“V’s” of Big Data?
Volume = Data at Scale
Velocity = Data in Motion -> increasing data acquisition rate
Variety = Data in many forms (-> e.g. data types, data sources)
Veracity = Data Uncertainty
Value = Data as Value
Defintion Big Data?
Big data is term describing the storage and analysis of large and/ or complex data sets using a series of techniques including (but not limited to): NoSQL, MapReduce and machine learning.
3 Use Cases of Big Data
User analysis: e.g. recommendations
Pattern recognition: e.g. fac detection in images
Collaborative filtering: e.g. movie recommendations
Challengs of Big Data?
Scalability: Capability of a system/ network/ process
to handle growing amount of work (w.r.t. data amount and problem complexity)
or its potential to be enlarged in order to accomodate that growth
Variability: Inflexible Schemas
Schemas are not suited for semi-/ unstructured data
Horizontal vs. Vertical Scaling
Horizontal Scaling: Distributing workload across many independet servers (“scale out”)
Vertical Scaling: Installing more processors, more memory and faster hardware (“scale up“) -> optimitizing current servers
Possible solutions for Big Data Challenge Scalability?
Scaling Storage and Updates of Data:
Sharding: Put different data on separate nodes, each of which does its own reads and writes
Cons: Difficult Load-balancing and resilience
Master-Slave Replication: Data is replicated across multiple servers, from master to slaves
-> Master receives all write operation and replicates them to the slaves
-> Slaves can only read and are used to distribute read queries
Pros: Resilience, Read Performance, Useful for OLAP
Cons: Updates are costly and consistency is difficult to maintain
MPP (Massively Parallerl Procesing) DBs: Combination of Master-Slave and Sharding approach
=> Designed to handle large amounts of data and concurrent queries
-> Large-scale parallel system
-> Mater nodes and many segment nodes (shards)
-> Shared-nothing architecture: each node in the system has its own memory, storage, and processing power
-> Each segment node is responsible for a part of the data (no overlaps)
-> Master Node builds query execution plan and assigns parts to segment nodes
=> Horizontal Scaling for DWHs
Cons: fundamental scalability limits, ETL is challenging and will not work for unstructured data
Peer-to-Peer Replication: Has all nodes applying reads and writes to all the data
-> Each node in the system acts as both a master and a slave
-> Nodes communicate and share data together
Cons: Consitency
Mixing Sharding and Peer-to-Peer Replication: Use replication, but do not replicate all objects on all nodes -> use replication factor n to have each object replicated on at least n node
Limits of networked shared data systems?
ACID (Atomicity, Consistency, Isolation and Durability)
Consistency: Having a single up-to-date copy of the data
Availability: every request receives an answer
Partition Tolerance: System continues to work despite loss / failure of part of the system
Is it possilbe achieve all three properties of the CAP theorem?
Possible solutions for Big Data Challenge Variability?
Schema-on-Write (RDBMS):
Schema-on-Read (NoSQL):
Schema must be created before any data can be loaded
Data is simply copied to file store (no transformation)
Explicit load operations transforms data to DB internal structure
Late Binding: Required columns are extracted at read time
New columns must be added explicitly before new data for these columns can be loaded
New data can start flowing anytime
Fast read
Standards/ Governance
Fast Load
Categorization for Schema-on-read?
Key-value store
Document data model
Column-family DB
DWH vs. Data Lake?
What if your data is too big to store or actually infinite and fast (-> velocity)?
Streaming of Data
Stream Processing?
Process only a window of the data and process data avoer this window
Store only aggregated/ processed information over thes windows
Discard raw data after its been processed
Data Processing Architectures?
Lambda: Combination of batch and stream processing
-> designed to handle both real-time and historical data and to provide low-latency data processing
Kappa: Everything is processed as a stream
-> Both real-time and historical data processing / reprocessing is handled by a single stram processing enginea
3 main layer of the Lambda data processing architecture?
Batch layer: Responsible for processing historical data and generating a master dataset. The batch layer uses batch processing to process large amounts of data in a batch.
Speed layer: Responsible for handling real-time data and updating the master dataset. The speed layer uses stream processing to process data in real-time.
Serving layer: Responsible for serving the master dataset to the user. It is typically implemented as a data warehouse or a NoSQL database, and provides a low-latency access to the data.
Apache Hadoop?
Open-source software framework for storing and processing large amounts of data
Provides a distributed file system (HDFS)
Based on the MapReduce programming model
Key characteristics of Apache Hadoop?
Scalable -> rather horizontal scaling
Batch-based -> Batch processing
Apache Hadoop High-Level Architecture?
HDFS? Characteristics?
Hadoop File System: Distributed Parallel Data Store
Master (NameNode) - Slave (DataNode) architecture
“Write once” -> files can be replaced, but not changed
Good for modest number of large files
Built-in replication on ingest
MapReduce? Process?
Distributed programming model which allows for the parallel processing of large data sets:
Fault-tolerant batch job processing framework
Map: Input data is split into smaller chunks and a map function is applied to each chunk
Map function takes an input key-value pair and produces a set of intermediate key-value pairs
Shuffle&Sort: Intermediate key-value pairs from the map step are shuffled and sorted by key
-> Preparation for reduce step
Reduce: Reduce function is applied to the grouped and sorted key-value pairs produced by the shuffle and sort step
Reduce function takes an input key and a set of values and produces a set of output key-value pairs
What does MapReduce do for you?
Break jobs down into tasks
Distribute processing and coordinate execution ß Schedule tasks
Data synchronization (Shuffle and sort, I/O)
Error handling
What is NoSQL on Hadoop?
SQL on Hadoop?
Hive and Impala
Data Warehousing infrastructure built on top of Hadoop
-> Allows you to query and manage large-scale data using a familiar SQL-like interface
-> Hive tables constists of data schema
-> No relational database!!!
-> Designed for OLTP
Technologies of Impala?
Massively parallel processing (MPP) SQL query execution engine
Alternatives to Hadoop?
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