Let the cat out of the bag
to reveal a secet
Bury your head into the sand
ignore a situation
smell a rat
to sense sth is wrong
be under someones thumb
be controlled by someone else
curiosity killed the cat
to be curious and get into trouble
the powers to be
the people in control
copy cat
to do the same as someone else
smell sth fishy
to be suspisious
to turn a blind eye
to not take notice of something
pull a few strings
to use ur influnece to your own advantage
gain the upper hand
take advantage of something
keep an eye on sb.
to observe something
give a hand with sth
to help with sth
have a cat nap
to sleep a short time
give the green light
to give permission
be a busy body
to be nosy / to gossip about sth
be a know it all
to think you know everything
work like a dog
to work hard
all in good time
to wait
at the drop of a hat immediately
be a people person
to be sociable
in donkeys years
a long time ago
be a big fish
be an important person
be a go getter
to be ambitious
to be a cheapskate
not like spending money
foot the bill
to pay for everything
a drop in the ocean
a small amount
have an eye for
to be able to find certain things well
be pinching pennis
to not habe a lot of money
go halves
to meet half way
be on the dole
to be undemployed
line your pockets
to earn a lot of money (for yourself)
fall short
break even
no profit but no loss either
be skint
to have a lot of money
surf the net
use the internet
pull the plug
to give up or stop doing something
to make something tick
to make something function well
blow a fuse
to become furious
keeping an eye on
to look after something
come up with
have an idea
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