Describe the Different Stages of Company Development
foundation phase
period from the idea to market entry
desire for support services in the form of consulting and coaching, access to networks, reduced rental space, and much more, including start-up capital.
start-up and growth stage
start up phase period from the first sales to the break-even point, than growth phase
need for consulting, for example, with assistance in adapting internal structures and management systems in the event of rapid growth, or external support in accessing new markets.
further capital
maturity stage
established company on the market
need for capital for investment activities. Sometimes it is also necessary, e.g., in times of crisis, to bridge existing liquidity bottlenecks by borrowing capital
Which forms of financing are typical for the different phases of a company
foundation phase:
capital mainly by the founder, family and friends
various external assistance from institutions offering advice, networking, etc.
Support services from public programs and investments from private persons as well as companies
start-up phase
less family and founder support
public and private programs
Corporate venture capital
growth phase
entrepreneurial investments
often still public programs in place
Private investments are subordinate here
established companies
bank loans
equity investments
Rarely is venture capital granted
Describe Incubators
“institutions that set up and support companies on the path to setting up a business”
provide consulting and coaching services (e.g., help in drawing up the business plan).
make rental space, office space, and infrastructure available
survival rate up to 85% higher than the average start-up.
They are usually financed in the form of economic development measures; in this respect, they are financed by the taxpayer, associations, and the private sector. A return flow occurs indirectly, e.g., through later tax payments
Describe Accelerators
helps start-ups to develop rapidly within a certain period of time through coaching, this can be done through start-up boot camps
Describe a Start-up boot camp
This is a time-limited program to support start-ups in developing a market-ready offer.
Describe Crowdfunding
large number of people support a project financially and thus make it possible
people turn to the public with the aim of finding as many interested parties as possible who will make a financial contribution
Investors support a project directly and only on the basis of
their personal conviction
Name advantages and disadvantages of crowdfunding
‘+ fast and uncomplicated way to get money
‘- for investors, they have to expect a total loss of their
money if the project is not successful
Describe the different forms of crowdfunding
Classic crowdfunding (pre-sales crowdfunding or reward-based crowdfunding)
no financial consideration is paid, but there is a small “thank you” (e.g., a prototype or sales sample).
Donation-based crowdfunding:
No consideration is given in return
for example, social or charitable projects where people only get involved in order to do something good.
Crowdinvesting (yield-based crowdfunding or equity-based crowdfunding):
individuals invest in a project in an equity-like manner.
receive a return for their investment, which can be fixed or performance-based. This variant is typical for start-ups.
Crowdlending (crowd loan or P2P loan (peer-to-peer) and lending-based crowdfunding):
persons grant a loan, i.e., they make debt capital available and the interest rate is fixed in advance
also typical for founders.
In what phase is what support service typical? picture
Describe Business Angels
private individuals who participate with their own capital in startup projects of people they often did not know before
provision of infrastructure
assumption (Übernahme) of an advisory or supervisory board function
up to collaboration in the company
takes place over a fixed period of time and is contractually defined in advance
motivation is financial
Describe private passive investors
These are private investors who participate in a project in the form of open or silent participation
Describe the picture of the typical procedure when a business angel wants to get involved in a start-up
Describe Private Equity and Venture Capital
two types of funding provided to private companies at various stages. goals are the same: to increase the value of portfolio companies and then sell the companies, or their equity stakes, for a profit.
Private equity
involves larger investments in mature companies.
invest for control, acquiring a majority stake or 100% of portfolio companies
make money in the short term and work in transaction deals
Venture capital
relatively small investments in companies in the initial stages of development.
acquire minority stakes
higher risks than other investors in exchange for the promise of participating in higher than usual growth
Describe exit strategies for the private equity company
IPO (Initial Public Offering): In the event of an IPO, the private equity company withdraws from the company.
Trade sale: The shares are sold to a strategic investor. This is typically a company that wants to expand.
Secondary purchase: The shares are sold to another financial investor
Buy-back: The shares are sold to the founders or owners of the company
Liquidation: The company is dissolved because it was not economically successful. In this case, the private equity company does not get back the investment and takes a loss.
Describe orporate venture capital (CVC)
invest in innovative start-ups with very good growth opportunities.
can be obtained directly or through investment funds by the entrepreneur
donors advantages:
additional expertise in new technologies
competitive advantages.
expand business areas or product range through complementary products thereby increasing demand and enabling them to expand their market share.
preservation of capital
support services such as assistance with management tasks, or the possibility of expanding market opportunities
benefits from image of the CVC donor
How can Founders benefit from public funding program?
become part of a high-ranking network of investors.
receive financial support from the public sector, either directly or via professional investors.
use public support measures as excellent sources of information
support instruments for start-ups are typically found in the form of investment grants, loans, guarantees, subordinated loans, and equity investments.
What are prerequisites for receiving public funding from the federal and state governments in Germany
proven technical and commercial qualifications
convincing business plan, which must be submitted with the application.
project must not have been started at the time of application
In most cases, support is provided for investments in machinery and equipment, vehicles, land, factories, and intangible investments.
Some funding programs may also include operating funds
What kind of funding programs are currently found in germany
Special investment grants: These are, for example, from the federal employment agency for recipients of unemployment benefits in the case of a start-up resulting from unemployment. The EXIST program provides scholarships for university founders.
Start-up loans from the public sector: These usually run for long periods at a fixed interest rate; redemption-free years are also possible. The house bank principle (Hausbank-Prinzips) applies, because these banks process the application for subsidies. It is also relieved by the development institute, as a release from liability can be applied for in the absence of securities. This reduces the credit risk of the house bank, so that it will be more willing to grant the loan. This makes it easier for founders to access funding.
Loans: These can be secured by guarantees of the federal states. Deficiency guarantees of up to 1 million euros are possible, so that even companies without collateral can obtain loans. Overdraft facilities and leasing contracts can also be guaranteed up to 80%.
Public development banks: These provide mezzanine capital to improve the creditworthiness of companies. This is particularly beneficial for capital-intensive projects.
Public-sector holdings: If there is a greater need for capital, public-sector holdings in companies can be made. For this purpose, the federal states have set up their own medium-sized holding companies.
Consultations: These are supported, e.g., by Founder Coaching (Gründercoaching) Germany, a start-up coaching organization. The European Social Fund also supports workshops and information events for founders in order to reduce failure due to information deficits. Founders and established companies receive grants for technology, foreign trade, cooperation, and quality management consultancy services from the Federal Government's consultancy support. The Federal Office of Economics and Export Control (BAFA) is responsible for this.
Technology companies: These are supported by the Federal Ministry of Economic Affairs and Energy, e.g., through technology promotion and innovation consulting. There is also support for innovative start-ups, technology transfer and research infrastructure, as well as cooperation with research institutions. The High-Tech Founder Fund (Gründerfonds) is a venture capital fund set up for technology-intensive investments with high capital requirements and high risks.
What is Start-Up Europe (SUE)
the EU has launched an initiative to help increase the density of start-ups in Europe through networking.
SUE has identified and networked clusters across Europe, bringing hundreds of start-ups together with financial investors for pitches.
Funds are also being made available for international expansion.
SUE also collects data on start-up activity so that macroeconomic analysis can be based on real data
Different sources of financing and support are appropriate in different phases of business. While incubators, with their financing and support services, are aimed at founders in the run-up and start-up phase, the services of accelerators are intended as accelerators of development in the founding phase up to the start-up phase. There are also special later-stage accelerators for the transition from the start-up phase to the growth phase. The crowdfunding instrument is used in the start-up and development phase to obtain capital without bureaucracy.
Business angels are private individuals who participate in start-ups out of economic interest, and this happens mostly in the early phases.
Private equity involves the purchase and sale of shares. This possibility exists for the later phases, especially for established companies. Venture capital (VC), which comes from financing companies, and corporate venture capital (CVC), which is received from group subsidiaries, are also suitable for founders. In both cases, the aim is to achieve maximum returns, and in the case of CVC donors, access to new technologies and innovations is also important.
The public sector supports start-ups with investment grants, loans, guarantees, subordinated loans, and equity investments. There are many different country-specific variants worldwide.
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