McCulloch-Pitts Model of Neuron
weighed inputs summed up to surpass a theshold resulting in an output
adding extra layer (where it is computed?
Processing of spikes: conductor
attraction through membrane
—> acting like capacitor, keeping the charge
Processing of spikes: integrate-and-fire neuron
single AP: does not reach threshold, smoothed charge/discharge
integration of APs
Integration: features learned from training on different object classes
specific nodes for abstract features adding up for face/animals nodes
Ingredients of an action potential
two ion gradients (more sodium (Na+) outside, more potassium inside (K+))
negative potential inside the axon
active NaKpump to keeo gradients stable
voltage-gated channels for Na und K
(equlibrium potential: reason for +40mV, over/undershoot because of equilibrium)
Action potential
surpassing threshold —> Na channels open (Na influx), K channels slowly open (K outflux)
—> depolarisation
Na channels refractory
K still open —> repolarisation
extra K diffuses to restore membrane resting potential
transmission of AP on axon
continually 1 m/s (smaller resistance when axon is thicker - invertebrates)
saltatory up to 120 m/s with myelin sheets
screenshot: electric conductor and water? why?
Passive conduction
saltatory transmission: myeling sheets
AP -> Na+ flows to Point 2, depolarisation
Hodgkin-Huxley model (1952)
using voltage clamp on squid axon
set of non-linear differential equations
! taking opening probabilities into account
It is concluded that the responses of an isolated giant axon of Loligo electrical stimuli are due to reversible alterations in sodium and potassium permeability arising from changes in membrane potential.
hodgkin-Huxlex model: limitations
frequency -> adaption/exhaustion
shape and inputs of neurons
Transmission along axons
reverse to normal ?
just intracellular
subthreshold EPSP: Ca channel activation
Markram, 1994
Calcium transients in dendrites of neocortical neurons evoked by single subthreshold excitatory postsynaptic potentials via low-voltage-activated calcium channels.
Extracellular recordings: EEG
not recording neurons’ ions but the flow (electrical field)
Compoutations in dendrite
switches depending on temporal and spatial distribution of other synapses
boosts through voltage gated channels
selective synapses with angle/orientation of layer -> neuron changes weight of input
Patterns of firing: temporal pattern recognition
temporal pattern recognition (Branco, 2010)
sensitive to direction and velocity
Antidromic AP conduction
used in lab
not orthodromic
Patterns of firing: dendritic organization to neuron, sensory orientation
firing when moving object of preffered orientation
Thus, orientation-tuned neurons can compute their characteristic firing pattern by integrating spatially distributed synaptic inputs coding for multiple stimulus orientations.
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