Cell types: Neuroglia types
ependymal cells (cerebro-spinal liquor - plexus choroideus, neurgeneration as cell depots)
oligodendrocytes (insulation)
astrocytes (biochemical control of endothelia, nutrients, extracellular ion balance)
microglia (migrate from bone marrow, immune system like macrophages)
Cell types: Neuroglia function
structural support
life support (nutrients, oxygen, immune system)
ionic insulation
synaptic plasticity and synaptogenenis
Cell types: Neurons - classification
morphology (classical method)
axonal termination
type of synapses
Cell types: Neurons - pyramid cells
triangular soma
single axon
apical and basal dendrites with spines
input from local axons and upper cortical layers
project to neighbouring cortical areas
in layers II, III, V, VI
Golgi stain
silver staining method from 1873
stains only 1 in a 100 neurons (mechanism unknown)
stains only 50% of the length of axon/dendrites (too thin at the ends)
Cell types: Interneuron/stellate cell
star like shape
excitatory (spiny) and inhibitory (aspiny)
input from local axons only
can target dendrite, soma or axon
modulating excitation of pyramidal cells
Cell types: Interneurons in neocortex
parvalbumin (layer IV)
Somatostatin (layer V)
Cell types: Interneurons in neocortex - Parvalbumin-positive interneuron
calcium regulating protein
inhibition of e.g. pyramidal (on soma)
soma -> very fast inhibitory loop
fast spiking basket and chandelier cells
basket: soma, proximal dendrite
main inhibitory system in neocortex
fast, precise, powerful
feedfordward inhibition
cortical rhythms
inh-exc balance
chandelier: axon initial segment
regulating sensory plasticity
Cell types: Interneurons in neocortex - Somatostatin-positive interneuron
inhibits growth hormon?
input to apical pyramidal dendrite -> slower than PV
Martinotti: dendrites of PC
from layer V (+II+VI) axons to layer I, spread horizontally
facilitating excitatory activity, inhibition when overexcited
selective inhibition
target layer 4
Cell types: Interneurons in neocortex - 5HT3aR inhibitory interneurons
mainly in layer I and II (associative) + III
ionotropic serotonin and ACh-R
sensonry processing and longrange interareal cortical communication
long-range cortical communication
linking networks of interneurons
eliciting slow, long-lasting IPSPs
How many cell are in the brain? and other funfacts?
whole brain: 170 billion cells
86000 million / 85B neurons
most neurons in Cerebellum
counting: voxel -> mixing -> counting nuclei -> extrapolating
primates relatively more neurons for structure mass
birds have denser forebrains than primates
weight from water
500kcal a day
Synapses: density
around 8000-10000 synapses per neuron
every neuron can be reached within 2-4 steps
all neurons receive recurrent feedback (2-neuron loops)
number of synapses relates to storage capacity of brain
synchronized input
White matter connectivity
within hemisphere (most connections, 90%)
cortico-thalamical (more than thalamo-cortical so the cortex can control own input)
all connections are reciprocal
White matter connectivity: Cortico-cortical connections
dense mesh of axons and dendrites at the border to adjacent areas
axons running parallel to cortical surface layer
with matter axons
Sperry 1947: cutting through sensorymotor cortex
almost no effects on arm coordination when cute into gray matter
disabled when cut in white matter
—> suggests horizontal intracortical interaction in less extensive and fundamental in cerebral integration as assumed
Layers and projections
1/4 input
2/3/5/6 output
1: axons of Martinotti cells connect to neighboring columns
2/3: outgoing axons to other cortical areas
4: incoming stimulus informastion fromn thalamus
5: outgoing mayelinated axons form fibre tracts in the white matter
6: to thalamus
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