Name four chemical constituents that we consider “fixed nitrogen”. Provide the oxidation number of N in each of these constituents.
NO3- (+5) —> nitrate
NH4+ (-3) —> ammonium
NO2- (+3) —> nitrite
N2O (+1) —> nitrous oxide
—> all nitrogen species except N2
What happens to
(1) NH3/NH4+ upon release in oxic, sun-lit surface waters
(2) NH3/NH4+ upon release in oxic, dark sub surface waters
(3) NO2- in anoxic waters
(4) N2 in natrate depleted subtropical surface waters
Explain the processes.
(1) Assimilation: preferentially taken up by phytoplankton/microorganisms as it is a readily available N source. NH3/NH4+ already has an oxidation number of -III (same as in PON)→easy incorporation, easy transformation to glutamate (for further use)
(2) Nitrification: microbially mediated slow oxidation to Nitrate, autotrophic, yields energy for ATP production (but only little)
NH3 -> Nitrosomonas -> NO2- -> Nitrobacter -> NO3-
(3) Denitrification: dissimilatory nitrite reduction to N2, serves as an electron acceptor for heterotrophs; yet: more likely to happen to/ or in combination with NO3- it is a Nitrogen loss process NO2- -> (N2O) -> N2
Anammox: anaerobic ammonium oxidation to N2 in anoxic environments, synproportionation. It is a nitrogen loss process NH4+ + NO2– → N2 + H2O
DNRA: dissimilatory nitrate (nitrite) reduction to ammonium, anaerobic respiration process of heterotrophs using nitrate as an electron acceptor (NO3- ->) NO2- -> NH4+
N2 fixation: diazotrophic bacteria fixate gaseous N2 to NH3/NH4+ with the enzyme nitrogenase heavily energy dependent and high Fe requirement N2 + 8H+ + E -> 2NH4+
How many electrons are needed to reduce nitrate to molecular nitrogen? Explain the process.
2NO3- + 12H+ + 10e- —> N2 + H2O
Denitrification is the process that converts nitrate into nitrogen gas. This is an anarobic process that is carried out by procaryotes in sediments or OMZs.
Are humans capable of conducting nitrogen (N2) fixation through industrial processes? If yes, how do we do it?
Yes, by the Haber-Bosch process including high temperature, high pressure and use of H2 as well as an Fe-catalyst.
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