What does project cost management include?
Project Cost Management inludes processes involved in planning, estimating, budgeting, financing, funding, managing, and controlling costs so the project can be completed within the approved budget
How can project cost management be defined?
Set of processes involved in planning, estimating, budgeting, financing, funding, managing, and controlling costs so the project can be completed within the approved budget
How can project cost be defined?
Cost of the resources needed to complete the project activities
How can budget be defined?
Approved estimate for a project or a work package
Project budget includes all funds authorized to execute the project
How can effort be defined?
Number of labor units required to complete an activity or work package, often expressed in person hours, person days, or person month
What is the relation between cost estimating and cost budgeting?
On some projects, especially those of smaller scope, cost estimating and cost budgeting are tightly linked and can be viewed as a single process
What needs to be considered for cost estimating and cost budgeting?
Project should consider project decisions on subsequent recurring costs of using, maintaining, and supporting the product, service, or result of the project, e.g. limiting the number of design reviews reduces the project cost, but could increase the product’s operating costs
What can be said about stakeholders concerning cost estimating and cost budgeting?
Different stakeholders measure prject costs in a different way at different times, e.g.: cost of an acquired item may be measured when the acquisition decision is made, the order is placed, the item is delivered etc.
How is cost estimating and cost budgeting performed in many organizations?
In many organizations
predicting and analyzing the prosoective financial performance of the project’s product is performed outside of the project
exist formal or informal cost estimating and budgeting-related policies, procedures and guidelines - e.g. earned value management used in managing projects
What can be said about cost estimating and cost budgeting in agile projects?
No benefit from detailed cost calculations -> use lightweight estimation methods
Detailed estimated reserved for short-term planning horizons and in just-in-time fashion
What are the basics of the Estimate Cost Procecss?
Estimate Costs is the process of developing an approximation of the cost or resources needed to complete project work
Determines the monetary resources required for the project
Is periodically performed throughout the project as needed or planned
What are types of cost occurring in a project?
Performed for all resources that will be charged to the project
labor: effort cost per labor unit
special categories like inflation allowance, cost of financing, contingency costs, conversion rates, taxes etc.
What is effort?
Can be presented at activity level or in summary form at any level of the project work structure
How can estimate costs be presented?
At activity level or in summary form at any level of the project work structure
What can estimating costs for a Scrum project be based on?
Either a fixed-date release or a fixed-scope release
What is the first step for estimating costs for a Scrum project?
Determine who is on the team: Assume that the team composition doesn’t materially change either during a sprint or from sprint to sprint
What is the second step for estimating costs for a Scrum project?
Determine the sprint length: Assume that all sprints have the same length
What is the third step for estimating costs for a Scrum project?
Based on team composition and sprint length, determine the personnel costs of running a sprint: This is simple if previous assumptions are true, and only slightly more complicated if the team composition or sprint length fluctuates
What is the fourth step for estimating costs for a Scrum project for a fixed-date release?
Multiply the number of sprints in the release by the cost per sprint: The result is the fixed personnel cost for this release
What is the fourth step for estimating costs for a Scrum project for a fixed-scope release?
Multiply both high and low number of sprints by the cost per sprint: The results are the rang of personnel costs associated with the release. One represents the lower amount the release should cost and the other the higher amount it should cost
What is the determine budget process?
Determine budget is the process of aggregating the estimated costs of individual activities to establish an authorized cost baseline
What are characteristics of the determine budget process?
Determines the cost baseline against which the project performance can be monitored and controlled
Performed once or at predefined points in the project (usually stage boundaries)
Can lead to rescheduling or changing the approach depending on the funding limits on the commitment of funds for the project
Illustrate the project budget components!
What is the cost baseline?
Approved version of the time-phased project budget that includes contingency reserves, but excludes management reserves
Basis for comparison to actual cost
Developed as a summation of the approved budgets for the different schedule activities
Enables time-phase view of the cost baseline, as cost estimated that make up the cost baseline are directly linked to the schedule
What is the management reserve?
Amount of the project budget withheld for management control purposes, reserved for unforeseen work that is within the scope of the project
Intended to address the unknown unknowns
Not included in the cost baseline, but part of the overall project budget
Are added to the cost baseline to produce the project budget
An amount of management reserves can be added to the cost baseline based on a (formal) change
What is the contingency reserve?
Is the budget within the cost baseline that is allocated for identified risks
Intended to address the known-unknowns that can affect the project, e.g. rework for some project deliverables
Can be provided at any level from the specific activity to the entire project
May be a percentage, a fixed number
What is the control costs process?
Control Costs is the process of monitoring the status of the project to update the project costs and managing changes to the cost baseline
What are characteristics of the Control Costs Process?
Maintains the cost baseline throughout the project
Performed throughout the project
Monitoring expenditure with regard to the value of work accomplished
Bright expected cost overruns within acceptable limits
Major output of the process: cost forecast
What are the steps of the control costs process?
You (i) capture the expenses, (ii) compare them to the plan and (iii) forecast / estimate the remaining necessary costs
What should be done in case of deviations in the control costs process?
In case of deviations (especially overruns) a) find out the reason, b) manage the deviation back on track or, if that’s not possible and has an effect on the total budget, inform the relevant stakeholders. You might need to ask for a budget increase
What are possible root causes for budget deviations?
More effort needed than expected, higher day rates for resources charged than planned, price increase of other resources used etc.
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