Stoppard and the comedy of wit
1 1660-1700 golden age of wit comedy
2 wit is less used bc emergence of sensibility of new anthropology, more sympathy, not good for the genre
3 other dramatic genres emerges (farce, melodrama)
4 wit has a comeback
TS is impressed/ influenced by OW
1 parody of ‘TIOBE’
2 OW adressed his homosexuality and AEH was repressed about it
The plot and the two time levels
stage direction: stage opens
romantic period
unity of place- stage stays the same
> no unity of time
>> 2 time levels - about 200 years apart (1809-1990 present)
link to the theme of intellectual discovery
> he studied physics, both are creative intellectuals
sociological fact: aristocratic family
different plot lines according to researches and what their goals are
found a document …
Lord! byron
spend a few days with the aristocratic family where he fought the duel with a minor poet
panning= bad review
friend of septimus (camebridge)
is a redharing (false clue)
> he does not kill Chater (duel does not happen because Lady croom kicks them byron out after finding out about him sleeping with ms Chater but she wanted to do so)
> the challange to the duel is to septimus hodge (Tutor) not to Byron
biologist using math
grouse = waldhühner
found game books (number of grouses shot) in family archive
Lady croom read her book, invited her
wants to solve an inegma (mystery)
hermitage = place where you live on your own (Einsiedler)
1 infant prodigy (Wunderkind)
mathimatical scientific mind
3 last dance situation
1 hannah found a document proving Chater was still alive after Byrons visit
2 too many factors for an algorithm
they discover the prodigy
1 one night stand
Mrs Chater = nymphomaniac
2 also sleeps with Septimus
3 in the present, Bernard is interested in Hannah but she is not responsive
Chloe = valentines sister (daughter of present lady croom)
4 sexually unfulfilled, attraction
point no 2: characters motivated by love/sex to help or hinder someone in their research
From Order to Chaos: the history of the garden
1 clearly artificial, formed by humans
geometrical principles
2 still manmade but more natural/irregular
landscaped by Lancelot/ Capability Brown
3 more rugged/ irregular/ natural
in favour of the italian garden, thinks they should have left it that way
geometry has gone
romantic wilderness
From Order to Chaos: the history of science
a source/ book Stoppard used
history of science is parallel to history of garden
> bluebell more irrelularly formed than a bell, even more than a rose
Thomasina is not content with this neutonian science that septimus inflicts on her
reads from thomasinas lesson book
she ist more into art, can’t understand this
Valentine says that she as schoolgirl in 1810 could never had said that, things that he does
anticipates innovative formulas
invents iteration (iterated algorithm)
> using the result of an equation as the starting point for another equation
second discovery
principle of entropy = 2nd law of thermodynamics
principle explained by valentine
Thomasina when she is discovering this in the play:
action of bodies in heat (sex) - pun by lady croom
love and sex are metaphors for the anti newtonian forces- chaos and disorder
Fortuitious wit in scientific discovery
forces of chance, chaos and irregularity are not only part of the world the characters talk about, they also are forces in the form and the structure of the play, inform the dialogue and the theme of intelecctual discovery
conversational realism (people interrupt/ misunderstand each other)
double entendre (misunderstanding)
After misunderstanding:
furtuitous (by chance/accident) wit- kind of a formula for the play
also characterizes intellectual discovery
one more example of that:
Here I am in Arcadia
reference to painting from Poussin and…:
argument of Panowsky
has history in paintings and literature
meaning shifted because speaker did
4 what lady croom meant
> It’s a mistake that creates meaning
> teaches it to Thomasina, meaning becomes true at the end
> disruption of meaning and logic
Arcadia can be seen as metaphor of the life she has with Septimus
> scientific companionship but outside forces enter the play
> interruption of sex carnival embrace and death
Destruction of Thomasinas scientific Arcadia
Butler interrupts lesson
Mr chater wants to talk to S
convo is echo of hannahs and Valentines tea situation (entropy)
chance interferes and creates moments of discovery
love and sex are desruptive but creative forces
Paradigm shift in science
characters/ theories and discovery/ principle/ metaphors
The final dance
double dance 180 years apart
Thomasina and septimus
Gus and Hannah
traditional ending (celebration of love/ harmony/ eroticism) overshadowed by the knowledge that H&G don't have a permanent relationship and that Thomasina will die in a few hours
speech by Septimus (when Thomasina talks about burned library)
encapsulates the sense of people from different times in history having a common project (procession)
describes what happens in the play (vorletzte Zeile)
things won’t be lost, they will be found again (entropy) > thats why the ending is not pessimistic but rather optimistic
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