neural cell basic plan (pyramidal)
red arrow: microtubuli
blue arrow: endoplasmatic reticulum
D dendrite
s synapses: appear darker because of accumulated protein
cryo: breaks along membranes
S synapse
B axon
N nucleus
red arrow: basal axon
* oligodendrocytes
arrow: micorotubuli
big red arrow: soma of oligodendrocyte
branching axon: partly no myelin because of synapses
black: myelin
B synapse
M myelin
two axon terminals onto the same synapse
a1+2 axoaxonal synapse (e.g. in thalamus)
pre synapse with fusion of vesicles
post with receptors
electric synapse
white matter
genetic determination of connections
more than 22000 genes necessary, only 5000 free
processing of spikes: synaptic gain
synaptic gain in cortex: 0,003 - 0,2
0,0003: 1000 in - 3 out
synaptic chains
simple chains cannot transmit APs
no random networks (?)
short inhibition microcircuits
excitatory connections are longer
divergent/convergent chains and synchronous activity are necessary
random networks
are unstable without fast inhibition
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