What are the basics of risk management?
Risk management contributed significantly to achieving project success and is executed in parallel to the other project management areas
-> What can go wrong?
What is a risk?
The effect of uncertainty on objectives (covers chances (the positive effect) as well as negative effects)
A possible future event that
a) leads to undesirable consequences
b) the unwanted consequences themselves
What is a problem?
Risk that has already occurred (Risk is a problem that may occur)
How can risk management be defined?
Coordinated activities to direct and control an organization with regared to the risk
What are goals and motivation of risk management?
Risk management contributed significantly to achieving project sucess
Reduce the probability and extent of negative events
Increase the probability and extent of positive events
Enables specification of achievable goals and deadlines
Prevent the failure of the overall project if workstream or tasks fail
Dealing with uncertainty
Limitation of uncertainty
Learning from experiences
Focus the attention / resources to where they are needed
How does risk management deal with uncertainty?
Decriminalization of risks and protection against operational blindness
Negative thinking allowed and used
How does risk management focues the attention / resources to where they are needed?
Cost minimization for protective measures
Prevents unnoticed transfer of risk responsibility
How is risk management performed within a project?
Risk management is performed during the entire project duration and follows a commonly understood procedure
Illustrate the risk management process according to PMI!
Illustrate the risk management process according to ISO 31000!
What is the task of a risk owner?
The risk owner takes care of the risk over its “lifetime”: proper analysis / evaluation, treatment / management and tracking. Should be an expert regarding the risk respectively the item carrying or causing the risk, e.g. firewall, windows servers, building security (-> facility managers) etc.
What are the basics of risk identification?
Risk identification is performed throughout the entire project and is about identifying individual risks and documenting their traits
What is input of the risk identification process?
Potential sources to identify risks:
Issue log
Lessons learned register
Requirements document
Resource requirements
Stakeholder register
What is output of the risk identifiaction process?
Risk Log Entries
Risk ID
Date (of risk identification)
Risk category (e.g. time, quality, lega)
Risk description (root cause, impact)
Degree of impact
(Expected Value: Probability x Degree of Impact)
Occurrence perspective (short term, mid term)
Risk Treatment Category (avoid, mitigate, transfer, share)
Risk Treatment (specific)
Risk Status (e.g. open / active, closed)
Risk Owner
Risk Responsible
What can be said about the tools and techniques for risk identification?
The tools and techniques applied for risk identification are frequently also used in Requirements Management and Quality Management
What are tools and techniques for risk identification?
Document reviews -> assumptions, estimates, potential issues, etc.
SWOT Analysis
Techniques of information gathering: Brainstorming, Delphi etc.
Expert judgement
Root cause analysis
Cause and effect analysis, e.g. Failure Mode and Effect Analysis (FMEA)
System or process flow analysis
Influence diagrams / analysis
Checklist analysis and analysis of assumptions
What are the steps of risk analysis?
Risk analysis starts with a qualitative analysis which can be extended by a quantitative analysis
What does the qualitative risk analysis contain?
(First) Estimation of
probability of occurrence
impact of the individual risks
Prioritize risks for further analysis
What does the quantitative risk analysis contain?
Numerical analysis of
the probability of occurrence
the effects of identified risks on the objectives of the overall project
Often based on historical data
Due to the usually quite high effort to be invested usually only performed on important risks
How is the risk level calculated?
Probability * Degree of Impact (reflects the idea of “expectancy value”)
What is the probability impact matrix?
The Probability Impact Matrix provides a fast overview of the risks in projects
What are characteristics of the probability impact matrix?
Representation of probability-impact pairs in a coordinate system
Often supplemented by a list of short names of risks
Granularity depends on the project respectively on the definition in the risk management plan
Can be provided after the qualitative risk analysis
Illustrate the probability impact matrix!
What are the basics of risk response planning?
Risk Response Planning determines how to address overall project risk exposure and how to treat individual risks
Attention: Distinguish risk responses / risk treatment vs. the “emergency plan” / the plan executed when a risk becomes a problem
What are activities of risk response planning?
Plan, agree on and assign activities to treat the identified risks
Reasonable in relation to the importance of the risk
Reasonable cost benefit relation
Effective and efficient
Accepted by all parties
Identify and assign a responsible person for each risk and its adopted action plan - Risk Owner
What is the scope of risk responce planning?
The overall project risk as well as the individual risks
What is the overall risk exposure?
Analyze the set of risks and distribution of risk levels (risk profile)
Decide on activities / tasks to change the risk profile -> can lead
to changes of risk response plans of individual risks
to changes of the risk management plan
What is an individual risk?
Assign treatment strategy
Assign activities to manage the risk according to the assigned treatment strategy
Strategy and activities documented in Risk Log and if useful in schedule, cost plan and other project management documents
What are special plans on Triggers for Risk Response Planning?
For a set of risks or individual risks
Prepared plan (activities) to be executed when a specific situation occurs / trigger fires, e.g., the risk becomes a problem
Helps to be able to operate after an instant change of situation
What are possible risk response / treatment strategies?
What does the risk response / treatment strategy “Avoid” contain?
Completely eliminate threat
Change project goals so that they are no longer exposed to the effects of risks
Change of strategy
Reduction of the project scope
(If necessary) finish the project or subproject
What does the risk response / treatment strategy “Mitigate” contain?
Reduce the likelihood or / and the impact
E.g.: Apply simpler processes, increase the number of tests, hire a more reliable service provider, development of prototypes, install redundancies in the system, provide fallback options
What does the risk response / treatment strategy “Transfer” contain?
Full or partial transfer of the risk impact to another person or organization, e.g. insurance, warranty, using a service
Most effective for financial impact
Almost always associated with additional costs
Usually on the basis of a contract or by special contract design (e.g. fixed price contract)
What does the risk response / treatment strategy “Accept” contain?
No suitable treatment activities can be defined
Active Acceptance: Assigning emergency resources (budget, buffer on schedule, etc.)
Passive Acceptance: no activity
What does Risk Treatment Implementation mean?
Risk Treatment Implementation means the execution of the activities and plans defined in the Risk Response Plan
What are characteristics of Risk Treatment Implementation?
Plans or planned activities can be part of the schedule and other plans of the project or can be executed directly from the respective entries in the risk log
The Risk Owner is accountable for the execution of the plans, i.e. he / she can delegate them to one or more Risk Responsible
What is the purpose of the Monitor and Control Risk process?
To identify new risks and ensure the management of already identified risks
What are acitivities of the Monitor and Control Risk process?
Identify new risks
Assess whether existing risks are still valid (or whether they can be closed)
Re-evaluate (existing) risks
Re-evaluate the risk treatment
Track the status of risk management / treatment activities
Evaluate the effectiveness of the risk management process (-> continuous improvement of project management processes)
What are tools to monitor and control risks?
Risk Assessment
Risk Audit
Variance and Trend Analysis
Technical Performance Measurement
Reserve Analysis
Status Meetings
What is Risk Assessment?
Assess and analyze new risks or review known risks
What is Risk Audit?
Review of the effectiveness of the chosen policies and measures
Review of the effectiveness of the risk management process
Responsibility of the project manager
What is Variance and Trend Analysis?
Methods of trend and variance analysis, e.g. Earned Value Analysis
Analogously comparable “monitor and control” processes
What is Technical Performance Measurement?
Measurement of project progress based on concrete project results
Provides information on goal achievement and risk assessment
What is Reserve Analysis?
Determining / checking the reserves
Comparison of reserves with risk assessment of any necessary reserves
What are Status Meetings?
Risk management on the agenda of each project status meeting
Identification and assessment of risks
Development of strategies and measures
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