What’s the most prevalent chronic disease in developed countries?
What’s the normal blood pressure range for systolic and diastolic?
Hypotension systolic lower than? Diastolic?
Define Grade
Much severe
Also say which ASA they have.
Name 5 symptoms of advanced hypertension.
Name 4 signs of advanced hypertension.
Name 5 types of antihypertensive drugs.
What can LAs with epi cause in patients with beta-blockers?
How is it in alpha-blockers?
What’s the maximum number of LA cartridges I can use with epi 1:100.000 in patients with antihypertensive medication?
Name 3-5 side effects of hypertensive drugs.
How often and when do you need to measure the BP in patients with hypertension?
The treatment should be delayed if the BP is higher than … ?
Appointments in patients with cardiovascular disease (alle gleich)
Why at this time?
Which drug can you use for conscious sedation? (2)
Name dose + how many hours before the appointment?
At which stage do you need to take LAs without vasoconstrictor and need to do the treatment at the hospital?
Which ASA has:
Stable angina
Unstable angina
Recent MI (<6 months)
Older MI (>6 months)
Which 3 things need to be taken into consideration in patients with unstable angina or recent myocardial infarction?
Which 3 things need to be monitored in cardio patients?
For patients with a pacemaker, what do you need to take into account in your treatment?
Which patient counts as high risk, so there is a need for AB prophylaxis? (4)
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