What is a dynamical system?
A dynamical system is a system where the next step only depends on the current position and a map that will decide where to go next.
What is a forward orbit?
A forward orbit O+(x0) is the set {x0, x1, x2, …} for which F(xi) = xi+1
What is an N-cycle?
An N cycle is a set {x0, x1, … xN-1} where F(xi) = x_{i+1 modN} but no value appears twice.
What is a fixed point?
x: F(x) = x
What is an attracting / repelling fixed point?
F(x) = x and
Attracting: |F’(x)| < 1
Repelling: |F’(x)| > 1
Let x’ be an attracting fixed point. What does that imply for an 𝜺-range around x’? Can you prove that?
It means that there is an 𝜺-range around x’ such that for all x in this interval we find FN(x) -> x’ for N -> infty
Let x’ be a repelling fixed point. What does that imply for an 𝜺-range around x’? Can you prove that?
It means that there is an 𝜺-range around x’ such that for all x in this interval we find that F^N(x) is not in that interval for some N.
How is the taylor series defined?
What do the notations ~ and >> as x -> x0 mean?
~ : asymptotic to eachother, meaning that f(x)/g(x) -> 1 as x-> x0,
g >> f means that g is much greater than f, ie that f(x) / g(x) -> 0 as x-> x0
What do we do with the method of dominant balance?
This means that we choose different terms in our equation and argue what happens if they are the dominant terms, ie they are >>
What is a bifurcation?
A bifurcation is a point where there is a significant change in the dynamic of fixed points as the parameter µ goes through that point
What sort of cases do we have for Fx(0,0) = 1? How are they defined?
Saddle Node Bifurcation
Fx(0,0) = 1, but Fxx, Fµ ≠ 0
Transcritical Bifurcation
Fx(0,0) = 1, Fµ = 0 but Fxx ≠ 0
Pitchfork Bifurcation
Fx = 1, Fµ = 0, Fxx = 0
Supercritical: if only exists for µ > 0. Else subcritical.
What sort of cases do we have for Fx(0,0) = -1? How are they defined?
Do you remember the table we had with the codimensions?
What does SDIC stand for and mean?
Sensitive Dependence on Initial Conditions.
There exists a 𝛅 > 0 such that for whatever point x you choose and any 𝜺 range around that x, there is a y in that range such that |F^n(y) - F^n(x)| > 𝛅.
What does TT stand for and mean?
For any two points x and y there is a point z that is arbitrarily close to x and will at some point be arbitrarily close to y, i.e. |x-z| < 𝜺 and |F^n(z) - y| < 𝜺 for some n∈ℕ.
What is equivalent to F having a dense orbit?
This means that for every point x, there is a y in the orbit that gets arbitrarily close to that x.
What is a definition of chaotic behaviour with three conditions?
F is chaotic if
F is TT
periodic points are dense
Which of the following are equivalent?
What does it mean for two functions to be topologically conjugate?
There exists a homeomorphism h such that F•h = h•G.
A homeomorphism is a continuous bijection with a continuous inverse.
How do you define the distance betweeen two symbol sequences?
d(a,b) = ∑𝛄(ai,bi) / 3^i, where 𝛄(x,y) = 1 if x=y and else 0. The sum begins at k=0.
How do you prove that
The two extremes are that from, from m onwards, they are all the same or all different.
All different -> Maximum -> 3^-m * ∑1/3^i = 3^-m • 3/2
All same -> Minimum -> 3^-m
What is the shift map?
The shift map is a map that shifts the sequence a0a1a2… -> a1a2a3…
Prove this.
Since they are all non-empty, we can find a sequence ai such that ai ∈Si for all i. This sequence is bounded as S0 is bounded and hence thanks to Bolzano Weierstraß it has a converging subsequence. This subsequence has a limit and that value is in all of the sets. Hence it is non empty.
What does it mean for two functions to be semiconjugate?
Let F: I->ℝ be a continuous map and G: Y->Y also be continuous on a metric space.
Then, if there is a invariant set 𝛬 ⊂ I and a continuous surjection h: 𝛬-> Y with h•F = G•h, we call F semiconjugate to G via h.
What is the transition matrix for a sequence space ∑N
The matrix A has entries aij, that are 1 if i can be followed by a j in the sequence space and a 0 if not.
How did we define the subshift of finite type?
A subshift is like a regular shift but only on a sequence space that only allows certain sequences.
When is a transition matrix irreducible?
A transition matrix is irreducible if there exists a path from each i to every j.
What does it mean for a transition matrix to be non trivial?
If there exists some j for which there are two possible points to go to, i.e. the row j has more than one 1.
Prove this:
If you thought about doing this by induction and multiplying the necessary columns and rows, then that is alright.
You can prove this by induction.
The base case is quite simple, since if there is a fixed point, then Aii will be one and hence the trace will count this.
Next, the i-th column holds the information on possiblle paths to node i. Therefore, if in A^n, the i,k entry shows that there are m many ways to get from i to k, meaning we count these m ways if we multiply the ith row of A^n by A.
where Pn is the number of points in orbits of period n.
So we know that Nq is the number of cycles with minimum period q. Hence, they each add q new points to the cycle. Therefore, if we calculate the amount of points in n-cycles, then we have to add all the minimum cyces hat divide n and count them according to how long they are.
is TT
If A is irreducible and non-trivial then 𝛔A is
What does it mean for I to F-cover J?
This means that J ⊂ F(I).
How did we define the transition graph?
The transition graph is a directed graph has nodes for each interval and an edge from I ->J if J ⊂ F(I).
prove this
What does it mean for a function F to have a horseshoe?
How did we define chaotic behaviour with horseshoe?
If there is a horseshoe for Fn for some n, then F is chaotic.
How do you prove this?
F has 3-cycle => F is chaotic
let x0<x1<x2 be the 3-cycle. Either, we have x0 -> x1 -> x2 ->x0 or x0 -> x2 -> x1 ->x0. In the latter case, look at G(x) = -F(-x), which again leads to the first case.
Let I = [x0,x1] and J = [x1,x2]. We have J ⊂ F([x0,x1]) and I,J ⊂ F([x1,x2]). Therefore, we get the dynamic
I <->J<->J.
THence, F2 has a horseshoe.
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