The Classical Period
-> Core concern
Emulating (Nachahmen) the teaching of classical languages
-> Associated Teaching method
Grammar Translation method (GTM)
Grammar Translation Method
grammar rules in the mother tongue
vocabulary lists
learning about exceptions
provision or practice materials
The Reform Period
Teaching the speaking language
-> Associated Teaching Method
The direct method
exposing learners to structured ocnversations in the target language
Q&A sessions
translation in the target language rejected
grammar taught indirectly
focus on spoken language
The Scientific Period
Finding a scientific basis for language teaching
The Scientific Periods
-> Associated teaching method
The audiolingual approach
without using native tongue
focus on grammar
imitation and repetition
no free speech
similarities to the direct method
The Communicative Period
Developing real-life communication
-> associated teaching method
Communicative language teaching
Communicative Language Teaching
task-based approach
real-life communcation skills
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