Trait Approach - General Concept
one of the first systematic attempts to study leadership
Focus on inate qualities and characteristics possessed by leaders in different fields
“Great Man“ theories
-> Fundamental differences exist between leaders and followers
What are Traits
Traits are characteristic of a person
Traits are fixed (ex: intelligence, height) or not easily changed (ex: extraversion, emotional stability)
It is the persepctive of this theory that leaders are born, not made.
Some aspects of the theory are antiquated, others are still very relevant.
Major Leadership Traits
Verbal, perceptual, and reasoning capabilities
Positively related to leadership
Related areas:
Verbal ability
Perceptual ability
Problem solving
Certainty about one’s competencies and skills
Self-esteem / Self-assurance
Belief in one‘s one ability to influence
The ability to make others believe they are right in following a leadership path or direction
Desire to get a job done
Initiative, persistence, drive
Perserverence in instances of challenge or diffficulty
Display of dominance in situations requiring follower direction
Quality of honesty, trustworthiness, and character
Ethical Leadership
Positively related to:
Negatively related to:
A leader’s inclination to seek out pleasant social relationships
Includes characteristics such as being
Includes having and displaying good interpersonal skills and pursuing cooperative relationships
Emotional Intelligence
Emotional Intelligence - the capability of individuals to recognize their own emotions and those of others, discern between different feelings and label them appropriately, use emotional information to guide thinking and behavior, and manage and/or adjust emotions to adapt to environments or achieve one's goal(s).
The idea in brief:
Traits >> Personality >> An Individual’s Emotions
Self-awareness of one’s emotions can enhance the ability to improve on develop personality traits
How the Trait Approach Works
Focus is exclusively on the leader and traits a leader should have
For Organizations
Talent identification for future positions
Selection criteria for management positions
For Individuals
Self-knowledge and self awareness
Identification of personal strengths and weaknesses
Identification of future potential areas of improvement where possible
Strengths of the Trait Approach
Understandable approach
Large body of research
Highlights the leadership component of the leadership process
Good starting point for identifying leadership characteristics
Weaknesses of the Trait Approach
Lack of consensus on leadership traits
Lack of situational consideration
Fails to consider outcomes
Not useful for training and development
Application of the Trait Approach
Starting point for developing a desired list of leadership characteristics
Self-assessment for leadership potential
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