
Week 5

von Wouter P.

What are the important findings from Poppo (2015)?

  • Calculative trust has a stronger effect than relational trust

  • Because significant human interaction and time are required to develop relational trust, this finding highlights the value of the lower-cost strategy of developing effective control/incentive systems.

    • Possibly, relational trust is more relevant to customers and to service sectors, whereas for buyer-supplier exchanges in manufacturing sectors, calculative trust is more effective at disciplining and directing the supplier’s operational decisions to achieve product performance levels

  • Trust represents a cognitive frame that directs problem solving by invoking either a cognitive heuristic (e.g., relational trust) or rational calculation (e.g., calculative trust). Because calculative trust induces performance by aligning incentives through rewards and punishment, a manager’s course of action depends on how well the incentive structure directs desired behavior

  • Relational trust drives performance through a social commitment to prioritize joint goals over individual interests—the heuristic “we” simplifies and facilitates ongoing decision making and should be broadly invariant to the typical suspects that derail economic exchange

  • Asset specificity and market uncertainty weaken the positive association of calculative trust with supplier performance, but behavioral uncertainty increases it.

  • Relational trust has a stronger effect on performance in the presence of specialized assets or market uncertainty


Wouter P.


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