MTU Series 4000 - Summary of Product Features
MTU Series 1163M04 - Main Characteristics
user: F124 - Sachsenklasse, MEKO 200
MTU Series 8000
users: Danish Navy Flexible Support Ship, USN Littorol Combat Ship
Propulsion Systems
CODAD — T-Arrangement (combined diesel and diesel)
CODAD — U-Arrangement (combined diesel and diesel)
CODOG (combined diesel or gas)
CODAG (combined diesel and gas)
CODelAG (combined dieselelectric and gas)
Genset Engines
Genset - Stromerzeugungsaggregat
genset are used for propulsion in F125 class
Pricipal approach for propulsion system layout definition
CODAG Gear Scheme
Mission Profile vs. Propulsion System Configuration
Combat value of Naval Ships
Example: FFG 7 Hazard Perry Class, USN, arrangement of essential rooms
F122 Bremen-Class, German Navy, 1977
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