Separation Arriving
M -> H
2 min
L -> M
3 min
H -> J (super)
M -> J
L -> H
Opposite Traffic
L -> J
4 min
H -> J
Departing traffic
Departing (intermediate)
Vorgehen Separations
DEparting (intermediate)
Welche beiden Kategorien haben hier unterschiedliche zeiten (immer plus 1min)
Wie sind die Anfangszeiten der jeweiligen Kategorien?
Number of FE cabin
7 - 30
31 - 60
61 - 200
301 - 400
401 - 500
501 - 600
601 or more
amount of FE flight deck
at least one
Document ICAO unlawful interference
Life raft necessity
Distance from shore: 400Nm
120 min curising speed
Was fällt unter Non Precission Approaches?
-> No vertical guidance only lateral guidance
(vertical guidance: Altimeter; Pilot muss den Descent selber planen)
LOC only
Relevant: MDH
Unterschied RNAV RNP
Area Navigation; Wegpunkte anstatt von Abständen zu konventionellen Anlagen
RNAV ungenauer, RNP genauer
Daten vom IRS (größere Ungenauigkeit über die Zeit)
kein monitoring und alerting
Daten vom GPS
Monitoring und alerting system
Zwischenstufe zwischen Non Precission und Precission Approaches
Approaches with vertical Guidance (APV)
Pilot wird durch den descent geführt
RNP LPV (localizer performance with vertical guidance)
-> Höhe wird mit Hilfe von GPS bestimmt
Was fällt unter Precission Approaches
relevant: DH
> conventional: MLS/ILS
GLS (down to ILS CAT I minima)
Minimum Descend Altitude (MDA)
Decision Height (DH)
MDA: DEcision approach
-> Anflug wird durchgeführt. und es wird für die jeweiligen Abschnitte immer fest gelegt, wie weit gesunken werden darf.
-> lz Punkt: MDA (muss gleich oder höher OCA sein)
-> der Visual Descent Point (laterale Entfernung), ab hier wenn keine RWY in Sicht, Anflug abbrechen; nicht unter MDA sinken.
-> Wenn anflug abgebrochen wurde, auf MDA weiter fliegen bis zum MAPt, dann wieder steigen
-> MDA darf nicht unterflogen werden
-> Sinkflug nach Vertical Guidance bis zur DH, dann Abbruch falls kein Sichtkontakt
-> Steigflug direkt
-> ein kurzes unter die DH kommen ist akzeptierbar, da Flugzeug Trägheit etc.
Unterschied FAF und FAP
Non precission approach
fester geographischer Punkt, based off of Nav. Aids
ab hier kann der Sinkflug angefangen werden
-> Der Pilot führt die Berechnung der Sinkrate etc. durch
Punkt, an dem der Glideslope intercepted wird
Hängt von der initial approach altitude ab
Wo ist jz die APV einzuordnen?
MDA/DH und Art der Approach
Non Precission Approach
ILS (LLZ only)
GPS + Baro
Approach with Vertical Guidance
Precission Approach
200ft RVR 550m
Min lights at decision height
100ft RVR 300m
at least 3 consecutive lights and a lateral element of the ground pattern
< 100ft RVR200m
Guidance to RWY
< 50ft or none RVR 75m
Circling Approach Minima Difference between ICAO and EASA
ICAO (Air Law): A B C D E
Circling Approach Definition
> land on RWY with no instrument approach procedure
—> descend onto another runway as an instrument approach
—> provided required visual references are established at the circling Minimum Descent Altitude/Height, —> visual maneouvre for landing
GO around:
when for instance the visual reference is lost while circling to land from an instrument approach
-> specific missed approach procedure
-> transition from missed approach: initiated by a climbing turn, within the circling altitude or higher, immediately followed by interception and execution of the missed approach procedure!
Visual Approach
A visual approach is an ATC authorization for an aircraft on an IFR flight plan to proceed visually and clear of clouds to the airport of intended landing. A visual approach is not a standard instrument approach procedure and has no missed approach segment. An aircraft unable to complete a landing from a visual approach must be handled as any go-around and appropriate IFR separation must be provided until the aircraft lands or the pilot cancels their IFR flight plan.
Visual -> visual referenced to terrain
cicling -> referenced to RWY threshold
Circling Approach Minima
Cat A
MDH 400ft
Min met visibility 1500m
Cat B
MDH 500ft
Min met visibility 1600m
Cat c
MDH 600
Vis: 2400
Cat D
MDH 700
Vis 3600
Aircraft Catergory A
which Vat?
Aircraft Catergory B
Aircraft Catergory C
121 -140
Aircraft Catergory D
Aircraft Catergory E
166 - 210
Minimum Visual Approach RVR
RVR 800m
Dann nur auf 1000ft sinken außer MDA/DH etc. ist >1000ft
Non Precission Approach Min. Threshold Value
Precission aüürpacj
Threshold RVR >750m
Pax für 0 Megaphones
0 - 60
Pax für 1 Megaphone
61 - 99
Pax für 2 Megaphones
Takeoff Alternate
conditions when applicable
Distance to alternate
not possible to returne to dep. for
metrological, performance reasons
2 engined aeroplanes:
1h flight time one engine inop
approved ETOPS diversion time of 2h
3/4 engined aeroplanes:
2h with one engine inop
No Destination Alternate
-> isolated aerodrome
-> and:
flight time (T/O LDG <= 6h
2 separated RWYs at DEST
at ETA +/- 1h:
ceiling >= 2000ft or circling height +500ft
Vis >= 5km
When is a second destination alternate needed?
> ETA +/- 1h weather at DEST below planning minima
> No meterological information available for DEST
Necessary Minima of the Destination during the Enroute phase
Flight may only be continued towards DEST if at ETA
at Dest or one Alternate
and for NPA/circling: ceiling >= MDH
Necessary Minima of the T/O alternate during planning phase
ETA +/- 1h
and NPA/circling approach: ceiling >= MDH
Necessary Minima of the Destination aerodrome during pre takeoff phase
+ for NPA/circling approach: ceiling >= MDH
if not applicable -> second alternate
Necessary Minima of the Destination aerodrome during planning phase
at ETA +/- 1h
Necessary Minima of the Alternate aerodrome during planning phase
at ETA +/-1h
CAT III/II -> CAT I RVR applies (?)
CAT I -> NPA (RVR and ceiling apply) NPA RVR -> >750m
+1000m RVR
200ft ceiling
Circling = Circling
Necessary Minima of the Take off alternate during pre takeoff phase
and for NPA/circling:
ceiling >= MDH
Necessary Minima of the Alternate aerodrome during pre takeoff phase
First aid kits needed for
0-100 seats
Amount of Emergency medical kits required
one required for
MPOSC > 30
route > 60min
nie mehr als 1 !!!!!
Fird aid kits needed for
101-200 seats
201 - 300 seats
301 - 400 seats
401 - 500 seats
> 500 seats
Flight Duty Period Definition
Flight duty period (FDP) means a period that begins when a flightcrew member is required to report for duty with the intention of conducting a flight, a series of flights, or positioning or ferrying flights, and ends when the aircraft is parked after the last flight and there is no intention for further aircraft ...
wird auch verwendet zur Bestimmung zur Rest Time verwendet
Definition Block time
Block is the time from brake release from the gate at the departure airport to brakes set and main cabin door open at its destination
Planning Minima fpr ETOPS enroute alternates
Precission Approach (PA)
DA/H +200ft
RVR/Vis. +800m
Non Precission Approach / Circling Approach
MDA +400ft
RVR/Vis. +1500m
ICAO Doc unlawful interference
ICAO Doc 7030
Rest Period
away from home base
at home base
away from home base: 10hrs
at home base: 12 hrs
(Flight) Duty Period (FDP)
Total duty periods shall not exceed:
… hrs in 7 days
… hrs in 14 days
… hrs in 28 days
60 hrs in 7 days
110 hrs in 14 days
190 hrs in 28 days
von dem Moment, wo man zur Arbeit kommt, bis man fertig ist.
Normale Arbeitszeit, die man als Arbeitnehmer kennt
Grenzen nur innerhalb des Monats
60 * 2-10
60 *3 + 10
Total flight time of sectors
28 days
a calender year
12 months
100 hours in 28 days
900 hours in a calendar year
1000 hours in 12 months
Monat und mehr
CVR time of recording
before 1998
after 1998
after 2020 (?)
30 min
25 hrs (??)
SNOWTAM braking coefficient GOOD
0.40 and above
GOOD (brakes 5)
SNOWTAM braking coefficient Medium / Good
0.39 - 0.36
Medium / good (brakes 4)
SNOWTAM braking coefficient Medium
0.35 - 0.30
Medium (brakes 3)
SNOWTAM braking coefficient Medium/Poor
0.29 - 0.26
medium / Poor brakes 2
SNOWTAM braking coefficient Poor
0.25 and below
Poor brakes 1
Snowtam letter for
braking coefficient
type of deposit
Letter H
if measured or calculated decimal value (two digits plus the measuring equipment)
when estimated use single digit or words good medium etc.
Letter F
NAT routes that can be flown with 2 LRNS failures
only T9 bzw T290 can be used
T16 geht nicht
what to do when all LRNS fail
climb/descend 500ft
ICAO Annex “Operation of Aircraft”
Annex 6
ICAO Annex “Facilitation”
Annex 9
ICAO Annex “Aeronautical Telecommunications”
Annex 10
ICAO Annex “Ac Accident and Incident Investigation”
Annex 13
ICAO Annex “Security”
Annex 17
ICAO Annex “The Safe Transport of Dangerous Goods by Air”
Annex 18
How long should the Operational Flight Plan be kept for…?
3 months
How long should the Dangerous Goods Documents be kept for…?
How long should the Mass & Balance Documentation be kept for…?
How long should the Techlog be kept for…?
36 months
VFR minimum
.. in general
.. when no visual reference to landmarks
1 radio & 1 transponder
1 VOR & 1 DME
IFR minima:
pilot individual requirements
min crew of 2 pilots, when
min IFR equipment
single pilot ops: 5 IFR fights including including 3 instr approaches preceeding 90 days
min crew of 2 pilots
turbo prop, when >9 seats
all turbo jets
1 VOR, 1 ADF, 1 DME
Minimum Obstacle Clearance (MOC) in IFR enroute
no elevation
>900m (3000ft) < 1500m (5000ft)
up to including 6000ft
above 6000ft
300m (1000ft)
450m (1476ft)
600m (1969ft)
1000ft MOCA
2000ft MOCA
Procedure inflight contingencies NAT
at least 30 degrees of set route
when 5NM away descend by 500ft
consider clearing HLA airspace and descending below FL290 then maintaining a 500ft vertical offset from normal FL
if not descending, then establish a 500dt vertical offset untel ATC clearance received
During a VOR procedure, if the reported RVR/visibility is less than the applicable minima, the approach shall not be continued beypnd
1000ft above the aerodrome on the Final Approach segment
Amount of hand held fire extinguishers in the flight deck?
at least one HFE
Noise Abatement Procedure 1
noise reduciton for whom
thrust reduction at or above 800ft
flap retraction at 3000ft
reduceds noise close to the airport
takeoff using v2 +10kt until 3000ft and then accelerate and retract slats and flaps
Noise Abatement Procedure 2
flap retraction at 800ft and acceleration
more distant to the RWY
a de-icing / anticing prodcedure
whe does the holdover time start
One step procedure:
es wird alles gleichzeitig drauf gespritzt
-> holdover time starts immediately
two step procedure:
first deicing fluid
anti icing fluid
-> holdover time starts as soon as anti icing fluid is applied
documents which must be preserved on the ground (and in the cockpit)
mass and balance
special loads notifcation
special Loads
max. Flight Duty Periods
normal without extensions
normal extension
normal crew and commander discretion
… with augmented
with normal extension: 14h (can bes used twice within 7 consecutive days)
with normal crew and commanders discretion 15h
augmented: 16h
Organised Track System (OTS)
Westbound: Daytime OTS
1130UTC to 1900UTC at30dgr W
Eastbound Night time OTS
0100UTC to 08UTC at 30W
holding procedure bamk angle and ROT
25 degrees bank angle
3 degrees per second rate of turn
whichever is lesser
extend MNPS airspace
27 degrees north to 90 degrees north
Crash aces
aeroplanes with MCTOM of more than 5700kg
with MOPSC of more than 200
an addition crash axe -> 2
Life jacket necessary
when flying over water at a distance of more than 50 NM
ditching probability
oxygen masks for flight crew members in pressurised aeroplanes shall be quick donning type of masks for operations baove
First aid oxygen bottle has to be onboard, if the flight takes place above…
Noise Abatement Procedures minimum conditions takeoff
visibility 1NM
crosswind 15kts
tailwind 5kts
wind shear reported
Noise Abatement Procedure Landing
should be the same for all airports for the same airplane type
two procedures should be defined
runway surface conditions adverse
for landing
visibility 1NM/1900m / ceiling lower 500ft
when approach requires ertical minima greater than 300ft above the areodrime and
ceiling is lower 800ft
visibility is less than 3000m
Or when the pilot deams saftey conserns
minimum offroute altitude
supplemental oxygen for how many passengers for how long
when the cabin pressure altitude exeeds 10.000ft but does not exceed 13000ft
the remainder of the flying time, after the first 30 min
(also ab nach 30min)
for 10% of pax
Commander course requiers a commander to carry out under supervision:
20 hrs and at least 10 sectors
Class 1 Medical validity period
6 months in the case of
older than 60
older than 40 if commercial single pilot is applicable
Saftey Review Board / Safety Manager
Saftey Manager -> Does saftey things
Who? (non complex organisation)
Accountable Manager
Line Captain
Who? complex
saftesy manager
responsible for the flight data monitoring programme
Saftey Review Board -> how those things are done saftey saftey saftey
complex organisation:
saftey manager
saftey review board
Complex Organizations with … employees or more
ab 20 wird das Leben komplex
RNP AR Approaches
autopilot failure single / double
if a single autopilot fails, aircraft wont be able to conduct RNP AR approaches requiring less than RNP 0.3
if both AP fail, RNP AR approaches are not possible anymore
maximum distance from an adequate aerodrome for two engined aeroplanes
Class A
Class B / C
kein ETOPS: 60min (außer wenn kleiner 19 Pax oder >5700kg)
mit ETOPS: 120min
distance flown in 120 min // 300NM
Dangerous Goods numbers
3 days to report an event with dangerous goods
3 months to hold dangerous goods documents
3 years training records
Dry Lease
aeroplane is operated under the AOC of the lessee
When is a RWY contaminated?
more than 25% of the RWY surface are
surface water more than 3mm deep , or slush, loose snow, equivalent ot more than 3mm of water
sniw which has been compressed into a solid mass which resists further compression and will hold together or break into lumps if picked up
ice, including wet ice
equipment to be available in aeroplanes engaged in international commercial operatoins. What lights must be the aircraft equipped with during the flight?
Three naviagtion lights and two landing lights when the aeroplane is operated at night
Weather contingency NAT
if deviation needed below 5NM -> stay on cleared level
if deviation greater 5NM -> climb/descend by 300ft
to the north descent
to the south climb
Checks of a pilot … months
line check
proficiency check
proficiency check + CAT
recurrent training
Line check: 12 months
Proficiency check: 6 months proaktiv
Proficiency check + CAT (special ops like IR training) = 12 months
recurrent training in frage: every 12 months
no holding, no CAT
100% oxygen
Dynamic Hydroplanning Speed formula with pressure in Bar
V = 34 Wurzel P
V = 9 * wurzel P Psi
visicious hydroplanning immer bei landing
immer das wenn die Reifen davor gestanden sind!
V = 7.7 Wurzel PSI
Special VFR rules
operated only in Control Zone
clear of clouds and with the surface in sight
flight visibility no less than 1500m
flight speed <140kts IAS
Emergenxy Locator Transimitter (ELT)
> if below 19 seats and operating over remote area: 1 ELT
> if more than 19 -> one automatic and one of any other kind
Fire Classes
A. First I need a coal a solid
B. Then lighter fluid a liquid
C. Then I start the fire gas
D. Then I put on the metal grate metal
E electrical
F Finally i add cooking oil
NPA, APV and CAT I approaches: miniumum visual references identifiable at the DH or MDH
elements of the approach lighting system
threshold markings
threshild lights
threshold identification lights
• visual glide slope indicator
• touchdown zone or touchdown zone markings
• touchdown zone lights
• runway edge lights
• other visual references accepted by the Authority
what is the functions of a saftey manager in a complex operation?
facilitate hazard identification, risk analysis and maangement
provide periodic reports on safety performance
monitor the implementaion of acitons taken to mitigate risks, as listed in the saftey aciotn paln
Recurrent training and checking how often?
every 12 months
who provides service within Northern Oceanic Transition Area (NOTA) and Shannon Coeaninc Transition Area (SOTA)
NOTA: Shannon Control
SOTA: Shannon control
Minimum lateral separation NAT airpsace
> 60NM
in case of 50NM at least RNAV10
separation same level (ATC): 80NM
Minimum Time Route
defined as the track flwon between two points which results in the shortest time.
A minimum time track is defined for a specific track at a certain time, which takes winds into consideration and adheres to all ATC and airspace restrictions.
clearance NAT what should be included
maximum acceptable flight level possible at the boundary
second choice for a different route
ACA 865 request Oceanic Clearance. Estimating PIKIL at 1131. Request Mach decimal eight zero, Flight Level three five zero, able Flight Level three six zero, second choice Track Charlie”.
PBCS routes meaning and relevant minimum equipment
Performance Based Communications and Surveillance
.. for aircraft that meet the Required Communication Performance (RCP) and “Required Surveillance Performance” (RSP)
Boundary window NAT
3 minutes
Strategic Lateral Offset Procedure (SLOP)
always to the right
Difference Training or Familarization Training
Difference Training: same variant
Familarizaton Training: same type gleicher Typ mensch -> gleiche Familie
minimum height fuel jettison
Jettison six
Separation NAT airspace
Longitudinal separation:
- Turbojet:
15 mins same track & same Mach no.
10 mins if mach no. technique is used
5 mins absolute minimum/leading aircraft higher speed -
20 mins
30 mins in western area of NATs (North Atlantic tracks)
Lateral separation:
- Standard: 60NM
- Absolute minimum: 30NM
Low visibilty procedures
the operator shall not use an aerodrome for LVOs below a visibility of 800m unless
aerodorme has been approved for such ops
low vis procedures have been establoshed
-> low vis proc under 800m
Takeoff min. distances
Edge lights only - 300 m
center lights - 200 m
Multiple RVR - 150 m
Intensity Light - 125 m
CAT III - 75 m
mixing of radioactive material:
fissle > spaltbar
A +1 if you are LIGHT
flying in NAT airspace
2000 squawk
200ft maximal altimeter deviation
report to ATC when
3 minutes of
300ft from asigned FL
first aid xygen supply -> minimum for how many pax
2% der pax
ICAO annex 6 Part I
Part I: CAT without helicoptrs
Part II: Gen aviation without helicopters
Part III: Intn. ops - heli
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