Conservation in evolution
neurons highly conserved, connection changes
myelin invented by vertebrates
unipolar neurons in invertebrates
tendency towards centralization
-> place of more sensory input -> more nerves
octopus brain in arm (can be moved individually), central coordination head
Interneurons during development
still free to differentiate for function
motor/sensory, projection/local, switch, pacemaker
Basic steps of development in vertebrates
blastula -> neural induction -> gastrulation -> neurolation
Development: Formation of the neural tube
neuroectodermal tissue differentiate from ectoderm -> neural plate + neural plate border
neural plate folds -> neural plate borders join (-> neural crest cells for PNS/spinalganglia)
neural tube closes -> separating from ectoderm
notochord medial hinge point, degenerates after
Neural organizer transplantation experiment
ectoderm transplanted in recipient for development of second neural plan
Spemann organizer
Neural induction
ectoderm differentiation
Noggin, Chordin, Follistatin inhibit BMP
BMP: TF for ectoderm into epidermis
general corticogenesis
Early brain development:
Prosencephalon -> Telencephalon (Cortex, Basal Ganglia) + Diencephalon (Thalamus, Hypothalamus)
Mesencephalon -> Mesencephalon (Culliculi, Substantia nigra)
Rhombenceohalon -> Metencephalon (Pons, Cerebellum) + Myelencephalon (Medulla obl)
Regionalization of CNS: hox
homebox genes
highly conserved
more classes of genes for forebrain, midbrain and hindbrain border
secondary organizers of the early brain
Dopamine (subst nigra)
FGF8 function
mid/hindbrain petterning
mesencephalon and r1
spinal cord
somas close to CSF, connection outside
frob brain similar
cordas dorsalis produces shh
medulla obl
autonome body functions: digestion, breathing, heart beat, blood pressure
transmission of general attention and arousal level to spinal cord
sensomotorische Integration of head/neck area
mimic, tongue movement, ear movement, skin sensitivity, taste, gleichgewicht, schallwahrn
medulla obl: controlling breathing
frequency and depth of breathing
pontine respiratory group +/- -> dorsal and ventral respiratory group -> accesroy respiratory muscles and external intercotal muscle + diaphragm
inputs from
blood chemoR
N. X and N. IX
cortex and hypothalamus
Cerebellum + Pons: function
discrepancies of intended and actual movement
motoric learning
control of automatic movements
fine motor control + strength
time structures
pons: information from cortex to cerebellum
Cerebellum + Pons: layers
3 layers: molecular, Purkinje, granulate layer
climbing fibers, mossy fibers, stellate cells, basket cells, golgi cells, parallel cells
v.a. Colliculi lamina quadrigemina
c. inf: Hörbahn
c. sup: Sehbahn
Steuerung akustisch und visuell ausgelöster Reize
sensomotorische Integration zur reflexiven Bewegungskontrolle
Augenbewegung (Sakkaden)
Kontrolle Aktivitätsniveau Vorderhirn
Diencephalon: Zwischenhirn
Thalamus: Vorverarbeitung der zum Vorderhirn aufsteigenden sensorischen Informationen
WW mit Vorderhirn: Weckfunktion, Bahnung von Informationen
Hypothalamus: Steuerung autonomer, endokriner, visceraler Fkt.
Vorderhirn: Telencephalon - Basalganlien
Striatum (Ncl caudatus und Putamen), glob pallidus, subst nigra
willkürliche motor Bewegungen, prozeduales Lernen, -Motivation, Belohnung, Handlungsselektion, Regulation der motorischen und prämotorischen kortikalen Areale
Dysfkt: Parkinson, Tourette, Huntington, Schizophrenie
Vorderhirn: Telencephalon - Cortex
graue +weiße Substanz
Gedächtnis, Aufmerksamkeit, Wahrnung, Kognition, Bewusstsein, Denken, Sprache
development of the forebrain
no corda dorsalis under forebrain
frontal pole: ANR acts as organization centre
no motor neurons in forebrain
dorsoventral axis of forebrain
dorsal pallial region: Neocortex, Archicortex (hoippocampus) - sheet-like structure
ventral subpallial region: Basal ganglia - formation of “conventional” nuclei
ssh: midline of forebrain, controls development
knock-out zebra fish - no forebrain, cyclops
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