Which frequently observed event in large monocultures should be explained by the resource concentration hypothesis?
What are the assumptions and predictions of the resource concentration hypothesis?
Give an example (case study)
Monocultures are good for specialized species —> higher densities in simple environments;
Herbivores, specialized on a certain crop species, are more likely to find and remain on their host plants in larger monocultures resulting in higher pest densities.
Example : pollen beetle
Enemy hypothesis
Natural enemies are more abundant in more diverse crops resulting in higher predator pressure and lower pest densities.
Usually small scale farms have a higher crop diversity.
Example pollen beetle
Insurance hypothesis
Species richness can buffer against fluctuations in ecosystem functioning;
seemingly redundant species can become important in the maintenance of biological control following disturbance
Hypothesis: Herbivory higher in pure stands
Accessibility of host trees: resource concentration, ability to locate hosts
Impact on natural enemies: alternate hosts, food for adults, shelter; but also reduced foraging efficiency in complex situations
Pest shift among host species
-> resource concentration hypothesis
Heat balance hypothesis
Larger animals in colder environments
Low surface area to volume ratio
Less body heat loss per unit of mass
Stay warmer in cold climates
Thermal melanisation hypothesis
Dark coloration increases solar radiation absorption
Speed up heat gain
The trophic sensitivity hypothesis
The higher the trophic level the lower the biomass
Natural enemies: more mobile and larger than prey/host
Pest species well adapted to climatic stress, natural enemies not
Potential decoupling of prey-natural enemy interactions
Host plant - pest - parasitoid interaction
-> CO2 increase -> higher glucosinolate level (secondary metabolite)
B. brassicae aphids
Lower body size of aphids (host - pest interaction)
D. rapae
Pest - parasitoid interaction
Parasitism is size-dependent: small aphids are not suitable as host -> decreased because of reduced host body size
Host plant - pest (two genotypes) - parasitoid
M. Trunculata
Higher biomass (elevated CO2)
Pea aphid
Host plant and pest species dependent on genotype
Parasitoid Aphidius avenae
Pest and parasitoid
Depending on genotype
Lower parasitism at eCO2 induced by size shifts
Host plant - pest species - predator
no significant effects alone on predation
Direct host-prey interaction
B. Nigra (B. napus) CO2 increased chemical plant defense
—>M. persicae higher predation (generalist feeder)
-predation rates not effected by CO2
—>B. brassicae reduced predation (specialist feeder) —> sinigrin content
Direct prey-predator interaction
Predator E. ealeatus
-predation rates of B. brasssicae decreases with increasing CO2
Indirect effects on insects:
increases survival and fecundity
pest outbreaks are more likely in well fertilized cultures
faster juvenile development, lower juvenile predation risk
Explain the meaning of the picture below (Who is the stressor? Consequences for the beetle population? Consequences for the stressor?)
Explain the same mechanism for pest species, when the stressor is a chemical pesticide. What are the consequences for pest control?
Stressor is the predator (bird)
the coulour shifts from green to brown
the beetles are no longer easy to distinct —> no/less food
chemical pesticides: lead to resistances —> only the pests which aren´t sensitive to the chemical will survive
consequences: different management methods are needed; more multi-side pesticides
Describe the results shown in fig. 1 and explain the different responses of the field and control populationsof D. virgifera.
Explain the term cross-resistance based onthe results in fig. 2a and d. Which figure is indicating a cross-resistance?
field species is resistant ageinst Bt
the Bt producing maize in b has a different Bt strain —> field species is not resistant against that one
the field population might have a cross resistance because it is a bit more resistant against the second strain but not enough
Invasive pest species in agriculture: facts, causes
Drosophila suzukii
Harmonia axyridis
D. suzukii: broad food range,
abiotic resistance: adaptive phenotypic plasticity increases winter survival,
biotic resistant against native parasitoids because of activated immune response
selective advantage against native food competitiors (saw-like ovipositor)
H. axyridis: broad food range,
abiotic resistance: dark winter morphs increase survival (winter suvival),
biotic resistance: strong immune response against pathogens and parasitoids strong IG predator (intraguild predation IPG)
Are there decisive criteria for successful invasions?
Causes for faild invasions:
Propagule pressure
Abiotic resistance of native ecosystems
Biotic resistance of native species communities
What is important for propagule pressure
Propagule size: released individuals per introduction
Propagule number: number of introductions
What is phenotypic plasticity? Example
Phenotypic plasticity: ability of an organism (genotype) to shift its phenotype in response to environmental cues.
D. suzukii: temperatue and photoperiod
The alien predator Harmonia axyridis was used as greenhouse biocontrol agent against aphid species in an augmentative manner.
Was the propagule pressure of H. axyridis high, moderate or low when used in greenhouses in an augmentative manner? Explain why.
Mark the right figure (A, B, C, or D) corresponding to the propagule pressure of H. axyridis.
-> augmentative = more introductions = frequent releases
-> biocontrol agent -> high numbers of agents
A) Describe the phenotypic changes of female and male D. suzukii from winter to summer.
B) Do the winter morphs benefit from these modifications? Which barrier they may overwhelm by means of these modifications?
bigger in winter, longer wing length, (more dark morphs) darker in winter
females > males (Winter>summer)
->Low surface area to volume ratio
->Less body heat loss per unit of mass
Thermal melanisation hypothesis (?)
CO2 effects on crop plants and pests
Lower nutritional value for herbivores, not compensated by higher pest feeding rates
Higher plant biomass: dereased levels of primary metabolites
Increased mechanical defense
-> increased levels of secondary metabolites
Lower performance of herbivores
1) Describe the CO2 effects on larval development and pupal weight of Helicoverpa armigera.
2) Are the shifts in larval development and pupal weight beneficial for H. armigera or not?
3) Describe two potential causes for these findings
larval development nedds more time with higher CO2 conc.
pupal weight reduces with higher CO2 conc.
2) No
->Decreasing survival probabilities
->Mortality increases with progressing development
Altered nutritional value of host plants (plant is not as nutritious; need of higher biomass intake)
Changes in plant defense mechanisms (plant produces more secondary metabolites)
The aphids M. persicae (generalist feeder) and B.brassicae (specialist feeder) are feeding on Brassica nigra, which produces the secondary metabolite Sinigrin. The figure shows the sinigrin concentration in the bodies of the two aphid species, when the host plant Brassica nigra is exposed to different CO2 levels.
A) Describe and explain the different sinigrin concentrations of the two aphid species.
B) Which pest species should be the preferred prey for predators under high CO2 levels?
M. persicae generalist feeder —> excretion of sinigrin (detoxification)
B. brassicae specialist feeder —> accumulation of sinigrin in the body (immun agains it)
B) M. persicae because B. brassicae uses the sinigrin as a defences against predators
Temperature effects on life history trates
Life history:
growth, maturation, reproduction, survival
Juvenile development:
juvenile survival, age at maturity (developmental time), growth, size at maturity (body size)
Adult phase:
reproduction: egg number and size; survival
The figure shows the three main effects of climate warming related to temperature. The invasive cotton bollworm Helicoverpa armigera could benefit especially from two climate warming effects.
Which are these two climate warming effects and which traits of H. armigera are affected by them?
Temperature change:
Increase of Tmean
More mild winters —>permanent establishment
More hot summers/heat waves —> increases the capacity for population increase (high fecundity)
Amblydromalus limonicus
high propagule pressure
Abiotic resistance of native ecosystems: the thermal sensitivity of an alien biocontrol agent
Faster juvenile development at high temperatures: beneficial
Smaller body size at high temperatures: possibly a disadvantage
Seasonal establishment, no winter survival: very likely
occasional winter survival in years with very mild winters: open question
Permanent winter survival and establishment because of climate warming: openquestion
1. Describe the figures a and b.
2. What were the causes for the range expansion?
expansion of the pine processionary moth (Thaumetopoea Pityocampa)
less cold temperatures
higher temperatures help them to digest their food
winter larval feeding now possible in more regions
A) Define the temperature range, CTmin and CTmax for age and size at maturity (similar for both traits) and their Topt(different for the two traits).
B) The results follow a common trend in arthropods. Which is it?
CTmin 10°C
CTmax 30°C
Age at maturity: 20-30°C
Size at maturity: 10-15°C
rapid development, small size and vice versa
Describe first the abundances of the three aphid species in the year 2011 (figure a). EHT means an extreme high temperature event (synonym for a heat wave).
Then describe the meaning of the figures b-d.
Are there significant correlations between the EHT frequency and population abundance? Which aphid species is the most heat resistant species?
aphid white bars has the highest abundance
aphid grey bars the lowest abundance
White bar aphid lower abundance at high EHTs frequency
grey bar aphid lower abundance at any EHTs frequency
black bar aphid higher abundance at high EHTs frequency
—> black is the most heat resistant species
A) Explain the terms within-generational plasticity (WGP) and trans-generational plasticity(TGP) based on the figure below.
B) Should be such phenotypic plasticity effects more beneficial to cope with heat waves or with the increase of the mean temperatures? Explain why.
WGP: plastic response to environmental stress within a generation (in the figure: plastic response of F1)
TGP: environmental stress experienced by parents affects offspring phenotype (in the figure: parental modification of F2)
More beneficial with heat waves —> faster adaption
increase of the mean temperature —> slower adaption (genotyp differences)
A) How did the females and males of Amblydromalus limonicus respond to temperature effects in relation to their body sizes?
B) Is the female response to temperature adaptive or not Explain why.
females larger
males didn´t change in size
The female response is adaptive because they change in their size depending on the outcome of the parents (parents had experients with heat wave conditions —> child bigger under hear wave condictions than th summer conditions child)
Prey searching: Phytoseiulus persimilis (predator) versus Tetranychus urticae (prey)
Long-range localization of spider mite infested plants by P. persimilis under heat stress
Does heat stress alter herbivore induced plant volatiles(HIPV‘s)? Yes
HIPV concentration at 30°C: higher than at other temperatures
HIPV production: negligible at 40°C
Does heat stress influence the localization performance of P. persimilis? Yes
Unability of P. persimilis to perceive HIPV‘s and localize spider mite infested plants at +35°C
Unability of infested plants to produce volatiles at +40°C
Host overwhelming: Aphidius rhopalosiphi (parasitoid) versus Sitobium avenae (prey)
->host had higher increase of RMR rates under thermal stress
->S. avenae increased its defense behavior under thermal stress
->the oviposition success of A. rhopalosiphi was lower under thermal stress
->thermal stress can disrupt the interaction of S. avenae and A. rhopalosiphi
->Climate warming may result in lower control success of S. avenae by A. rhopalosiphi
Prey consumption: Phytoseiulus persimilis (predator) versus Tetranychus urticae (prey)
Clear negative effects on predation success by predator-prey body size ratios, predator and prey were not affected by each other, predator, but not prey suffered from high temperatures by decreased VeloMax
Potential effects on biological control
Female prey might be superior over predator at 38°C
But the periods of daily high temperatures during heat waves are short (about 6h), predator may predate on prey when the daily temperatures are lower
a) Describe the temperature effects on the RMR rates of the host and its parasitoid.
b) Which species (host or parasitoid) should more profit from higher temperatures in the case of an interaction between them (parasitoid attack on host)? Explain why.
a) higher metabolic rate -> higher capacity to react
b) the host has a higher RMR and has therefore the advantage
The results of a choice experiment are depicted in fig. 1b.
A) Describe the results
B) What type of cues are responsible for the detection of spider mite-infested bean plants?
C) What might be the causes of the results at 35°C (2 potential causes)?
A) the mites chose the infested plants
at 35°C there is no significant difference in choosing
B) herbivor induced plant volatiles (HIPV´s)
C) either the plant can´t produce the volatiles under heat stress
or the mites can´t smell the volatiles
A) Why had the predator no preference, when exposed to plant volatiles produced at 20°C versus plant volatiles produced at 25°C (first bar)?
B) Why had the predator chosen the plant volatiles produced at +30°C over plant volatiles produced at +25°C (second bar)?
A) The predator exhibited no preference because of similar HIPV’s
B)Predator is perceiving the higher concentration, because of the preference of plant volatiles produced at +30°C
A meta-analysis exploring the extent of damage by insects and pathogens affecting forest trees demonstrated that pests/pathogens attacking woody organs (e.g., bark beetles) caused more damage when trees suffered drought stress (Jactel et al. 2012). Why is this guild of pests particularly supported by drought stress?
drought stress supports herbicor insects
->good development conditions
->plants suffering from drought stresss can have better nutritional quality
->severe drought stress reduces defense mechanisms
The figure shows the phases of an invasion by alien species. When should control measures ideally take place to minimize the negative impact of the invasive alien species? How can this be achieved?
Prevention would be best
early detection -> early recognition
Lists of quarantine pests, priority pests etc.
protection against introduction. surveillance, control
Risk-based controls
->risk activity
import and storage of non-squared wood
import of goods with wood packaging material
—>storad or traded, nurseries, garden centre
->risk location
storage facilities of wood processing industries
locations where goods with WPM are
plants for planting
The figure shows the relationship between total defoliation by Dryocosmus kuriphilus (an invasive gall wasp infesting chestnut trees) and tree species richness in studied forest plots.
Do these findings support or contradict the resource concentration hypothesis and the enemy hypothesis? Explain possible mechanisms
Supports both
Enemy hypothesis: Natural enemies are more abundant in more diverse crops resulting in higher predator pressure and lower pest densities.
Resource concentration hypothesis: Monocultures are good for specialized species —> higher densities in simple environments
Drosophila suzukii is a very successful invasive species at global scale. However, the majority of species, introduced in new habitats is not able to establish permanently because of three barriers: low propagule pressure, high abiotic resistance of native ecosystems and high biotic resistance of nativespecies communities. Why was D. suzukii able to overwhelm these three barriers?
high propaglue
adaptive phenotypic plasticity induced by climate
heat balance hypothesis
thermal melanization hypothesis
Climate warming means environmental stress for both pest species and their natural enemies.
A)Which of the two opponents (pest species or natural enemy) should be more negatively affected by climate warming based on the predictions of the trophic sensitivity hypothesis?
B) Give an example (a predator-prey relationship or a host-parasitoid relationship)
predator - prey relationship: P. persimilis - T. urticae (prey location)
host - parasitoid relationship: S. avanae - A. rhopalosiphi (host overwhelming)
An analysis of damage caused by the spruce bark beetle, Ips typographus, showed that damage rate was positively correlated with mean temperature in spring and summer and negatively correlated with annual precipitation. How are bark beetle, host tree (spruce, Picea abies) and their interactions affected by temperature and precipitation?
bark beetle is negativly affected by high precipation rates
host tree might be positivly affected
bark beetle is positivly affected by high temperatures
host tree might be negativly affected
The pine processionary moth, Thaumetopoea pityocampa, is a moderately freezing tolerant insect. Its larvae remain active throughout the winter and feed and develop whenever temperature sallow. Temperature analysis in an alpine valley in Northern Italy showed great differences between north and south facing slopes and different elevations.
Which implications could this have for the potential survival of the insect on different sites? Which changes do we have to expect considering climate change?
topography is extremly important
daytime is depending on north/south —> no sun -> temperatures go down
Fig. B shows the changes of the mean relative growth rates (MRGR) of the pink and green genotypes of the aphid Acyrthosiphon pisum when exposed to ambient CO2 (aCO2) and elevated CO2 (eCO2). The mean relative growth rates (MRGR) correlate with the body size ofthe aphids: the higher the MRGR, the larger the body size.
a) Describe the CO2 effects on the body size of the two genotypes.
b) What are the two causes of the different CO2 effects on the two genotypes?
Green genotype: larger at elevated CO2
Pink genotype: smaller at elevated CO2
Green genotype
Larger body size at elevated CO2
Higher plant biomass, nutritional value not affected by CO2, no induction of chemical plant defense
Pink genotype
Smaller body size at elevated CO2
Higher plant biomass, nutritional value not affected by CO2, but the induction of chemical plant defense resulted in smaller body size
a) How can we reconstruct the trace-gas concentration back the last 800 000 years?
b) How can eco-systems be impacted by climate change? Please mention 3 processes.
a) permafrost core sampeling
Change in water availability (precipitation amount or temporal distribution)
Temperature increase (thawing of permafrost, shift of tree line
Acidification of the ocean (coral bleaching, … )
Neobiota including pests and diseases
Alien invasive pest insects often expand their range by dispersal along the front of the established population combined with jumps over longer distance and the formation of satellite populations (see Fig. below).
(a) How can the insects achieve these long distance jumps?
(b) How should a control program act in order to stop or slow the spread of the invasive pest? Explain and give examples for mechanisms (a) and strategies/methods (b)
Natural dispersal
Transportation by human activities (e.g. Hitchhiking)
protection against introduction
surveillance, control
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