Neural Coding: from AP to code
rate of firing -> rate code
timing of firing -> temporal code
place of firing -> place code
Receptive fields
receptive fields: contrast edges by inhibition (triangles)
Lateral inhibition
receptive fields
lateral inhibition needed to distinguish stimulus edges/contrast
without lateral inhibition, response would just divergently broaden
with inhibition edges become even sharper
stable action potential transmission even through divergence/convergence
Tuning curve
distinct pattern of neural response of a cell
firing rate etc
representing a certain stimulus
-> changes receptive field
inhibitory tuning lines in visual cortex (mouse)
orientation selective
increased contrast preserved in neural response
auditory tuning curves
louder -> more frequencies respond
direction represented in hemispheres
higher-order tuning curves
motor tuning curves
vector sum from different sensitivities of proximate neurons
population coding
feature maps
systematic variation of feature selectivity across cortical surface
e.g. homunculus
place coding
place on receptor surface -> place in the neural map
everywhere in the brain
within sensory systems: retinotop, tonotop, somatotop
Coding Schemes: Rate Coding
a cell has a preferred stimulus and fires acoording to stimulus intensitiy
integration (averaged spike activity) required to be robust against noise
stimulus information in firing rate
Coding Schemes: Population Code
spike activity averaged over space
robust against noise
fast but low spatial resolution
(like rate coding but average not over time but simulatnaousely at one time point with more cells)
sensor and motor areas
visual: moving of objects/moving hand
Coding Schemes: Temporal coding
spatio-temporal spike patterns
spike timing, milliseconds
also time inbetween spikes
fast, good, spatial resolution, sensitive to noise
in rate coding, these timing fluctuations are noise, here it contains information
Coding Schemes: Place codes
spatio-temporal patterns
fast, good spatial resolution, sensitive to noise -> need many cells
place of receptor on surface -> place in map
retinotopy, somatotopy, tonotopy
place cells?
Coding Schemes: Local codes
grandmother cells
reaction to certain concept
probably true as well as other concepts
Coding Schemes: Dense distributed codes vs. sparse codes
sparse coding tries to find simpler pattern that already contains enough permustations to infer information
strong activation of small set of cells
dense code can be translated into sparse code
sparse code in more central sensory regions
Excitatory GABA during developement?
GABA-A R highly conserved
experiment: Cl might have been artifact, not in vivo
wrong SCF glucose instrad of ketones
what now?
dense unspecific inhibition in the cortex
no pattern
pyramidical cell might be affected by all surrounding inhibitory neurons
but not entirely random -> inhibitory networks coupled by electrical synapses
mouse barrell cortex for whiskers
somatosensory somatotopic paw
cortical microcolumns
possibility of self-regulatory columns
neurons in columns tend to be clones (same progenitor cell)
cortical columns
thicker than microcolumns
ice cube model
vertical columns through layers
neurons in one column respond to a specific orientation of the stimulus/ contrast edge
Kaschube (2010) Science
not evolutionary -> self-organization?
motor cortex: grabbing, defense, reaching
cortical field
segment of cerebral cortex to carry out a certain function
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