Evolution of mammal cortex
Hadrocodium wui 195 mya (~10m Neurons, close relative to mammals)
skull forms with brain
fur: sensory modality -> bigger somatosensory cortex needed
mammals: longer development in body than in egg -> longer for the brain to develop (also after birth)
biggest driver: olfactory bulb and neocortex
The Synapsid Brain
reptile like mammal ancestors + sister groups + mammals
synapsid brain with similar main subdivisions: olfactory bulb, cortex with lateral olfactory part, dorsal sensory part, and medial region for memory functions
medial region in humans: hippocampus
Opossum: early mammal
neocortex with 1 dominating sensory field: visual
dorsal somatic input
corpus callosum (placental mammals)
motor commands (efferences) from motor and somatosensory fields
cortex piriformis becomes proportionally smaller with phylogeny
~15 brain sections
early primate brain
new-world monkeys: dichromatic vision, flot nose, grabbing with tail
old-world monkeys: downwards facing nostrils, 25mya -> apes
social groups -> cognitive challenges
visual system to recognize mimic and faces
auditory and motor system
prefrontal area for planning, intentions
humans: even bigger, relatively same size
Human brain
prefrontal cortex
more complex dendritic arborizations, more spines
personality, decision making, basics of sociality, social control, orchestration of thoughts
and actions
larger posterior parietal cortex: associative area - convergence of visual and somatosensory input -> decision making and tool use
right PPC: dominant role in visual spatial attention, reading, calculating, coordinate
coordination stability (e.g., moving head do not lead to a loss of orientation in a room)
PPC transforming representations (e.g.,
musical key transformation)
more cortical areas (150-200)
but progressive loss of olfactory receptors
less genetic determination
Human brain: hemispheric specilization
left: langugage, calculation
right: prosody, music, face recognition
long transmission time between hemispheres
functional brain organization
(feedback) loops
Corollary discharge
CDIs: corollary discharge interneurons
reflex inhibition in snail
sensory filtering in crickets
sensory analysis in macaque: attention preceeding receptice field slightly
predictions: bats comparing own output to echo
David Marr’s levels of understanding: pioneer in computational theory
computastional theroy: what and why
representation and algorithm: how
input -> output
hardware implementation: physical realization
Computational theory: detecting spam
decision variables with weights -> threshold = decision boundary
line of decision boundary by adding layers of neurons
axes stretched in space
higehr layer: higher level of representation
high-dimensionakl input: handwritten numbers
network learning from the brain to decode real human decoding pattern
30x30 retina: first layer with 500 neurons
second layer: 500 neurons computing activity pattern of first layer
third layer: 2000 neurons complex statistical dependencies
actual number in output layer
reversing system: generating new numbers - stochastic system
visual pathways as deep neural networks
problems of interpretability with ANNs
informativeness: provide useful evidence
programme playing, no evidence it knows the rules
trust: errors
self-driving cars
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