Servant Leadership - Basic Concept
Putting Followers First
Seeing to Followers Needs
Facilitating Goal Accomplishment & Achievement
Servant Leadership - Academic Definition
An emerging leadership approach that emphasizes the “caring principle” with leaders as “servants” who focus on their followers’ needs in order to help those followers become more autonomous, knowledgeable, and like servants themselves.
Servant Leadership - Greenleaf Definition
“Servant leadership begins with the natural feeling that one wants to serve, to serve first. Then conscious choice brings one to aspire to lead. . . . The difference manifests itself in the care taken by the servant—first to make sure that other people’s highest priority needs are being served. The best test . . . is: do those served grow as persons; do they, while being served, become healthier, wiser, freer, more autonomous, more likely themselves to become a servant? And, what is the effect on the least privileged in society; will they benefit, or, at least, will they not be further deprived?”
Key Concepts
Consensus building over coercian
Social responsibility of leadership
Authority shift and empowerment of followers
The Followers
The Leaders
The Relationship
(The Situation)
Viewed as a mix between leadership characteristics and behaviors
Ten Characteristics of Servant Leadership
1. Listening
2. Empathy
3. Healing
4. Awareness
5. Persuasion
6. Conceptualization
7. Foresight
8. Stewardship
9. Commitment to the Growth of People
10.Building Community
Model of Servant Leadership
Servant Leader Behaviors
Emotional Healing
Helping Followers Grow and Succeed
Behaving Ethically
Creating Value for the Community
Thorough understanding of the organization
Recognizing others’ problems and taking the time to address them
Exactly what it says – putting followers first
Knowing followers’ professional or personal goals
Doing the right thing in the right way
Allowing followers the freedom to be independent, make decisions on their own, and be self-sufficient
Intentionally giving back to the community
Encouraging followers to volunteer for community service
Servant Leadership - Strengths
Alturuism as central leadership component
Counterintuitive, yet useful approach
Very effective in certain situations
Servant Leadership Questionnaire (SLQ) well developed and useful
Servant Leadership - Criticisms & Weakness
Not “Leadership” in the traditional sense
No academic research consensus on a theoretical
“service” principle seen at odds by some with traditional leadership and management tasks of directing, controlling, etc...
Servant Leadership - Application
Wide ranging applications for organizations and levels of management
Successful record when correctly applied
Works well when combined in consideration of hiring
Well suited to training programs and leadership development
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