zunehmend definition
=more and more all the time
Todays special offer gives the readers a free subscription for 4 weeks
Ermöglichen synoymn
to enable = to make possible
beteiligt sein (an), involviert sein (in), engagiert sein (in)
Please contact all the people who are involved and organise a meeting for next week
auf etw/jdn achten, auf etw/jdn aufpassen synoymn
to watch out for=to look out for
Kompetenz, Grundbildung
Many job advertisements specify computer literacy
Fähigkeit, begabung definition
ability= to be able to do sth
Wahrnehmung, Empfindung, Auffassung
perception - to perceive
formen, prägen synoym
to shape= to create, to form
nähern, annähern gegenteil
to approach- to withdraw
vielfältig adjektiv
diverse- diversity
über etwas hinaus
What you have done goes above and beyond the task you were given
seine Ursprung finden synoym
to derive from= to come from, to originate from
Überwachung synoym
suspect- to suspect
who is the target group of this advertisement?
grundlegend synoym
fundamentally = radically
entscheidend, äußerst wichtig synoym
crucial= decisive
unvermeidlich gegenteil
inevitable - preventable
kursieren, verbreiten synonym
to circulate= to spread
She made a good impression in her interview
Sofort synoym
instantly= immediately
auch nicht
Vegans dont eat meat nor cheese
eine Bandbreite von..bis..
The students range in age from 16 to 19
egal, ganz gleich
the new virus has to be stopped, no matter what the costs might be
teilung, Aufteilung
division- to divide
jdn betrügen definition
= to not speak the truth or be dishonest to sb
enthüllen, aufzeigen synoym
to reveal= to show
Vermutung, Annnahme
assumption - to assume
bekräftigen, verstärken
to reinforce - force
einprägsam, unvergesslich
memorable- memory
Werkzeug, Gerät definition
an instrument that you use when making or repairing things
manipulieren, beeinflussen definiton
to change sth, e.g an image, to better match your interests
ändern, verändern synoym
to alter=to change
Abschaffung definiton
abolition= the act of officially cancelling or ending sth
separation- to separate
etw durchsetzen, etw Geltung verschaffen
to enforce the law/ a regulation/ the speed limit
to allocate- allocation
to secure- security
erreichen, leisten synoym
to achieve = to gain, to obtain
kombinieren, verbinden
to combine - combination
exaggeration- to exaggerate
Bildunterschrift definiton
a short description of a photo which is usually given under it
People have good habits and bah habits
die Stirn runzeln gegenteil
to frown - to smile
betonung, Akzent
If you stress sth., you give it emphasis
ganz synoym
entirely= completely
First I was a bit annoyed, but then I got really angry
eine Textnachricht schicken
Please text me when you are there
eigenschaft, merkmal synoym
feature = characteristic, property
schluss machen, auseinandergehen gegenteil
to break up - to come together
She is pregnant with her first child
öhnmächtig werden definiton
= to become unconscious
zögernd, wiederwillig
She was reluctant to take part but she enjoyed it in the end
nutzlos definiton
worthless= without any value
She always raises her eyebrows when she is suprised
verantwortungslos gegenteil
irresponsible - responsible
versuchen synoym
to attempt (to)= to try (to)
erkennen, registrieren
to register= to recognize
abwischen, abtrocknen
She took off her glasses and wiped them clean
informell, umgangssprachlich, locker gegenteil
informal - formal, formality
Ähnlichkeit, Gemeinsamkeit synoym
similarity= likeness
The abbreviation for “United States of America” is “USA”
durchführen, ausführen synoym
to conduct = to carry out, to execute
Großformat definition
broadsheet= a newspaper that is printed on big format paper= broad sheet
Bild is a German tabloid
commentary- to comment sth
neigen zu, tendieren zu
to tend to - tendency
kürzlich, neuste/-r/-s, letzte/-r/-s
What does your new boyfriend look like? Do you have a recent photo of him?
vernichten synoym
obliteration = complete destruction
beschleunigung synoym
to accelerate= to become faster
verlagerung =
shift= a change in position or direction
abhängig von
reliant on- reliance
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