
Botany SEM 5

von Pratik M.
  1. Biochemical factory

  2. Metabolites

  3. Primary + charac.

  4. Secondary + charac.

What is biochemical factory?

  • Various biochemical processes taking place in living cells constantly.

  • This biochemical reaction pathway is controlled by genes.

  • Since different plant species have different genes, their biochemical reaction pathways differ,

  • thats why the nature of the chemical compounds in the reaction pathway also varies.

  • So the chemical compounds vary by plant species Differences and variations can be observed. A living cell is therefore called a biochemical factory

Chemical substances that are produced through various metabolic processes are called metabolites

Primary metabolites

substances which are produced as a result of essential metabolism like photosynthesis, respiration etc. and the

compounds which are essential for physiological functions like growth, reproduction etc. are called Primary metabolites.

  • Amino acids, sugars, proteins etc. are primary metabolites.

Primary metabolites are characterized by

  1. Metabolic processes through which primary metabolites are produced can be observed in all plants

  2. Metabolites are directly used for growth, reproduction, disease prevention etc.

  3. No toxicity can be observed in these substances.

Secondary metabolites

Secondary metabolites are not produced as a result of normal metabolism and are not used for plant growth, transformation or reproduction.

  • Example, secondary metabolites like polyphenols, acids, tannins, glycosides etc.

Characteristics of secondary metabolites are

  1. Bacteria, fungi and plants produce these metabolites, but not all organisms produce these metabolites.

  2. This type of metabolites are produced through specific metabolic pathways such as Shikimic acid pathway, Mevalonic acid pathway.

  3. These compounds are not used in plant growth, reproduction etc.

  4. These compounds are usually produced as waste products and help in plant defense, disease resistance, etc.

Organoleptic evaluation of drug

Unit 3

Crude drug

A specific drug which is extracted from a plant on animal and used in an specific refined stage to cure disease directly or indirectly is called crude drug.

  • Crude drug cannot be obtained directly by grinding. any special method has to be adopted to extract the active ingredient.

Drug evaluation

The main objective of drug evaluation is

  1. accurate identification of drug producing plants

  2. verification of quality and purity of drug.

  • Identification of plants is required before collection of drug samples. For this purpose it is necessary to develop separate gardens, where plants are controlled and maintained.

  • To verify how pure or pure a drug sample collected from nature is, the characteristics of that sample are compared with the characteristics of the sample described in theauthentic monograph of the pharmacopoeia.

Maintaining the quality of the drug

  • Collection of drugs from proper natural sources.

  • by collection at the right time

  • removal of unwanted material from the sample

  • disinfection of the sample, proper storage etc.

There are various methods for drug evaluation like- physical, chemical, biological, microscopic and organoleptic methods etc.

The assessment of quality, purity etc. of a drug sample using our five senses is called organoleptic evaluation

Morphological characteristics

To say the morphological characteristics of the drug, its size, shape, color, whether there are any marks on the outside, internal color, smell, taste etc. have to be checked.

Drug samples can be of different types on the basis of morphological characteristics such as—

  • Bark : Ashoka, Kurchi, Cinchona etc.

  • Underground structures: ginger, turmeric, Podophyllum, Dioscorea, Rauvolfia etc.

  • Leaves : saffron, pyrethrum etc

  • Fruits: Amlaki, Bel, Bahera, Colocynth etc.

  • Seeds : Til, Naxvomica, Serralia .

  • Whole plant : brahmi, chirta, kalamegha, pudina etc.

Shape and size

Shape and size of drug is a significant feature in evaluating the shape of drug.

Drug samples can often be identified by looking at this shape. Shape can be cylindrical, sub-cylindrical, clonical, disk shaped.


  • curved or disc-shaped: Naxvomica

  • oval: Jalapa

External markings

External markings present on drug samples can be of various types. such as – (a) Notched (b) Convolute (c) Annular (d) Rounded (e) Augmented (f) Scarred etc.

Color of Drug

The color of drug samples is determined according to the color

color prescribed by the organization called ISCC-NBS

The color of the drug sample may sometimes change during sun drying.

  • reserpine can be white or partially yellow to yellowish in color.

Odor of Drug

Odor of drug is very important in evaluating drug samples. It can be identified by the characteristic smell of the drug. Different species of Mentha can be identified based on the difference in the smell of their leaves. If the casheweride smells like ammonia, it is spoiled. Similarly, it can be recognized by the characteristic stench of decaying ergot. Also the smell of the drug can be described in different ways; For example, balsamic, spice-like, camphor-like, turpentine-like, etc.



Pharmacopoeia is the branch of science where various specialised drug sources apply preocess, quality is written in a specific book. of herbs and

This branch, mainly focus they on various different mixture. also discuss how herbal remedies are made. and their specific dosages.


  1. What (breif history)

  2. Objective

  3. Different breanches

  4. Major divisions

  5. Folk Medicine

"The word "Ethnobotany" is a combination of two Greek words. Ethnos culture

botany plants


Ethnobotany is the study of a region's plant and their practical uses through the traditional knowledge of a local culture and people.

  • The word ethnobotany Botanist Jain W. Harshberger in 1895.

  • Dr. S. K. Jain is known as the father of Indian ethnobotany. According to him, Ethnobotany is relationship between plant and ancient tribes and their knowledge.

Ethnobotany refers to all types of direct human interactions with plants, so the subject of ethnobotany is how people of a particular religion and culture use native plants.


  1. which plant indegeno's people cultivate and maintain

  2. which species of plants local people use for food, shelter and religious purposes.

  3. What kind of reactions can be observed between local people and plant groups in a particular area and how it affects. the ecosystem.

  4. mix what kind of plant is used as beverage (alcoholic or non-alcohol)

  5. What part of plant is used by the local people as decoration

  6. The names and genera of different plants used as medicine and recorded.

Different branches

  • General knowledge Medicinal plants

  • Anthropology

  • Plant geography

  • Economics

  • Religious behaviour

  • Microbiology

  • Ecology,Ecosystem.

Major divisions of Ethnobotany

  • Ethno bryology [knowledge of moss]

  • Ethno mycology [Knowledge of fungus]

  • Ethno pteridology [Knowledge of Fern]

  • Ethno taxonomy

Folk Medicine


Folk or traditional medicine originated from primitive man's reactions or attitudes to natural events

Types and another name of folk medicine

  1. Traditional medicine

  2. complimentary medicine

  3. Natural medicine

  4. Alternative medicine

  5. Holistic medicine

  6. Indegenous medicine

  7. Eastern medicine

Important Points

  • Folk medicine is a combination of traditional healing practices and human belief including herbal medicine, spirituality and M manual therapies

  • Folk medicine is a knowledge system which have been developed from generation to generation in different societies of the different era

  • According to WHO, this folk medicine is mainly used by: by inde genou people and in some country of Asia and Africa, more than 40% of people rely on folk medicine. .

  • Knowledge of all types of culture and societies can be called as folk medicine. .

  • Since, this medicine are herbal and natural it is completely safe

  • A type of folk medicine which is used in conjunction with ayurvedaric medicine is called rasa- shastrea.


Pratik M.


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