG, the SE has a limitation of liability to the capital of the SE
The management can either be managed by the executive board and the supervisory board (dualistic model as is customary in Germany) or solely by the administrative board (board of directors, monistic model)
Describe the special form of a GmbH & Co. KG
created by forming a KG in which the only (fully liable) general partner consists of a GmbH
Partnership and corporation are thus mixed here
A silent partnership is created when one partner participates in a commercial enterprise as a silent partner only through a capital contribution- They participate in the profits but do not appear externally
German Corporations
German Partnerships
GbR, OHG, KG, partnership company
Name Legal Structures With Unlimited Liability
Sole Proprietorship, Partnerships
How can a company be stablished in the USA
law is regulated differently in the individual fifty states. There are model laws, but the laws of the individual states sometimes differ considerably
a Certificate of Assumed Name (also DBA) is required, unless the company chooses its own name for the business activity. Before starting business, the form must be filled out with the desired business name. After checking that the name does not already exist, the business can then be started
Describe Sole proprietorship in the USA
simplest form of business activity
does not represent a corporate form
carried out by a single person as sole proprietor who has complete control over the activity
personal and unlimited liability
Describe Partnerships in the USA
several people jointly found a company with the aim of making a profit
A contract (partnership agreement) is required, but it does not have to have a specific form and is also valid and binding in verbal form
The agreement contains the name, purpose, distribution of profits and losses, name and address of the person authorized to receive services, as well as the rights and obligations of the partners (such as participation in management and the amount and type of their contribu-
The name is freely selectable
Describe the 2 Types of Partnerships in the USA
General Partnership (GP)
similar to GbR or OHG
Several persons run a company together, with all having unlimited personal liability
no special requirements for the formation of a company, such as a minimum capital contribution
limited partnership
comparable to KG
limited partner is not liable with his personal assets, but only with his shares
general partner has unlimited liability with his assets.
thats why memorandum of association must be prepared and submitted to the competent state authority
Name Legal Structures With Limited Liability in the USA
Corporation, Limited Liability Company, Limited Partnership
How is a Legal Structures With Limited Liability founded in USA
founding documents must be submitted to the respective Secretary of State
registration confirmed by a certificate of incorporation
does not constitute a kind of entry in the commercial register, but only the confirmation of the registration
The presence of the shareholders or managing directors is not required for registration, but it is advisable to engage a lawyer admitted to practice in the USA for the procedure.
product liability is not linked to company liability, so a limitation of company liability does not mean a limitation of liability for damages to customers due to product defects or similar
Describe a corporation in the USA
similar to GmbH or AG, but without their minimum capital contribution
normally no personal liability on the part of the shareholders
can be different if the corporation has no assets of its own or very insufficient capital
A major disadvantage of the corporation is the double taxation of its profits, as both the legal entity and the owners are taxed
3 bodies:
the shareholders
the board of directors (elected by the shareholders),
the executive officers (appointed by the board of directors)
Describe the S-Corporation in the USA
special feature of Corporation, which eliminates double taxation
Only the shareholders are taxed, but not the legal entity.
balance sheet year must be the calendar year
number of shareholders is limited
only natural persons with American citizenship or permanent residence permits can be shareholders
Describe the limited liability company (LLC, LC) in the USA
similar to GmbH
it combines corporation and partnership
Partners are free from personal liability
company is managed by the shareholders or by an external manager.
option to tax the LLC either as a corporation or as a partnership
In most US states, one-person LLCs can also be formed.
For LLCs, articles of organization and an operating agreement must be drawn up
articles of organization must contain: name, the corporate purpose, the registered agent, and the registered office
Describe the limited liability partnership (LLP) in the USA
similar to the German partnership company
In American law or tax consulting firms, architectural firms, etc., the partners are personally liable, even if they are limited partners. However, if an LLP exists, each
partner is only liable for their own activities
In Germany, founders can choose the legal form of a sole proprietorship, partnership, or corporation.
One person carrying out commercial activity is called Einzelgewerbetreibender. If several persons join together, they constitute a partnership. GbR, OHG, and KG are possible variants. If a corporation is founded, then GmbH, AG, UG (haftungsbeschränkt), Ltd., and SE are typical. The GmbH & Co KG represents a hybrid form.
In the USA, similar legal forms exist in the form of sole proprietorship, partnership, corporation, and limited liability, although the minimum capital requirement customary in Germany does not exist there.
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