types of hypersensitivity reactions
mast cells needed.
direct activator -> FCeR1 - binds to FC part of IgE
IgE activates mast cells and then produces histamine
who secretes IgE ?
when IL4 is produces(?)
Who secretes IL4?
TH2 cells
How do we get TH2 cells ?
due to AG presenting cells which produce IL2
Why do we have TH2 instead of TH1 cells?
bc of the NKcells which produce IFNy and early IL4 which comes into play with allergies
allergy induction depends on IgE class switch in Bcells - what does this mean?
Activation of NK1.1+ subset of CD4T cells -> Naive T cells are primed and develop into Th2 cells in the presence of IL-4 -> activated TH2 cells secrete IL4, inducing isotype switching of IgE
more IL 4 in last step, which activates cell with the ligand interaction
in presence of IL4 mainy IgE is produced
IgE binds to epislon receptor 1 and binds mast cells which then produce histamine and other stuff
Mast cells are key players in allergic reactions
degranulation - histamine, proteoglycans, proteases, TNF
lipid mediators - prostaglandins, leukotrienes
cytokine transcription - inflammatory, immunoregulatory
FCeRI with ß, a, y,y, regions
AG binding to IgE on mast cells amplifies IgE release
IgE secreted by plasms cells bind to a high-affinity FCR - FCeR1, on mast cells -> activated mast cells provide contact and secreted signals to B cells to stimulate IgE production
typical properties of inhaled allergens
Features of inhaled allergens that may promote the priming of TH2 cells that drive IgE responses
protein - only proteins induce Tcell response -> have to be proteins bc there need to be MHCII presentation and only peptides are presented
enzymatically active - allergens are often proteases - house dust -> acting as danger signals increasing signal
low dose - favors activation of IL-4-production CD4T cells - like pollen, favor TH2 responses bc if high -> strong immune response. low dose - IL4 production
low molecular weight - allergen can diffuse out of particle into mucus - pollen particle -> protein needs to diffuse out
high solubility - allergen can be readily eluted from particle - the longer lasting
contains peptides that bind host MHCII - required for T cell priming -> bc of binding/recognition of MHCII
immune modulation mediated by pathogens
active elimination of immune cells - HIV, active elimination, crucial for macrophage activation
suppression of adaptive immune responses - malaria, measles (interferes with DC interactiin)
induction of a “wrong” immune respone (TH1 wrigth, TH2 wrong e.g.) - not suppression but modulation (Lepra, Leishmania, SARS)
polyclonal lymphocyte activation by superantigens - cant be sustained, Eppstein barr virus, staphylococcus - TSST1 - lethal infection
Antigen variation - influenza, AG shift and drift, HIV, SARS, Trypanosoma brucei
active elimination of immune cells
induction of apoptosis
HIV (CD4+ Tcells), BVD (bovine virus diarrhoea), ND (newcastle disease), Shigella flexneri (macrophages)
Consequences of CD4+ T cell depletion
Reduced CD8+ Tcell responses - bc IFNy is needed
weak AB responses - CD4 tcell leads to increasing
decreased NK cell activity (no TH1-derived IFNy)
Induction of necrosis
staphylococcus aureus
truperella pygogenes (Pyolysin)
leads to disturbance, proliferation and/or elimination
Suppression of adaptive immune resonses
suppression of adaptive immune responses (II)
virus encode for cytokine receptor homolog:
e.g. viral receptor homologs IFNy, TNF-a, IL-1. IL18
receptor homolog acts as competitive inhibitor of cytokine binding to the host cell cytokine receptor
if protein is homologous - binds to cytokine “catches” it out of the circulation
virus encodes for cytokine homolog
e.g. viral homolog for IL10 -> down regulation of immune response similar for leishmania
inhibits macrophage activation
inhibits activation of DCs
inhibits TH1 responses
everything what can be attaked -> target of IL10
Polyclonal cell activation fo superantigens (SAgs)
consequences of Tcell activation by SAgs
Tcell -> polyclonal activation; cytokine production; Apoptosis; anergy -> bc of overwhelming
APC (Macrophages, Bcells, DCs) -> cytokine production; proliferation; apoptosis -> double directed action mainly on cell but on part also on APC
Antigenic variation: AG drift and AG shift
AG variation in trypanosomes (t.brucei - sleeping disease)
VSG - variant surface glycoproteins. each VSG gene causes immune response
ca 1000VSG genes are encoded in the trypanosoma genome - only one expressed at a time, only 1 duplicated
pathogen - just swimming in the fluids - blood
excessiable for complement and AG/AB - for humoral immune response
immune evasion by variation of the VSG expression
trypanosomes transmitted via CC fly
onces in CNS - symptomes of sleeping disease , therefor treating in the very beginning - periodic syptomes bc of VSG genes activated one after another
AG variation as long as the immune response needs
around 1000x doable variations, but after certain month invasion of CNS
one varian each week e.g.
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