
Chapter 5

von Reinhold R.

What kind of funding programs are currently found in germany

  • Special investment grants: These are, for example, from the federal employment agency for recipients of unemployment benefits in the case of a start-up resulting from unemployment. The EXIST program provides scholarships for university founders.

  • Start-up loans from the public sector: These usually run for long periods at a fixed interest rate; redemption-free years are also possible. The house bank principle (Hausbank-Prinzips) applies, because these banks process the application for subsidies. It is also relieved by the development institute, as a release from liability can be applied for in the absence of securities. This reduces the credit risk of the house bank, so that it will be more willing to grant the loan. This makes it easier for founders to access funding.

  • Loans: These can be secured by guarantees of the federal states. Deficiency guarantees of up to 1 million euros are possible, so that even companies without collateral can obtain loans. Overdraft facilities and leasing contracts can also be guaranteed up to 80%.

  • Public development banks: These provide mezzanine capital to improve the creditworthiness of companies. This is particularly beneficial for capital-intensive projects.

  • Public-sector holdings: If there is a greater need for capital, public-sector holdings in companies can be made. For this purpose, the federal states have set up their own medium-sized holding companies.

  • Consultations: These are supported, e.g., by Founder Coaching (Gründercoaching) Germany, a start-up coaching organization. The European Social Fund also supports workshops and information events for founders in order to reduce failure due to information deficits. Founders and established companies receive grants for technology, foreign trade, cooperation, and quality management consultancy services from the Federal Government's consultancy support. The Federal Office of Economics and Export Control (BAFA) is responsible for this.

  • Technology companies: These are supported by the Federal Ministry of Economic Affairs and Energy, e.g., through technology promotion and innovation consulting. There is also support for innovative start-ups, technology transfer and research infrastructure, as well as cooperation with research institutions. The High-Tech Founder Fund (Gründerfonds) is a venture capital fund set up for technology-intensive investments with high capital requirements and high risks.


Reinhold R.


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